Leadership and Ethical Decision Making – Policy Implementation- UWEAR and PALEDENIM

Unit 4 Individual Project Policy Development

Identify the situation, and state why you think a policy is necessary

1. The first situation is conducting business at a hotel owned by the customer. Policy must be put in place in order to stablish good conduct, discipline and ethical behavior for all employees and stakeholders with involvement in company business and mission. In this particular situation, the customer could influence the deal by providing the sales person with unethical gifts and attempt to influence the sales in order to take advantage and obtain a deal not beneficial to UWEAR AND PALEDENIM. The contract could violate ethical and moral values within the company, but without a code of conduct in place, employees will not understand and cause great harm to the company and stakeholders, definitely other future sales, deals and businesses conducted by the hard workers in the company. Negotiation must be conducted under direct rules and regulation in order to guarantee the best deals and benefits to the company, the code of conduct serve as an agreement between the employees and the company management. The agreement will protect the company, stakeholders, any future problem which could be cause for the lack of discipline and rules in the business place will be avoid with a code of conduct in place.

- What is the policy that you will establish to help prevent each situation from happening in the future?

Company employees and sales department personal must conduct business within the company premises and or a neutral location, a place where agreements can be reach without the compromise of possible ethical or moral behavior. I believe code of conduct policies are necessary for this merged company in order to enter into an agreement between the company and all employees in order to bring leadership, cohesiveness, identify problems, outline issues, and set clear goals (What are the Steps, 2014). Policy, rules, and regulations are the only accurate aspects and factual documents that will establish some ethical and moral directives into the business and the company culture.

2. The situation is Joe receiving cabernet from Bill. This is a situation where demonstrate how it could affect Joes’ process of dealing with Bill and has the potential to influence Joes’ plans and sale’s strategy in order to make a great deal for the company. Receiving gift can be perceive as a possible way of bribery, also others in the company or rival could use it to extortion Joe or the company. This behavior could cause unethical and immoral conduct within the company and other workers. The conduct or behavior by Joe could produce or create a conflict of interest during the decision-making process.

- What is the policy that you will establish to help prevent each situation from happening in the future?

Regulations, rules and directives must be established within the company in order to regulate all gift received by all employees. All gift must be reported to management not matter the monetary value of the gift or item received from customers and future customers. Also, monetary value or limits must be stablished or standardized in order to maintain good discipline within the employees and stakeholders. No cash or money should be received as a gift from any customer or possible customers. Management and leaders must enforce the rules by example and follow the rules and regulations without questions. Employees observe management behavior and many will reciprocate the same conduct are perceive from leaders, creating conflict of interest situations, unethical and immoral issues. Ethical behavior means that which is 'good', 'right' and ' proper ' as opposed to ' bad ', ' wrong ' or ' improper ' in the governing moral code. (Schermerhorn et al, 2011, p. 140) In management, the leader, business or company, corporation, agency and atmosphere are aspects manipulating ethical behavior.

3. Joe and his wife have received hospitality from Bill to the extent that he has been invited to his yacht, gone to social events, and stayed at his hotel several times. The situation mentioned above is consider a way of fraternization and give other within the company and rivals the wrong perception. A policy must be added to the company rules and regulation in order to prevent any issues and problems during agreements and business deals. Any fraternization between salesperson and a customer could compromise any future deals and agreements between customers and the company. Salesperson represent the company or business and send a clear message to future and current customers. Salesperson must maintain a professional conduct and follow any code of conduct, ethics, and regulation put in place by the management in order to avoid any future issues, this issues could cause the company their reputation, money and face legal actions. The salesman judgment could be affected and impair due to the issue at hand and cause decisions to be in favor of the customer and not the company.

- What is the policy that you will establish to help prevent each situation from happening in the future?

Company employees will not establish any relationship outside business with customers and in the case where relationship are already in place, salesperson must notify management and request removal from the account due to possible conflict of interest due to friendships and relationship outside the business environment. Code of conducts are an important part of the company infrastructure and must be put in place in order to maintain moral, discipline and ethical behavior within the employees and stakeholders.