Module 10

M10 Final Paper (1)

M10 Final Paper (1)




Organization: Used headings/questions for each section

Used questions as headings.

10.0 pts

Used headings incorrectly

5.0 pts

Did not use headings

0.0 pts

10.0 pts

Addressed Question One

Application from the readings and analysis are well defined and summarized. Critical thinking is evident. Used personal experience to illustrate analysis.

16.0 pts

Analysis and observations are moderately defined and summarized. Critical thinking is moderately evident. No personal experience used to illustrate observations.

12.0 pts

Analysis and objectives are not fully developed. Evident minimum amount of time was spent.

7.0 pts

Analysis missing.

0.0 pts

16.0 pts

Identifying the goals of The Rock in developing a CRM plan.

Goals are well defined and summarized. Critical thinking is evident.

16.0 pts

Goals are moderately defined and summarized. Critical thinking is moderately evident.

12.0 pts

Goals are not fully developed. Evident minimum amount of time was spent.

7.0 pts

CRM Goals are missing

0.0 pts

16.0 pts

Identifies how The Rock can manage CRM security ensuring customer privacy.

Provides analysis and demonstrates critical thinking. Makes reference to resources and concepts are well described. Critical thinking is evident.

16.0 pts

Strategies are listed and only moderately described. Critical thinking is moderately evident.

12.0 pts

Minimal strategies are listed and not fully described. Evident minimum amount of time was spent.

7.0 pts

Strategies are missing

0.0 pts

16.0 pts

Mechanics (Grammar, spelling)

Exceptional writing mechanics

8.0 pts

At least three spelling and/or grammar errors were detected. Overall comprehension was not impacted.

5.0 pts

Signicant number of spelling and/or grammar errors were detected. Comprehension is manageable with difficulty.

2.0 pts

Signicant number of spelling and/or grammar errors were detected. Comprehension was greatly impacted.

0.0 pts

8.0 pts

Define how Big data might help The Rock (Social CRM textbook Chapters 22, 23)

Identifies and defines Big data and how it can be used to help the Rock expand its customer base and improve customer experience. Integrates concepts from the readings.

12.0 pts

Analysis and discussion on big data are moderately explained and bolded. Critical thinking is moderately evident.

8.0 pts

Analysis and discussion on big data are minimally explained

4.0 pts

Analysis and discussion on big data are not explained

0.0 pts

12.0 pts

Identified, defined, and analyzed two of the issues associated with privacy.

Definition and analysis is evident with a definition of privacy issues.

12.0 pts

Moderate effort is made in analysis and presentation of privacy issues.

9.0 pts

Minimal effort.

3.0 pts

No marks.

0.0 pts

12.0 pts

Format & Length

Used proper font & margins and paper met length standards in order to fully address each question with the required content and depth of analysis.

5.0 pts

Questions were not addressed and effort was acceptable but minimal.

3.0 pts

Topics were insufficiently covered.

2.0 pts

Topic was not addressed covered.

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

Provided appropriate references and citations of resources.

Full Marks

5.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0