History from 1945-Present Discussion week 1

America and the Cold War: The Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy Years, from Sage American History, is

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America and the Cold War: The Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy


Copyright © 2012, Henry J. Sage

General. The history of warfare in the modern world is notable for the fact that two of the most terrible

wars of all time were fought in the first half of the 20th century. What probably would have been the

most destructi ve war ever fought, which we would probably designate as World War III —if there were

any “we” around to make note of it —was never fought. Instead what we got was the Cold War, often

referred to as the “balance of terror.”

That standoff between the two grea t superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and their

allies, probably occurred because for the first time in history all sides could readily understand the huge

price they would pay by precipitating an all- out conflict. Because of the use of the two atomic bombs in

World War II on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, evidence existed to show how horrible a full- blown nuclear

exchange would be. By the mid -1950s both sides had constructed bombs which were thousands of

times more powerful than the first two dro pped in 1945; in a nuclear exchange, there might well be no


The idea of a state of international tension was certainly not a new development that emerged in the

middle of the 20th century. Following the Napoleonic wars, the European powers assembled in 1815 in

Vienna under the leadership of Austrian Prince Metternich and created a structure designed to prevent

the further outbreak of the kind that had torn Europe for more than two decades. The tension was

there, but it was alleviated by the unwillingness of the great powers to trigger a conflict. The alliance

system based upon some sort of balance of power was continued under the leadership of Prussian

Chancellor Otto von Bismarck at the Congress of Berlin of 1878. Once again, great tensions existed , but

that system held those powers in check.

When the breakdown finally did occur in 1914, it was because of a long series of diplomatic blunders

driven by the shortsightedness of rulers who lacked the vision either of Metternich or Bismarck. The

Great Wa r of 1914-1918, probably the most terrible war ever fought by armies on the ground, was

barely over before the tensions were reignited. World War II began chiefly because of the destructive

nature of the so -called peace treaty written at Versailles by the victors. Although antiwar movements

prospered in the 1920s and early 1930s, the growing militarism of Italy, Germany and Japan revived the

kind of international discomfort that had preceded the First World War. That militarism led to the

outbreak of anothe r war in 1939. In some ways, World War II was a continuation of World War I.

Thus long periods of international tension were nothing new; the difference is that after 1945, weapons

technology had proceeded so far that all but the most obtuse political play ers could see that the future

of full- scale, no -holds -barred warfare had grown too terrible to contemplate. Ironically, then, the

greatest deterrent to war in the nuclear age became war itself.

0014 The Cold War kept the world on edge for over 50 years. The best that can be said of it is that it never

erupted into the holocaust many feared. For a time, during the 1950s, the question of a ‘Third World

War’ was less a matter of “if” than of “when?” People built bomb shelters in their back yards and school

children practiced a- bomb drills. Nuclear war seemed inevitable. Under that shadow of a potential

holocaust, the NATO and Warsaw Pact (or Eastern Bloc) nations twisted and turned to advance their

goals while avoiding the spark that might instigate a war of surpassing destruction. Most internationally

significant events of that period— from trouble in the Middle East, to wars of national liberation, to

issues of developing nations in Africa and Latin America— were played out against the backdrop of the

Cold War.

The C old War had many ramifications for the American people. The anti- Communist witch hunts of the

1940s and 1950s led to severe consequences for many Americans based solely on their political views.

The campaign of Senator Joseph McCarthy to root out real or i magined communist agents in the U.S.

government gave America the term McCarthyism, a synonym for political intolerance. The Korean and

Vietnam wars put American lives on the line on the fight against Communism. Most of all, the fear of

nuclear war made life unsettling for people even in a time of supposed peace. The collapse of the Soviet

Union ended the Cold War, but the remnants of that age —the thousands of nuclear warheads still in

existence and in the possession of a number of nations —are still with us.

See The Legacy of World War II

The Truman Years

Harry S. Truman was a modest man. (His critics at the time might have said, “And with good reason,”

though his stature as a president has grown considerably in recent years.) Raised in Independence,

Missouri, Harry Truman worked at various job after graduation from high school in 1901. When the

United States entered World War I, Captain Truman commanded an artillery battery and saw significant

action in France. Following the failure of a store he ran during the 1922 depression, Truman entered

politics, holding various positions under the eye of Missouri party boss Tom Pendergast. In 1934 Truman

was elected to the United States Senate, where he served until he was tapped by Franklin Roosevelt to

run with him as vice presidential candidate in 1944.

When President Roosevelt urged Senator Truman to join him on the ticket, Truman balked. As a Senate

committee chairman overseeing military procurement during World War II, he had taken on powerful

industry leaders and accused them of profiteering and shoddy practices, even as young Americans were

dying on the battlefield. Because of that fact, and because he was a loyal New Deal Democrat, Roosevelt

wanted him on the ticket. (After Truman became President, General Marshall claimed that Truman’s

work in the Senate “Was worth Two divisions to me.”)

