Business Plan Writing

Business Plan

Your Business Name

Owners name (s)







Other social media addresses

Date Submitted

Confidentiality statement:

The information and any data contained in this document is strictly confidential and may not be reprinted or reproduced without the written permission of the owner/s.

Table Of Contents

Page Number

1.0 Executive Summary      

2.0 The Business

    1. Business Summary      

    2. Business Goals And Objectives      

    3. Strategies For Achieving Goals And Objectives      

    4. Growth Opportunities      

    5. Credit Policies      

    6. Experiences And Competencies Of Owner/s      

    7. Plan For Business Continuation If Owner Incapacitated      

3.0 Marketing

    1. Product/Service      

    2. Main Competition      

    3. Features and Benefits of Product/Services      

    4. After Sales Service      

    5. Target Market      

    6. Promotional Strategies      

    7. Promotional Budget      

    8. Method of Sales      

    9. Business SWOT      

    10. PEST Analysis      

    11. Market Research Conducted      

    12. Findings from Market Research      

4.0 Financial Planning

    1. Financial Goals and Objectives      

    2. Breakeven Point      

    3. Start-Up Costs      

5.0 Operations Planning

    1. Key Performance Indicators      

    2. Organisational Chart      

    3. Action Plan      

6.0 Appendices      

1.0 Executive Summary

Business Details:

    1. Name of the Business and location:

    1. Name of the owner/s:

    1. Legal structure of the business is:

Sole Trader



    1. Brief description of Owners and / or management team’s background:

    1. The industry we will be in, is:

    1. The products/service lines will include:

    1. Our target market is:

Market Research:

    1. The market research I have done includes:

    1. The Market research found:


    1. What is the market opportunity that you have identified and is anyone else likely to be trying to get into that gap?


    1. We have found that we can achieve a competitive advantage by:

    1. We will promote the business and products/services by:

    1. We will set our prices by:- (please indicate below)

Cost Based Pricing

Using prices that are already set in the industry

Discount pricing

Perceived value pricing

Other: (please explain)


    1. The main strengths of our business are:

    1. Our Business Weaknesses are:

    1. The business will be managed on a daily basis by:


    1. Our business will break even at: (How many months to break even and what will the total sales be at the break- even point)

Total Sales to Break Even will be

The break - even will be within

( ) months

    1. Our Profit and Loss for the first two years are projected to be:

At end of

9 months

At end of

Year 1

At end of

Year 2

Total Business Income

Total Expenses (including Cost of Sales)

Net Profit Before Tax

Profit Reserves

(Cash On Hand at End of the Period)

    1. Mission Statement:

(Many businesses have a brief mission statement, usually 30 words or less, explaining their reason for being and their guiding principles which includes: what is important from what is not; which markets will be served and how; and communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organisation.

Examples include:

  • Disney – To make people happy.

  • Oxfam – A just world without poverty.

  • Ikea – To create a better everyday life for the many people)

2.0 The Business

2.1 Business summary:

2.2 The business Goals and Objectives are: (Note: must be SMART i.e. Specific; measurable; attainable; realistic; and timely)

Short term goals:

(year 1)

Actions to get that goal



2.3 Strategy for achieving business aims and goals and objectives:

Short term goals:

(year 2-3)

Actions to get that goal



2.4 From our research we see that we can take advantage of the following opportunities:

2.5 Our credit policies will be: (If credit given please explain):

2.6 As the owner, I have the following experience and knowledge that I will bring to the business to assist in running the business effectively? (Experiences in the industry, marketing; accounting and bookkeeping or operational management of a business should be included here)

2.7 My plan to keep the business running If I am lost or incapacitated, will be-

3.0 Marketing

The Product/Services

3.1 Described in detail, our products or services are:

3.2 I have researched the following main competitors:

Competitor Name


3.3 From our research, the main features and benefits of our products /services that can satisfy the needs and wants of our customers and give us a competitive advantage include:

3.4 After sales service refers to various processes which make sure customers are satisfied with the products and services, of the business.

