writing a story about World War I, 1917-1918 related to the uploaded photo and video

Research Project Rubrics Page

As stated in the syllabus, this assignment is worth a total of 100 points. As such the assessment methods for this project will utilize the following categories for determining your overall grade. You do not have to follow this order but do try to include elements from each category into your writing assignment to receive the highest grade possible.

  1. Format-20pts: For this section I am checking to see that you followed the directions explained in the instructions that describes the assignment i.e, title slide, photo, narration, and a bibliography with sources used.

  1. Content-20pts: For this section I am looking to see if your narrative is making links to a larger historical context. I am also looking to see if your thesis is clear and if you provided sufficient evidence to substantiate your argument(s).

  1. Organization-20pts: Your writing assignment will also be graded on your ability to connect several themes, examples, and sections into a cohesive narrative. Be sure to use transitions and avoid leaving ideas or topics dangling or insufficiently described. Also, do not add insignificant facts that do not add to your story.

  1. Creativity-20pts: For this section I am looking to see how imaginative your final product is. I want to be engaged by your response. I’m looking for creativity and authenticity. Be detailed, be interesting. Tell me a story that fascinates me.

  1. Final Product-20pts: As noted in the syllabus, this assignment is worth a maximum of 100 points. Assignment will be graded using the guidelines listed above. Each of the four elements are worth a maximum of twenty points apiece, with twenty points reserved for overall clarity of narration, originality of thought, believable examples and situations, and accuracy.

One last word of wisdom, avoid at all costs using the internet to formulate your response. Do not use any online sources for this assignment. The internet should never be consulted for this project, other than for your photo; but you are free to find photos from places other then online.