personal analysis

Personal analysis requriment

Review the recording from your first Persuasive Presentation. Review the presentation three times: once with sound only, once with video only, and once with sound and video. Based on what you hear and see, prepare a one to two page, single-spaced analysis of your strengths and development areas as a presenter. Your analysis should be based on the readings and lectures. Include a plan of action for improving your development areas.

Persuasive Presentation script

Good evening everyone. Thank you for takes your patient here. My name is Yingjun mu. I am a media analyst and I have been assigned to support the Labbat Blue accounts team. My rapport includes vast experience in the world of accounts and international advertising especially in the beer and liquor industry. According to new study by Goldman Sachs, America's young adults are not that into beer anymore. They tend to eschew what their parents drink, because they think it’s not cool. But Hockey is cool and social media plays more and more important role in their lives.

Respect young people’s eager to be special and take use if it. We can attract them back. Beer is still a very popular drink all over the world.

I think the Labbat Blue has the opportunity to enter the beer market in the United States. There are a number of attributes of the brand, which are a major strength during the entry into the American market. On the other hand, the brand has a major weakness in the fact that it is deemed as being rather traditional and old.

In this presentation, I will talk two strategies help Labbat Blue to expand their presence in the US market and seeking to do so by appealing to a younger demographic.

In order to appeal to members of the younger generation the brand has to have a sound social media strategy. Statistics show that this brand used a total of $17,989,300 on the internet, which based advertising. However, I think for Labbat blue the primary focus will be social media. The company should focus primarily on Facebook and Instagram as the main platforms to reach the youth. These platforms are likely to give the brand the hype that it needs and are likely to eliminate thoughts that the brand is traditional.

The second strategy of appealing to the youth involves incorporation of cable TV into the advertising plan. This has to do with the fact that many hockey games are aired on cable TV. Thus, the brand can be pushed on cable TV in conjunction with these hockey games.

The main target demographic here will be white males and females in college. This is a measure that will increase the profits as the target demographic will automatically associate hockey games with this brand of beer. Over the past year the major players in the American market have spent about $117974300 on cable TV advertising. They have also spent about $145017500 on network TV advertising. This shows that TV is still a very important media to reach the consumers in the beer market.

The large budget is very necessary when venturing into the American market. According to my analysis above, I think we have confident to expand our presence in the US market and we can also appealing to a younger demographic.