Genious Alert1234

I want you to include that I am middle eastern ( Saudi Arabia ) born and raised in the middle east. The main reason behind coming to the united states is to get my bachelor and hopefully my masters degree after. I have faced a lot of stereotypes that we are rich just cause we are middle eastern’s, or camel riders and a sand nigger. Living currently in the U.S. Faced difficulties as a second language speaker just like asian americans. Considered as a minority, and faces model minority expectations. Being here in the states did not change the fact that i am proud of my culture and I would not be ashamed of it. I am not a US citizen but I would really like to be. If that happens I would be considered as a first generation american, as my parents are not anywhere near the united states. The writing has to be compared with asian american’s and the contemporary asian america. refer to Contemporary Asian America : a multidisciplinary reader / edited by Min Zhou and Anthony C. Ocampo and don’t forget to cite and include work cited page.