Running head: INSERT FIRS T 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE 1 SAMPLE PAPER Identifying the Best Practices in Strategic Management Gertrude Steinbeck ORG500 – Foun dations of Effective Management Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Stephanie Allong August 6, 2015 Page numbers should be insert ed in the top right corner. The Running head is required for CSU -Global APA Requirements. The title page should have the words, Running head: followed by the first 50 characters of the title in call caps. Use the template paper located in the Library under the “APA Guide & Resources” link for a paper that is already formatted in APA. Papers should be typed in a 12 pt, Times New Roman font wit h 1 inch margins on all 4 sides and the entire paper is double spaced. Information on the Title Page is centered in the top half of the paper. All major words should be capitalized and not bold. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 2 Identifying the Best Practices in Strateg ic Management Strategic management and corporate sustainability are two important dynamics of modern -day organizations. It is important for organizational leaders to have an understanding of the theoretical applications of strategic management as a means o f addressing corporate sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to provide definitions and an understanding of strategic management and corporate sustainability. An overview of the Walgreen Company, the organization of study, is also provided in order to understand how the company has utilized strategic management to implement sustainability initiatives for long -term financial performance. Strategic Management The function of management is to plan, organize, lead, and control the operations of an organ ization (Robbins & Coulter, 2007) and includes strategic management. Strategic management is an approach in which organizations create a competitive advantage, enhance productivity, and establish long -term financial performance. Chandler (as cited in Whitt ington, 2008) defines strategy as “the determination of the basic long -term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals” (p. 268) . Similarly, Wheelen an d Hunger (2008) define strategic management as the managerial decisions and actions of an organization that achieve long -run performance of the business, with benefits such as:  Clearer sense of vision for the organization  Sharper focus on what is strategic ally important  Improved understanding of a changing environment The Strategic Management Model (SMM) provides the framework for integrating strategic planning into an organization so that the aforementioned benefits are realized. All subsequent pages should only have the first 50 charac ters of the paper’s title in all caps for the running head. Repeat the title of your paper at the beginning. This is not a header; therefore it is not to be bold, but all major words are capitalized. Do not add a header at the beginning of your paper as the first paragraph should clearly identify the objective of your paper . Each paragraph should be indented ½ inch or 5 spaces from the left margin . A level 1 header should be bold, centered and all major words capitalized. See https:/ / /resource/560/16/ on how to format headings in APA . If you using a source (Whittington) that is citing another author (Chandler), use the author’s last name found in your source (Chandler) at the beginning of your sentence followed by the citation - (as cited in Your Source, year). Only the source you are reading (Whittington) will be listed in your references. See ce/560/09/ for more information Spell phrase out the first time in document with acronym in parentheses. From that point forward, the acronym can be used. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 3 Strategic Management Model Research indicates as the concept of strategic management evolved, many theoretical models were proposed. Ginter, Ruck, and Duncan (1985) identify eight elements of the normative strategic model: vision and mission; objective setting; external environment al scanning; internal environmental scanning; strategic alternatives; strategy selection; implementation; and control. Long (as cited in Ginter et al., 1985 ) stated that normative strategic management models are an “explicit, intentional, planned and rational approach” (p. 581) to management. Similar to Ginter et al., Wheelen and Hunger (2008) established the SMM (see Figure 1) which includes four main elements: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control.

