
  1. Internet research assignment

Research two companies and locate what is their warehouse management systems and compare and contrast their operational approaches.

  1. Read the case study and provide solution(s) in a paragraph format no less than 5 pages and no more than 8 pages. APA 6th edition format for paper and references



The customer is an international car manufacturer present in approximately 120 countries, producing a range of cars and vans. Headquartered in Europe, it is one of the top automotive brands in the region. At the same time, it enjoys international success, counting emerging economies such as Brazil and Russia among its leading markets. With a stable of brands under its belt, the manufacturer has achieved a global presence through its alliance with and acquisition of other automotive companies.

Customer Challenge

There are 84 suppliers spread out all over Turkey, the manufacturer was facing complications managing its automotive component collections. Additionally, it had to coordinate not only the export consolidation, but also onward distribution of these components to its manufacturing plants in France, Spain, Slovenia and Portugal.

Overview of Customer Challenge

• Coordinating with 84 suppliers
• Manufacturing plants located in multiple countries
• Managing the export consolidation and onward distribution of the automotive components from supplier to manufacturing plant

As a hired consultant, find possible solutions to the challenge.