Legal paper

PART 1 Requirements

  • Identify the issues and provide a clear one or two sentence statement of the issue presented

  • Each situation may raise multiple potential issues so give each issue separately.

  • Please draft your issues as “bullet points

  • The best issue statements will be in the form of a question.

  • Three issues must be identified from bullet 1 under part 1, then identify the rest of the issues from the other number bullets.

  • In part one, you are only identifying issues, that is it.

  • You should then give your Analysis/Reasoning, relating back to the course materials for support.

PART 2 Requirements

  • Write a “legal memo” to Nouv on the issues presented below.

  • Do not restate the facts.

  • Your memo should start with the one sentence Issue identified for each situation.

  • You should then state your Conclusion/Recommendation

  • Each of your two “legal memos” should be no longer than one page, single spaced.