Environmen tal scanning is the monitoring, evaluating, and extracting of information from the external and internal environments in order for management to establish plans and make decisions. Strategy formulation includes creating long -term plans for the organization , including the mission, objectives, strategies and policies. Strategy implementation is the process of executing policies and strategies in order to achieve the mission and objectives. Evaluation and control require monitoring the performance of the organ ization and adjusting the process as necessary in order to achieve desired results (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). The SMM assumes the organizational learning theory, which states that an organization adapts to the changing environment and uses gathered knowled ge to improve the fit between itself and the environment. The SMM also assumes the organization be a learning organization in which the gathered knowledge can be used to change behavior and reflect new knowledge (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). This is an example of how to cite authors using a narrative citation. The year must follow the author’s last name in parentheses. The authors are being used as a part of a sentence, therefor e the word “and” is used and not the symbol “&.” A level 2 header should be bold, left -justified and all major words capitalized. When citing 3 -5 authors, list all the authors the first time (see above) and then use et al. for the following in-text citations. If you have 6 or more authors, use et al. for all in - text citations . When quoting, you must include the page number or the paragraph number of where you found the quote and cite the source and/or page number immediately after the quotation marks even it if it is in the middle of a se ntence. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 4 Environmental Sc anning Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Evaluation and Control External: Opportunities Threats Mission Objectives Strategies Policies Programs Budgets Procedures Performance Societal Environmental Task Environmental Internal: Strengths Weaknesses Structure Culture Resources Figure 1. The strategic management model was adapted from Strategic management and business policy (11th ed.) by T. L. Wheelen, & J. D. Hunger, 2008, Upper Saddl e River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Corporate S ustainability In addition to enhancing financial performance through strategic management, organizational leaders have the responsibility of increasing shareholder value through corporate sustainability (Epst ein, 2008). Corporate sustainability is defined in a variety of ways. Hollingworth (2009) described a sustainable organization as “one that strives for and achieves 360 -organizational sustainability” (p. 1). The author claimed an organization is sustainabl e when it can endure, or maintain, over a long -term without permanently damaging or depleting resources including: the organization itself; its human resources (internal and external); the community/society/ethno -sphere; and the planet’s environment. He th en claimed that if one of the four resources is not sustainable, issues with the remaining resources will eventually develop (Hollingworth, 2009) . Brundtland (as cited in Epstein, 2008) described sustainability as the economic development that addresses th e needs of the present generation without depleting resources needed by When using a Figure in your paper, mak e sure there is no title above the figure. Underneath the figure you must have the word, “Figure” italicized and the figure number in your paper followed by a period.

Then mention where the information was adapted or general information about the figure. F ollow the example above. Notice it does not follow the reference citation format. 1 2 3 When you are using the same source for a paragraph, you need to start the paragraph with a 1 - narrative citation, 2 - refer to the author again so your reader knows you are sti ll talking about the same author (try not to use pronouns such as “he” or “she” as APA believes this could lead to a gender bias , and 3 -end the paragraph with a parenthetical citation . IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 5 future generations Epstein (2008) adds to the definition from a business perspective by including corporate social responsibility. Epstein also states that organizations have a respons ibility to stakeholders to improve management practices in order to add value by addressing corporate social, environmental and economic impacts (Epstein, 2008). Organizational leaders are the strategic decision makers of a company and have a responsibilit y to stakeholders (Wheelen & Hunger 2008). Therefore, it is important to have an understanding of why corporate sustainability is important, and how the nine principles of sustainability performance guide strategic management. Importance of Corporate Susta inability In addition to making a profit, organizations have a responsibility to society, which includes addressing its economic, social, and environmental impacts, otherwise known as social responsibility. Friedman and Carroll had two opposing views of co rporate social responsibility. Friedman argued that the sole responsibility of business was to use resources and activities that enhanced profits (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). Carroll (1979) argued that social responsibility included much more that making a pr ofit; he proposed businesses must include the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary categories of business performance.  Economic responsibilities include producing goods and services to meet the needs/wants of society in order to make a profit;  Lega l responsibilities are the laws and regulations the company is expected to abide by;  Ethical responsibilities are included in the previous two statements, but also include the norms and beliefs held by society; This is another example of narrative citation. The year must follow the aut hor’s last name. If there was a quotation, the page or paragraph number would be listed immediately after the quote in parentheses . This is an example of a parenthetical citation. It includes the authors’ last names and the year. If there was a quotation, a page or paragraph number would also be included.

