Pre IEP Package 6

Dear Mr. and Mrs.

This letter is to inform your family our school will be conducting the Individual Education Program (IEP) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for your child. The IEP will serve as an outline of the special education your child will receive. As its name states, the program will suit the specific needs of your child. The program’s purpose is to provide your child’s education, services, and evaluation as an individual.

It is a requirement of IEP to conduct meetings that will help develop, monitor, and assess your child’s specific needs. In order for both the school and your family to prepare for the meeting, a Pre-IEP package was created.

Attached to this letter is a Pre-IEP Package. The package includes a questionnaire, proposed goals, document access information, and the usage of IEP information. The package will help prepare both the school and your family for the IEP meeting.

Pre-IEP Questionnaire

Child’s Name: ____________________________ Date completed: _________

Age: ____ Date of birth: ___________

Parent name: _____________________________ Relationship to the child: ______________

Part A: The questionnaire below will define the vision of the curriculum for the individual education of your child. This is formally part of the Individual Education Program (IEP) of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Read each statement carefully. Put an X mark under the most appropriate column. You should access the factors according to this scale of Always, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, and Never.







I would like the curriculum would be focused on a passion my child can develop for the future

I would like activities that would identify my child’s academic strengths

I would like activities that enhance social skills

I want to be informed of my child’s functional weaknesses and discuss them thoroughly

I want to understand practices that assist my child with academic and functional difficulties

I believe my child is ready to develop a particular skill or talent that would help him in adulthood

I should participate in creating achievable goals that will be assessed every year

I am willing to be a connection with the school and other special services my child attends.

My child should attend more social activities that will help transition into adulthood.

I am willing to schedule time to extensively discuss my child’s progress and help shape the best education practices.

Proposed Objectives and Goals for Omar

The IEP is made to shape the specific special education your child needs in order to become an eventual prominent citizen of a community. In the past, your family has expressed that Omar’s education should be focused on his transition to adulthood. The following objectives and goals are proposed to meet this vision.

  1. Develop the child’s abilities to do tasks at home independently

  • Practice with the child at home and school proper hygiene practices before attending work related duties

  • Understand the concept of self management such as checklists for needs and ensuring home security

  • Begin initial phases of time management analysis capabities

  1. Introduce and enhance the language, communication, social and academic skills in the classroom

  • Learn more words related to the community

  • Practice common communication phrases

  • Begin assessment of understanding friendship values

  • Master academic skills acquired before introduction of new concepts

  1. Practice and participate in school activities such as programs, training, and seminars

  2. Become a productive member of the community by attending events and following social norms

  3. Transition into adolescence and adulthood with the necessary skills effectively

Whose IDEA Was This?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law which implements special education for eligible children with regards to the curriculum, programs, and services. This further establishes the need for the Individual Education Program (IEP). IEP is the outline of a specific child’s education. It concretizes the vision of the student’s teachers and parents for his total welfare. It aims to create a curriculum that suits the student’s certain needs and further help the child attain his own goals in life. The school will be following its obligation to practice IDEA and therefore provide this Pre-IEP Package.

The Pre-IEP Package will prepare both teachers and parents for the consultation of the child’s needs and progress. The information in the package includes:

  1. The portfolio of the child

  2. The assessments made to form the child’s curriculum

  3. The activities provided to the child

  4. Records of the child’s performance

  5. Evaluation of the teacher

  6. Evaluation of the parent

  7. Necessary changes for the curriculum

  8. Actions to enhance the child’s improvements

Access to the documents of the Pre-IEP Package will be the sole responsibility of the parents and the school will serve its best assistance for information security.

The Digital Copy of the Pre-IEP Package will be found here:

(enter site)

As a parent, you have the right to draw concerns and make necessary inquires. Contact us for more information here:

(School Administrator) (Position)

(Office Address)

(Email) (Telephone Number)

Using the Pre IEP Package: A Narrative Explanation

Parents can entrust the information of the Pre-IEP Package to teachers because it will serve as a guide in building the education needed for their children. As a responsible educator, I prioritize the welfare of my student, Omar. I will protect his profile and records with strict caution. I will ensure the best practices to keep the package secure.

The information will be used for classroom purposes. I will keep the information in order to establish and develop the objectives stated. As discussed with the parents, the main objective is to prepare Omar for transition to adolescence and eventually adulthood. I have proposed minor objectives and target goals that will serve as a foundation. These objectives are yet to be for the approval of Omar’s parents and the school. I am confident with the packet provided that they will suit and be necessarily adjusted to meet Omar’s needs.

I will also use the Pre-IEP package to formulate the best activities that Omar can practice inside and outside of the school to meet his specific curriculum standards. The activities would follow Omar’s responses, evaluation, and monitored practices. The overall effectiveness would be my next task and it would be consulted with his parents.

I will deliver the first Pre-IEP package in a general meeting with the concerned parents of my class. I will make myself available for any specific considerations the parents may want to address. The package deliveries of their children’s progress will depend on the preference of the child’s family. Omar’s mother expressed that a schedule wherein I would meet her for a hard copy of the package should be made. She also inquired about the process of access to digital copies. I will inform Omar’s mother through email and mobile text upon uploading the information. I am to hand the Pre-IEP package to Omar’s father and grandfather in case of emergencies

In case the family does not respond to delivery updated on the Pre-IEP package, I will consult the best practices with the guidance counselor and administration of the school. I will do my best to keep the information private and confidential.

In case there is a major conflict with the objectives, activities, and evaluations of Omar’s progress with the family I will suggest a second opinion of an experienced educator. I will do my best to ensure that Omar’s family believes in their child’s capabilities to meet his own goals.