Bess Truman didn’t like Washington at all and couldn’t imagine her husband being in the White House.

But Roosevelt would not take no for an answer, so the reluctant senator from Missouri became vice

president and soon thereafter was elevated to an office which he never sought and did not really want.

Harry Truman was the last American without a college education to be elected president (he was

reelected in his own right in 1948), but that is not to say he was not well -educated. He read widely,

0015 especially in history, and was nobody's fool. Despite all that, he was nevertheless ill-prepared to take

over the most powerful office in the free world. Few if any men could have adequately replaced FDR.

After informing the Vice President of her husband’s death,

Eleanor Roosevelt said to the new Pre sident, “What can we

do for you, Harry? For you are the one in trouble now.”

Franklin Roosevelt had been president for over 12 years when he died. Schoolchildren who mourned his

death had not been born when FDR was sworn in on March 4, 1933. No one will e ver know how

conscious Franklin Roosevelt was of his own mortality, but historians have speculated that he probably

experienced a sense of denial regarding his health, coupled with a determination to stay alive until the

great battle against evil was brought to a satisfactory conclusion. In any case, he shared practically

nothing with his vice president, leaving him to sign letters of condolence and carry out other routine,

mundane functions of the office of Vice President.

The most glaring example of Franklin Roosevelt's cavalier attitude toward former Senator Truman was

the fact that he never even brought Vice President Truman into his confidence on the atomic bomb

project going on in New Mexico. President Truman had to be informed of the work being done to

develop the device by Secretary of War Henry Stimson after he took office.

Thus Harry Truman, the man who would not be king, assumed leadership of the nation and much of the

world at one of the most critical junctures in history. How was the world to be shaped now that two

great, terrible wars had destroyed so much? While the defeat of Germany was virtually assured —

Germany surrendered on May 8, less than a month after FDR’s death —the war in Japan was by no

means over. During each wartime conference, howe ver, the focus had shifted further and further

toward postwar concerns.

(For a fine study of the final months of World War 2, see J. Robert Moskin, Mr. Truman's War: The Final

Victories of World War II and the Birth of the Post war World.)

President Roosevelt’s role among the Big Three Leaders —FDR, Churchill, and Stalin— had often been to

act as mediator between Churchill and Stalin, who frequently clashed during meetings as they

contemplated the world after the defeat of Germany and Japan. By the time of the Yalta Conference in

February, 1945, it was apparent that Stalin had little intention of allowing freedom and democracy to

flourish in that portion of the world surrounding the Soviet Union. Roosevelt, who was by then gravely ill

and exhausted from the long journey to Russia, found Stalin difficult and determined to have his way.

By the time of the Potsdam Conference, held just outside Berlin, Germany, in July, 1945, tensions

between East and West had been ameliorated somewhat by satisfacti on at the defeat of Nazi Germany.

During that meeting, Stalin and President Truman met for the first time. Stalin reassured the president

that the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan three months after the defeat of Germany,

which gratified Trum an. The President also took the occasion to inform the Premier of the successful

test of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico, and was struck by the lack of surprise shown by Stalin. (As

is now well known, Stalin was being informed of progress on the atomic bomb by spies in Great Britain,

0016 Canada, and the United States.) The President also informed Prime Minister Churchill, who was replaced

during the conference by newly-elected Prime Minister Clement Atlee, of America’s creation of the

bomb and his intention to use it.

The Russians had seen their country invaded twice within a century by Napoleon and Hitler, and on both

occasions the Russian people had suffered enormous casualties. Stalin was determined not to let that

happen again. Furthermore, Communist doc trine called for a worldwide revolution of all workers toward

the eventual overthrow of the capitalist system. Indeed the West had meddled in the Russian Revolution

following the Bolshevik takeover in 1917, and anti- communist rhetoric and other activities had been

pervasive in the West throughout most of the 20th century. The cooperation between the United States

and Great Britain and the Soviet Union during World War II can be attributed to the fact that even

conservative leaders such as Churchill saw Hitler as the far greater evil facing humanity.

President Truman’s Containment Policy . President Truman’s Cold War policy became one of

“containment” of Communism, which meant not challenging the Communists where they were already

established, but doing everything possible to see to it that their sphere of influence did not enlarge itself

at the expense of “free” nations. Truman's policy was first explicitly proclaimed in a 1947 speech. Great

Britain had been closely monitoring procommunist developments in Gre ece and Turkey since the end of

World War II and had provided financial and military support to the anticommunist governments.

Because of her own financial difficulties, however, Great Britain was obliged to cease aid to those

nations. Thus the United Stat es was left the responsibility of providing assistance.