Notice that the period is at the end of the parentheses . IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 6  Discretionary responsibilities are other resp onsibilities taken on by the organization including voluntary activities and philanthropic contributions (Carroll, 1979). The importance of corporate sustainability, therefore, is that an organization is responsible for financial performance, but it also has additional responsibilities to stakeholders and society in general. The Nine Principles of Sustainability Performance The nine principles, as presented by Epstein and Roy (2003) (see Table 1), further define sustainability, are measureable, and can e asily be incorporated into strategic management (Epstein, 2008). These principles include ethics, governance, transparency, business relationships, financial return, community involvement, value of products and services, employment practices and protection of the environment. A table or figure should fit all on one page even if there is a gap left in your paper. It is easier for the reader to view the table or figure wh en presented as a whole instead of split on two pages. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 7 Table 1 The Nine Principles of Sustainability Performance 1. Ethics The company establishes, promotes, monitors and maintains ethical standards and practices in dealing with all of the company stakeholders. 2. Governance The company m anages all of its resources conscientiously and effectively, recognizing the fiduciary duty of corporate boards and managers to focus on the interests of all company stakeholders. 3. Transparency The company provides timely disclosure of information about it s products, services and activities, thus permitting stakeholders to make informed decisions. 4. Business relationships The company engages in fair -trading practices with suppliers, distributors and partners. 5. Financial return The company compensates provid ers of capital with a competitive return on investment and the protection of company assets. 6. Community involvement/ economic development The company fosters a mutually beneficial relationship between the corporation and community in which it is sensitive to the culture, context and needs of the community. 7. Value of product and services The company respects the needs, desires and rights of its customers and strives to provide the highest levels of product and service values. 8. Employment practices The compa ny engages in human -resource management practices that promote personal and professional employee development, diversity and empowerment. 9. Protection of the environment The company strives to protect and restore the environment and promote sustainable dev elopment with products, processes, services and other activities. Note. There should be a general note about the table here. Adapted from “Improving sustainability performance: Specifying, implementing and measuring key principles” by M.

Epstein, & M. Roy , 2003, Journal of General Management , 29(1), pp.15 -31. Walgreens Company Walgreens Company is a retail drugstore that is in the primary business of prescription and non -prescription drugs, and general merchandise including beauty care, personal care, ho usehold items, photofinishing, greeting cards, and seasonal items (Reuters, 2010). More recently, the organization diversified its offerings through worksite healthcare facilities, home care facilities, specialty pharmacies, and mail service pharmacies (Wa lgreens Company, 2010). When using a Table in your paper, make sure you use the word “Table ” with the Table number. Then insert the title of the Table in italics, with all major words capitalized. Underneath the Table you must have the word, “Note ” italicized followed by a period. Then mention where the information was adapted from or general information about the Table. Follow this example. Notice it does not follow the Reference citation format. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 8 Walgreen Company established a strong organizational culture focusing on consumer and employee satisfaction. The mission of Walgreens is: We will provide the most convenient access to consumer goods and services . . .

and pharmacy , health and wellness services . . . in America. We will earn the trust of our customers and build shareholder value. We will treat each other with respect and dignity and do the same for all we serve. We will offer employees of all backgrounds a place to build a career. (Walgreens, 2010a, para. 1) Walgreens was established in 1901 by pharmacist Charles R. Walgreen Sr. (Walgreens, 2010b).

