Observation Protocol Repost

EDUC 642

Number of pages: 6 pages

Academic Level: Post-Graduate

Deadline: 10 Hours (This is the maximum time I have so anything beyond this will not be useful)

Observation Protocols Instructions

It is important for aspiring administrators to understand that different school districts have different expectations in regards to both the frequency of observations and the areas that are observed and evaluated. By finding samples of protocols from various states and districts, you will begin to realize that policy and practice (instead of the principal) sometimes dictate how observations/evaluations are conducted.

For this assignment, locate 10 observation protocols utilizing research and the Internet. These protocols are sometimes called observation checklists or evaluation forms. The 10 selected protocols must represent a variety of states, levels (elementary/middle/high), and subject areas and must include both public and private schools (note: one of the 10 must be the protocol that will be used in your observation cycle assignment during Module/Week 8).

Create an electronic portfolio of these observational protocols and include directions for the utilization of the tool. This portfolio must be organized as 1 document with the last page (entitled “References”) containing a list of URL links that are used in the project. The document must include the details of all of the different protocols you found. Make this a practical assignment that can be utilized when observing and conferencing with teachers.

The easiest way to think about this assignment is to consider it an annotated bibliography. It is suggested that, for the body of the paper, you put the hyperlink to the website where the observation instrument is located and then follow with your summary of that particular instrument. For the references page, you will list the websites you used in current APA format.

Observation Protocols Sample


The state of Denver has a website that includes forms that are needed yearly for evaluations of all staff. The website is connected to the human resources website. The evaluation is easy to complete. The teacher is graded on instruction, assessment, curriculum and planning, and learning environment. The administrator provides comments for each grade, selects satisfactory or unsatisfactory and provides a summary of the teacher. The administrator also provides a summary of evidence journal.


Gadsden City Public schools uses an evlaution form that is based on the state of Alabma’s standards and the common core standards that the state of Alabama uses. The classroom observation form measures a teacher’s ability of: content knowledge, teaching and learning enviroment, literacy, and diversity.


Haywood county schools is in North Carolina. Haywood has their website set up for anyone to use. The website has all of the forms neccsssary to complete supervision duties. As well as guides for the teachers. The observation form is 13 pages long and measures: leadership, enviroment, content, failitat of learning, and teachers relection.


Denver Public Schools. (2013, April 29). Human Resources DCTA Evaluation Forms. Retrieved from Denver Public Schools website: https://hr.dpsk12.org/dcta_evaluation_forms

Gadsden City Schools. (2013, April 29). Teacher Evaluation Manual. Retrieved from Gadsden City Schools: http://www.gcs.k12.al.us/pdf/EDUCATEGadsden.pdf

Haywood Public Schools. (2013, April 29). Forms. Retrieved from Haywood Public Schools: http://www.haywood.k12.nc.us/resources/forms/

Observation Protocols Grading Rubric



Points Possible

Points Earned

Instructor’s Comments


  • At least 10 protocols are selected

  • Protocols represent a variety of states, levels, subject areas, and public/private schools

  • Protocols are practical

  • Details are provided for each protocol



  • Portfolio organized as one document

  • Correct spelling and grammar

  • References in APA format

  • URL links are included