President Truman went before Congress on March 12, 1947, and requested that Congress provide $400

million in military aid and economic assistance for Greece and Turkey, thus articulating what would

be come known as the Truman Doctrine. That policy would be generally followed by all successive

presidents through Ronald Reagan. Truman stated that, “It must be the policy of the United States to

support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside

pressures.” The Republican Congress supported Truman’s request, which bespoke the bi -partisan cast of

America’s Cold War policy.

See Harry S. Truman, Truman Doctrine Speech, 1947. See also David McCullough’s Truman and the fine

HBO film of the same name with Gary Sinese. Truman wrote his own Memoirs as well.

The Marshall Plan. Shortly after President Truman's speech, Secretary of State George C. Marshall gave

an address on June 5, 1947, at Harvard University in which he outlined what would become known as

the Marshall Plan. Europe was a long way from recovering from the Second World War, and the harsh

winter of 1946 -47 had exacerbated the suff ering of many Europeans. He stated, “ It is logical that the

United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the

world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace. Our policy is directed not

against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.”

Secretary Marshall’s plan for massive economic relief, known as the European Recovery Program,

provided funds totaling $20 billion to sixteen countries, including Germany. It was justified on

humanitarian grounds, but was also clearly designed to help stave off the possible expansion of

0017 communism into Western Europe. Marshall offered to include the Soviet Union in his program, but

Premier Stalin turned down Marshall’s offer, claiming it was a propaganda tool. The Marshall plan

succeeded in both its purposes; it helped restore the European economy (which indirectly aided the

American economy as well), and it helped reduce the danger of the growth of communism. Winston

Churchill called the Marshal Plan “the most unselfish act by any great power in history.” (See Marshall


Berlin. Following World War II Germany had been divided into four occupation zones allotted to France,

Great Britain, United States, and the Soviet Union. The former German capital of Berlin fell within the

Soviet sector, and that city was also divided into four z ones. Access to the city was by air, and by a strip

of land on which a highway and a railroad offered ground access into West Berlin. Trying to strengthen

their hold on the eastern sector, and perhaps irritated by the Marshall plan and anti-Communist

rheto ric, the Soviets cut off ground access to Berlin in June, 1948. President Truman's response was the

ordering of what became known as the Berlin Airlift . All available transport aircraft were pressed into

service and began operating around the clock to provide Berlin with everything its population needed to

survive, from food to fuel to clothing and other necessities of life. The Berlin Airlift was carried on into

1949 when the Soviets eventually backed down and reopened the ground access to Berlin. In all, some

2,200,000 tons of supplies were airlifted into Berlin in 267,000 flights. The airlift, which was opposed by

some of the President Truman's advisers, was a diplomatic triumph for the president. (Left: Berlin

children wave to American pilots.)

Tensions heightened dramatically in 1949 when the Soviet Union exploded its first nuclear bomb. Until

that time the United States had been the sole possessor of those powerful weapons, but now the arms

race swung into full gear. The bombs produced in the 1950s even tually grew to dwarf the Hiroshima

bomb in explosive power, exceeding its capacity by a factor of 10,000.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The continuing tension between the Eastern and Western

powers led several European countries to begin considering a mutual defense pact in 1948. The United

States and Canada eventually entered into the discussions, as it was apparent that the defense interests

of the nations on the western side of the Atlantic coincided with those of Europe. Negotiations

continued until a treaty was signed in Washington in April 1949 which created the 12 -nation pact of the

United States, Canada, and 10 Western European nations. The treaty obligated each member nation to

share the responsibility for collective security of the North Atlantic region. For the first time in its

history, the United States had seen fit to discard the policy first established by presidents Washington

and Jefferson of steering clear of permanent, entangling alliances. NATO was expanded in the 1950s and

now i ncludes several nations in Eastern Europe.

Now that the Cold War is over, it is relatively easy to view it objectively. We can ask whether the United

States played its cards correctly, and question whether we might have been able to lower tensions

sooner and more sharply. Since the U.S. and its allies “won” the Cold War (and one can properly ask

whether it is really over), it is easy to say, “Well, of course we played it right —after all, we did win,

didn’t we?”

0018 A more critical view might suggest that while Americans have indeed seen the fall of the Soviet Union

and much of the apparatus of Communism, during those tension -filled years the U.S. might have pushed

its luck so far that the only reason we did not get into a nuclear war was plain good fortune.