Prior to establishing the company, Mr. Walgreen struggled with the direction the pharmacy industry was headed; the lack of quality customer service and care for people concerned him. Today, Walgreens is the largest drugstore chain in the United States employing over 238,000 people. Sales in 2009 exceeded $63 billion, in which 65% of sales were from prescriptions drugs. The organization has expanded into all 50 states, as well as the District of Colombia and Puerto Rico, for a total of 7,496 stores and 350 Take Care clinics (Walgreens Company, 2010, para. 3). Conclusion Strategic management and corporate sustainability are t wo important practices in today’s competitive global environment. In order to effectively implement strategic management in light of corporate sustainability, leaders must have an understanding of such concepts. This paper has provided a background and und erstanding of strategic management and corporate sustainability. An overview and history of Walgreen Company was also presented in order to identify best practices in strategic management that enhance corporate sustainability. If you are using information from multiple web pages from one website, you need to distinguish which citation came from which web page. You can distinguish each page, by putting the letters, “a,” “b”, etc. with the year. If a quotation is longer than 40 words, it must be in a block format. The block format is indented ½ inch (or 5 spaces from the left) from the left margin. Do not use quotation marks for this q uote. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 9 References Carroll, A. B. (1 979). A three -dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance. The Academy of Management Review , 4(4), 497. Collins, J. (2001). Good to great . New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. Epstein, M. J. (2008). Making sustainability work . San Fran cisco, CA: Greenleaf Publishing Limited. Epstein, M., & Roy, M. (2003). Improving sustainability performance: Specifying, implementing and measuring key principles. Journal of General Management, 29 (1), 15 -31. French, S. (2009). Critiquing the languag e of strategic management. The Journal of Management Development , 28 (1), 6 -17. doi: 10.1108/02621710910923836 Ginter, P., Ruck, A., & Duncan, W. (1985). Planners’ perceptions of the strategic management process. Journal of Management Studies , 22 (6), 5 81 -596. Hollingworth, M. (2009, November/December). Building 360 organizational sustainability. Ivey Business Journal , 73 (6), 2. Walgreens. (2010a). Mission statement. Retrieved from Walgre ens. (2010b). Our past. Retrieved from Reuters. (2010). Walgreen Co . Retrieved from Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2007). Management (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Walgreens Company. (2010). 2009 Annual report . Retrieved from List sources in alphabetical order. The word, References should be capitalized, centered, but not bold. When a citation runs over to the second line, indent 5 spaces to the right. This is a “hanging indent.” Make sure that the links are not live (you should not be able to click on them to go to the website). If they are live, in Word, right click and then click on “Remove Hyperlink.” If you are using information from multiple web pages from one website, you need to be able to distinguish what in formation came from each web page. To do this, you need to add the letters, “a,” “b,” etc. to the year of each citation. IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 10 Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2008). Strategic management and business policy (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Whittington, R. (2008). Alfred Chandler, founder of strategy: Lost tradition and renewed inspiration. Business History Review , 82(2), 267 -277. Note: Level Headers 3, 4, and 5 are also used but much less frequently. Click here for more information on their format and use. For more information on CSU - Global APA requirements for formatting in APA, and examples of in-text and reference citations, see the C SU -Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements . IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 11 References Carroll, A. B. (1979). A three -dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance. The Aca demy of Management Review , 4(4), 497. [This is a journal article citation . Articles from the Library databases are based on print journals so the citation will end with page numbers. ] Collins, J. (2001). Good to great . New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishe rs Inc. [This is a book citation .] Epstein, M. J. (2008). Making sustainability work . San Francisco, CA: Greenleaf Publishing Limited. Epstein, M., & Roy, M. (2003). Improving sustainability performance: Specifying, implementing and measuring key princi ples. Journal of General Management , 29 (1), 15 -31. French, S. (2009). Critiquing the language of strategic management. The Journal of Management Development , 28 (1), 6-17. doi: 10.1108/02621710910923836 [This is a journal article citation from a Library da tabase. Include a doi number if available.] Ginter, P., Ruck, A., & Duncan, W. (1985). Planners’ perceptions of the strategic management process. Journal of Management Studies , 22 (6), 581 -596. Hollingworth, M. (2009 , November/December ). Building 360 orga nizational sustainability. Ivey Business Journal Online . Retrieved from [This is a journal that is published online, so you would include the URL.] Reuters. (2010). Walgreens Co. (WAG.N) . Re trieved from cks/companyProfile?symbol=WAG.N IDENTIFYING THE BEST PRACTICES IN STRATEGIC 12 Walgreens. (2010 a). Mission statement. Retrieved from [This is a website citation with a corporate author . If yo u retrieve information from various pages of this particular website, you need to cite each web page. However, because the author and the year will be exactly the same, the lowercase letters, “a,” “b,” etc. need to be added to the year. The in-text citati on would be : (Walgreens, 2010a).] Walgreens. (2010 b). Our past. Retrieved from ting/about/history/default.html