ToolKit (Please read directions)

OTL565: Portfolio Project Description

Portfolio Project: Summary of Differentiated Teaching Approaches: A Tool Kit for Practical Use (350 points)

Throughout this course you have been asked to design/redesign certain elements of lessons on specific topics that you teach or will teach in your content area or in your expertise using differentiated instruction for CLD students. The culmination of these experiences will serve as the basis for your analysis and discussion in this Portfolio Project.

It is important, then, that you remember to account for instructor feedback on all of your assignments when constructing the final draft of your project.

Below is a list of main topics from your Critical Thinking Assignments. Create a toolkit containing all the approaches, methods, strategies, and techniques you can implement to meet the needs of diverse learners, specific to your grade level and content areas. Consider this a tool that you can use, share with colleagues, and refer to when planning future lessons to ensure your continued use of effective instructional strategies for diverse learners.

To build this kit, you can use any online website creation tool you want (Google Sites, Weebly, Wix, wikis, etc.); however, you will want to make sure that it is compatible or can be linked from your school's website (again, the point is to share what you learn and to be able to use it in a few clicks!). Bear in mind that you may have already developed a professional Website or wiki or some other source sharing site in another course in your MSTL program; feel free to use and build upon your existing site if you have one. This website needs to be public and the instructor needs to have easy access.

Items to include in your toolkit:

  1. Pre-Assessment: Embed a way or ways to pre-assess the prior knowledge and experiences your CLD students bring to the classroom (Modules 1-6 Critical Thinking Assignments).

  2. Scaffolding Approaches: Incorporate support structures for learners at the non-English speaking level (Modules 1-6 Critical Thinking Assignments) and at various stages of second language acquisition (Modules 3 and 4 Critical Thinking Assignments).

  3. CLD Instructional Approaches: Incorporate one of the dominant approaches to second language instruction discussed in Module 5 (Modules 5 and 6 Critical Thinking Assignments), as well as Integrated Content-Based Teaching Approaches that will support CLD students in your class.

  4. Instructional Methods/Approaches for ANY student: Incorporate alternate instructional methods that will assist or differentiate for ANY student that needs it (e.g., students with disabilities, CLD student with a disability, students with gifts, general education students, etc.) (Modules 1-6 Critical Thinking Assignments).

  5. Learning Environment Impact: You should also include the impact the physical class setting will play in the lesson you are (re)designing (Modules 1 and 2 Critical Thinking Assignments).

  6. Additional Instructional Methods/Approaches for CLD Students: You may include alternate instructional methods such as the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol – SIOP or Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach – CALLA.

  7. Key Facets of a Platform for Best Practices with CLD Students: You may include the four facets of a platform (i.e., (1) language development and learning dynamics; (2) sociopolitical and sociocultural realities; (3) planning, implementation, and managing instruction; and, (4) professionalism, reflection, and evaluation of practice.

  8. References Page: added to the website and APA formatted

Your toolkit must include:

  • roughly 1-2 strategies for 1-7 listed above

  • research to support your choices

      • Consider using some of the resources listed in each assignment to help guide your toolkit development and provide research-based support for your ideas and strategies!

Additionally, you need to write a final 1- to 2-page reflection on the use of research-based practices in meeting the needs of diverse learners (i.e., CLD, special education, gifted, etc.), taken from your continuous improvement reflections after teaching each lesson and the course overall. Add a rationale for your choices and support it with research. Cite your sources using the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

If you wish to share this final reflection on your site, you are welcome to create a space for it, though you should write your reflection in an MS Word document that you can upload for the purpose of submitting this assignment.

Your total project (toolkit and reflection) should

  • Cite at least six sources. You can cite the course text/readings as well as outside research to support your ideas with research-based practices. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these sources!

  • Be well-written

  • Be formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

  • To submit your toolkit, copy the URL to your site and paste it into your reflection. Upload that document to submit your total assignment.