phyllis young


After reading the article and doing some research, I am in favor of automatic voter registration. I believe that automatic voter registration can start to get more citizens involved in local, state and federal elections. The automatic voter registration will potentially bring more voters to the polls and get the younger voters engaged early on. I also believe that the automatic voter registration is killing two birds in one stone by the simple fact of receiving or renewing a driver’s license that you can also become a registered voter by filling out an extra form.

            I believe that there are many positives to automatic voter registration. These positives can allow the younger generation to get involved in politics much earlier than they might have. Having an automatic voter registration will also make it easier to become registered by filling out an extra form at the Department of Motor Vehicle. In today’s society that will save a person with a busy lifestyle an extra trip to their city or town hall. Another positive to automatic voter registration is that voters looking to register will not have to worry about registration deadlines anymore. This easy yet forgettable task will not go unmissed. One negative of automatic voter registration is the possibility of illegal voters that have the ability to obtain a legal state identification card. This can potential affect the outcome of future elections.

            Yes, I believe that automatic voter registration will increase voter turnout. I believe this because it has the ability to get more citizens thinking about upcoming elections and their ability to vote. Automatic voter registration will be able to reach all ages by having to register through the Department of Motor Vehicle.


            I am not in favor of the automatic voter registration for the simple reason that makes us as Americans lazier. The automatic system gives people the excuse to not do the research and the paperwork it takes to become an active member of society. The negative effects if the automatic registration is that people are automatically put in the system it doesn’t give anyone the incentive to registration themselves and actually use the right we have as Americans. The only thing that will increase voter turnout is the education about topics, candidates, and the US government system as a whole. People need to get involved more in order for them to realize that they actually have the power to influence an election federally or locally. Automatic registration could also be a target for hacking like every other system we have in this country. It is more secure for Americans to fill out the paperwork and send it in. Giving people the option to opt out research and a little paperwork is dangerous because where does it go from there. The younger generation is too sheltered as it is so giving them the option to have their life automatic is dangerous.