

Writing Assignment # 1 Guidelines

Grading Rubric:

Overview and Identification of Issues


Diagnosis and Analysis of the Issues


Recommendation and Discussion


Overall Quality of Paper


Grading Criteria

1. Overview and discussion of Issues

  • Issues and problems are clearly stated

  • Exhibits evidence of understanding as to why this is a problem

  • Exhibits understanding of the perspectives of all involved and describes all relevant points of view

  • Exhibits understanding of management’s perspective

2. Diagnosis and Analysis of the Issues

  • Identifies the issues, problems and root causes of these issues

  • Breadth of knowledge application - Identifies a minimum of 3 relevant theories from the text to explain the root cause of the issues

  • Depth of knowledge application – Exhibits conceptual understanding of selected theories, and applies them appropriately within the context of the text, and the issues discussed

  • Concludes with identification of primary and secondary issues

3. Recommendation and Discussion

  • Exhibits the ability to apply critical thinking skills

  • Using relevant theories from the text and classroom discussion, resolves previously stated primary and secondary issues

  • Utilizes theories in appropriate context and application

4. Overall Quality

  • Overall writing quality

  • Information flows logically

  • Reader is able to easily follow your logic and analysis

  • Reader can buy into your recommendation (if you were the manager, would your stated solution(s) resolve the issue(s)?)

  • Style and format are appropriate to a business communication

Tips for Success

  1. Begin immediately! Waiting until the last minute is only going to cause you anxiety. Take a deep breath and start 

  2. Use outline format to identify your topics prior to writing your paper (helps organize your thoughts)

  3. Use sub-headings for each section (helps identify and clarify details (supportive info.))

  4. Use paragraph breaks to distinguish your distinct thoughts

  5. Be precise and concise

  6. Be certain to cover all 3 questions completely

  7. Objectivity – view your issues from all relevant perspectives

  8. Remember this is a Management course – show evidence of understanding management perspective

  9. Focus on issue resolution

  10. Be certain to cite relevant theories, and exhibit evidence of your comprehension of those theories

  11. Grammar and syntax matter

  12. Use readable font style and size

Management 360

Fall 2016

D. Glick