Rewrite the attached paper using your own words. I need it after three hours

Multimedia Assessments - Week 7

      This week we worked on multimedia assessments and project-based learning activities. I was able to create a rubric for a PBL activity using iRubric, a multimedia quiz that takes a video and embeds questions within it using PlayPosit, and a survey using Question Pro. I really like the idea of project-based learning and having a culminating project for a concept to show mastery. It is important for students to see how the curriculum is relevant to their real life. In addition, I think project-based learning makes it easy to assign student created artifacts and include technology into the classroom. As we move to the Next Generation Science Standards, I look forward to conducting more project based learning into my curriculum. This year I plan on creating some extra credit projects to incorporate project-based learning into my curriculum and still being on pace with the rest of my PLC (professional learning community).
      For this week, I developed a cross-curricular project-based learning activity for a climate change unit in Environmental Science. I incorporate individual and group aspects. Students are required to write a proposal for a pre-approved topic to research. Students will spend some time researching their topic, participating in lectures, performing assessment activities, and then completing a research paper. After that is complete, students will be broken into pre-arranged groups and will have to complete a multimedia presentation on their topic. It can be a video, Prezi, PowerPoint Presentation, podcast, padlet, or online magazine article. A lot of this project will require the use of a computer or tablet and access to the internet. One of the issues that may occur is having the technology available to use for my classes. However, I plan on using collaborative websites and apps so that students can still work together on their assignment outside of the classroom. Another issue about the production of these artifacts is the learning curve for the students. The resources may not be something they have used before and there will be many questions about the technology and media. In addition, students will need to know how to properly cite the information and that could take up more time. Perhaps I should create a PlayPosit for citations. (Something I should have thought about before I created one using the video I made previously. *Sigh* Only well!). I am also a bit concerned with the amount of time that I will have to implement this project during class hour. It will be hard to juggle the lecture time and direct instruction time with the free time that will be necessary to complete this project. But, nonetheless, I would like to implement it in my class. An objective for this lesson: Students will be able to create applicable solutions to the social, environmental, and scientific issues that accompany climate change. This is the rubric for project-based learning activity: Climate Change .
     I think that the principles of multimedia presentations can be easily incorporated into the multimedia assessment tools. In addition, the project-based learning activities can use the multimedia presentation principles and this can be something that can be taught to students. It is apart of communication skills. Students will be expected to create multimedia presentations in college and beyond at their jobs most likely. Teaching students these communications skills now can only help them in their future. The project-based learning can incorporate these skills into everyday curriculum. Not only will the multimedia presentation principles  help with communication, but they also can help with organization and deleting unnecessary information. Therefore, students can focus on a clear and concise message.
     In  addition to creating a rubric for the project-based learning activity, I also created a multimedia assessment using the PlayPosit. I used the video I created in week 4 and embedded free response and multiple choice questions. I really like how easy it was to embed these quiz questions into the video. I look forward to using this website in my attempt to flip my classroom.
Project Below is the multimedia quiz:
     I also created a survey using Question Pro. I found it really easy to use and very useful. I created a survey based on student goals. In the beginning of the year, I had students fill out student goal surveys. I created this survey as a 2 month check in and give students time to refocus and reflect on how the year is going so far. I must admit that I have been dying to try an online survey or quiz but felt like it would take forever to create and analyze the data once completed by the students (i.e. when I looked at google forms). Question Pro and other resources make it really easy to create surveys and quizzes and a breeze to analyze the data. I look forward to using this tool in the future especially since I can embed these into my classroom website. There are so many applications for this and I can't wait to use it in my classroom.

     I really enjoyed learning about project-based learning and multimedia assessments. I never knew it could be so easy to create. As I begin my transition into a flipped classroom, I look forward to learning more about these tools. I really liked using the PlayPosit. It was really easy to use and I liked the accessibility to any video on YouTube. The Question Pro was an amazing resource that can be used for surveys and quizzes. I was always worried that creating an online quiz would take hours to make and hours to go over the data. Question Pro and other resources make it easy to create the quizzes and analyze the data. I look forward to include more online surveys and quizzes in my classroom. Furthermore, iRubric was an easy way to convey project expectations to students. I liked the ease of use and the ability to grade projects online. It's a good way to save paper and give immediate feedback to students. Overall, I think these multimedia assessment tools really set the stage for project-based learning. It makes organizing, creating, and grading these projects much easier. Teachers can move to a more self-paced classroom environment by making these tools available to students; thus, differentiating the curriculum. I really am looking forward to using these resources in my classroom. These are things I believe I can bring into my classroom right away.