Our after sales services include:

3.5 Our target market described according to their characteristics’ geographical location including a demographic profile is:

3.6 Our promotional strategies for getting the word to our customers include:

3.7 Our promotional budget includes:

Startup costs

(to get ready to start the business)

Ongoing costs

(how much will you spend monthly)

3.8 The method of sales will be:

Please select from below ( you may have multiple points of sale)

We are selling retail( such as a shop front or market stall or on line retail sales)

We will sell through mail order, sell off our web site, or use a catalogue

We will be selling to our customers directly using our own sales force (such as cleaning; consulting; Architects etc.)

Other ( please explain)

3.9 The business Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-and-Threats (SWOT analysis) is:

Strengths (inside the business)

Weaknesses ( inside the business)

Opportunities (Outside the business)

Threats ( outside the business)

3.10 The PEST (Political-Economic-Social and Technological) analysis we have conducted has found:





3.11 The Market Research we have conducted includes:

3.12 From our market research we have learned:

4.0 Financial Planning

Financial Objectives

4.1 From the Profit and Loss Projection; what are the projected net profit for the next two years?

Net profit before tax in the first 9 months will be

Net profit before tax in the first year will be

Net profit before tax in the second year will be

4.2 Break Even Point:

Break Even point will occur when sales have reached


This expected to occur in

(Insert number of months to break even)


4.3 Start Up costs – (include a copy of table 4 from the financial spreadsheets)

Total Startup costs (including petty cash; assets purchases; expenses items and working capital) (from table 4)

Where will the funds come from to pay for these costs?

5.0 Operations

5.1 Key performance Indicators

We have identified the following four main Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which will show us that the business is successful and sustainable:


Key Performance Indicators identified

5.2 Organisation Chart

Staff Member

Area of Responsibility

5.3 Action Plan

(The plan for what we will be doing in a typical week of our business is)

Task Description

By whom

Hours allocated per week

Total Hours:

6.0 Appendices

Attach to this plan:

6.1 Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) and relevant qualifications

 Current Curriculum Vitae (CV)

 Relevant qualifications

6.2 The current Business Name Registration

 The current Business Name Registration

6.3 Business Structure:

 A Sole Trader

 A Partnership and attached proof of partnership agreement

 A Company and attached copy of company registration

6.4 Tax and GST

 Your Australian Business Number

 I have registered for GST (attach a copy of the letter)

 I do not intend to register for GST at this stage

6.5 Licenses

 Any licenses that you will require to run the business

 If no you need to contact the Department of Fair Trading and ask if you need a license or not and then include this in a statutory declaration

 Note: (Can be included in your Statutory Declaration)

6.6 Business Premises:

 A letter from your Landlord or Real Estate agent giving permission to operate a business from your rented property

 Owned residential premises (copy of rates notice)

 Leased residential premises (original landlords approval)

 Owned commercial premises (zoning and rates notice)

 Leased commercial premises (lease agreement with zoning)

 Note: (can be included in your Statutory Declaration)

6.7 Council Approval:

 Documents showing Council Approval to run a small business from the premises


 Statutory Declaration

6.8 Insurance Quotes

 Public Liability Insurance Quotes ( must include product insurance)

 Professional Indemnity Insurance quotes

6.9 Employing Staff

 Proof of registration for PAYG

 Quote for Workers Compensation Insurance


 I do not intend to employ staff at this stage

6.10 Membership of Business Association

 Proof of Professional Membership


 Application for Professional Membership


 No professional Membership required

6.11 Working with Children Check

 Completed Prohibited Employment Declaration


 I do not intend to work with children in my business

6.12 Work Health & Safety

 WHS Policies

 WHS procedures

 WHS Checklist

 WHS and Hazard Assessment of Business Premises (For your business)

6.13 Proof of Finance

 I am able to finance the business from my own funds (Attach a copy of Bank Statement as proof)


 I am financing my business with a personal loan (Attach a letter showing agreement to personal loan and Documents to show lender has sufficient funds)

 I am financing my business with a Bank Loan (Attach details of Bank Loan applied for)

6.14 Sales Forecasts and Spreadsheets

 Sales forecast for Year 1

 Sales Forecast for Year 2

 Financial Table spreadsheets

 Year 1 COGS and Break Even

 Year 1 Cash Flow projection

 Year 2 Cash Flow projection

 Year 1 Projected Profit and Loss

6.15 Marketing

 Three letters of support from potential customers

 Copy of Market Research tools used

 Include some examples of Marketing and promotional materials (can include pictures of product or marketing materials such as leaflets, brochures, advertisements etc)


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