Discussion 2: Identifying Problems

Introduction to the Case Study Introduction to the Case Study Program Transcript BARBARA BENOLIEL: In practice, Human Service professionals get to play a\ lot of different roles. And we're kind of unique in that, that we can work interprofessionally. To do that, though, we have to have a great skill s\ et, be very flexible, really good at negotiating, and be able to have a broad network of others that we can call on.

You going to get a chance to see this in action in this case study. This\ is the study about the Fisher family. John and Johanna Fisher and their two kid\ s, and what happens to them when they get into a situation that results in some\ unintended consequences.

You're going to see how they need some help and how they turn to Human Service professionals to find that help. And part of your role is going \ to be analyzing what's going on, where you think the help is needed, and see what sort of services you would suggest for the family.

As you go through this study, you're going to see the challenges the fam\ ily faces.

And also to see what the Human Service professionals face, both their dilemmas and their ethical considerations, as they try and help the family solve \ the problems.

I'm hoping this is going to generate some great discussion in the class.\ And you're going to get a chance to share your opinions and your ideas with \ your colleagues.

Introduction to the Case Study Additional Content Attribution Music:

Creative Support Services Los Angeles, CA Dimension Sound Effects Library Newnan, GA Narrator Tracks Music Library Stevens Point, WI Signature Music, Inc Chesterton, IN ©2014 Laureate Education, Inc.

1 Introduction to the Case Study Studio Cutz Music Library Carrollton, TX ©2014 Laureate Education, Inc.