2100 anthropology exam.

ATH 2100_Exam 2_Review

Key Terms:

Taxonomy Phylogeny Ancestral/Derived Traits Foraging Strategy

Dental formula Heterodont Knuckle-walking Strepsirhine/Haplorhine

Platyrrhine/Catarrhine Cercopithecoid Hominoid/Hominid/Hominin Adaptive Radiation

Paleoanthropology Taphonomy Relative vs Chronometric dating

Law of Superposition Homology Homoplasy Phylogram/Phylogenetic Tree

Cladogram Parsimony Convergent Evolution Plesiadapiformes

Ethogram Sampling methods

Key Concepts:

How is Linnean taxonomy organized?

Where do primates fit into Linnean taxonomy?

What are the ancestral traits that unite primates with other mammals?

What are the derived traits that unite primates compared to mammals? (Be specific!)

What are the different types of primate diets? How does diet influence activity and foraging strategies?

What are the different forms of locomotion found in primates? How is this reflected in their anatomies?

What are characteristics of each major primate taxonomic group? (Strepsirhines, Haplorhines, Platyrrhines, Catarrhines, Hominoids, Cercopithecines, Colobines)

What’s the deal with the tarsier?

Pay attention to the social behavior of great apes. How are they different from other primates?

Compare chimpanzee and bonobo behaviors.

Why live in a group as a primate?

What ways do they adapt to living in groups?

Different mating/social systems (polygyny, polyandry, monogamy, solitary)

When and why do we see sexual dimorphism? When don’t we see sexual dimorphism?

How is human language different from non-human primate language?

What have we learned from Great Ape language studies?

What are some arguments to support culture in apes?

Primate conservation

Primates as models

How do we get fossils? Methods of dating fossils

What are the different methods of classification? What traits do each use? Be able to interpret a cladogram and phylogenetic tree.

Major events in primate evolution by Epoch

Hypotheses to explain the evolution of primates