In the aftermath of attacks on New York City and Washington on September 11, 2001, Americans

certainly understand the fear that comes from threats of violence. Yet during the height of the Cold War

in the 1950s and 1960s, the fear of nuclear war went beyond t he fear of attacks on isolated cities or

installations. For a time, the possibility of total nuclear war could not be ruled out. Questions were

raised not only about the level of destruction that might result from a nuclear exchange, but also about

what life might be like after a nuclear war. In fact, movies like On the Beach, based on the novel by Nevil

Shute, raised the possibility of the extinction of all human life on Earth, and few saw that scenario as a

far- fetched fantasy

The Cold War Turns Hot: Korea, The Forgotten War

General Douglas MacArthur is one of America's most colorful historic characters. Son of a career army

officer, he served over 50 years in the Army and fought in three wars. In 1935 he retired as Chief of Staff

of the Army and went to the Philippines, where he took over command of all American and Philippine

military forces during the years leading up to World War II. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl

Harbor they invaded the Philippines. MacArthur was forced to abandon the islands; he retreated to

Austr alia and assumed command of all forces in the Southern Pacific area. From there MacArthur led

U.S. forces back through Indonesia and retook the Philippines late in the war. Following the reduction of

Okinawa, he and the Navy and Marine forces under Admiral Nimitz began planning the invasion of

Japan. Before that could occur, the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought about the

Japanese surrender.

As the senior representative of the Allied Powers, MacArthur made a memorable speech about the

horrors of war as he accepted the formal Japanese capitulation aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay

in September, 1945. He stayed on as the senior allied occupation officer, and became virtually the acting

emperor of Japan. He was a strong force in converting Japan into a modern, democratic state, and was

even involved with writing the pacifistic Japanese Constitution. Most Japanese admired MacArthur and

were gratified by his moderate, even -handed treatment of the Japanese people during the postwar

years. He was truly a benevolent dictator.

(When this author asked a student who was raised in Japan what her countrymen and women thought of

MacArthur, she answered, “They thought he was a god.”)

The Korean Peninsula had been a colony of Japan until World War II. In 1945 it was divided at the 38th

parallel into two nations. At that time the United States and the Soviet Union jointly administered Korea

in a manner similar to the disposition of occupied Germany at the time. Both nations had occupying

forces in Korea, the Soviets in the North, Americans in the South. The North Korean government was

Communist, the South Korean government non- communist and quasi-democratic, and both claimed

sovereignty over the entire peninsula. The situation also resembled what would ensue i n Vietnam after

the French were defeated in 1954.

0019 In 1949, after American educated strongman Syngman Rhee was elected President of the Republic of

Korea (South Korea), the United States withdrew its occupying forces, except for a small advisory

command. Soviet forces had withdrawn from the North in 1948. In 1950 North Korean Communist

leader Kim Il-sung met with Soviet and Chinese Communist leaders and proposed to take over all of

Korea by force. He met no objections from either nation and was offered their support. China

repatriated 50,000 Korean soldiers who had fought for the Communists in China’s Civil War, and they

became an important element of the North Korean People’s Army. Thus the struggle for control of

Korea broke out when the North Koreans cros sed the 38th parallel in force in 1950.

War Breaks Out. In June, 1950, North Korean troops surged across the border into South Korea,

triggering the first major confrontation between the forces of the communist and non -communist

worlds. The United States, which had occupied South Korea as part of the post -war administration of

former Japanese colonies, became immediately involved in the war. Critics of American foreign policy

claimed that when the Truman administration adopted its containment policy, the theoretical line

drawn around areas that would be protected against communist aggression failed to include Korea. In

addition, because the U.S. was preoccupied with affairs in Europe as well as rebuilding Japan on a

democratic footing, North Korea’s Kim Il-sung and his Chinese and Soviet counterparts felt that the

United States would not defend Korea. President Truman, however, contradictory to what others might

have believed, decided immediately that, in keeping with his containment policy, the United State s

would come to the aid of South Korea. He appealed immediately to the United Nations for support, and

was rewarded with a unanimous vote in the UN Security Council calling for a military defense of the

Republic of Korea. For the first time, an international body voted to oppose aggression by force.

President Truman then ordered American naval and air forces to begin supporting the South Korean

army. When it became apparent that the North Korean army could not be stopped by naval and air

support alone, the President made the decision to commit ground forces to Korea. As the Security

Council resolution had called for all nations with adequate military forces to contribute to South Korea’s

defense, other nations such as Great Britain, France, Canada and Australia prepared to send military

units to Korea. The United States, however assumed the major share of the burden of fighting the

Korean War. President Truman named General Douglas MacArthur, America’s supreme commander in

the Far East, commander of all force s to be engaged in Korea.

As Commander of all United Nations forces, General MacArthur immediately dispatched available

ground units to Korea. Having been involved only in occupation duty since 1945, however, the American

troops were ill prepared and ill equipped for combat against a well- trained army. Sent to Korea

piecemeal, they, along with the South Koreans, were soon driven into a defensive perimeter around the

South Korean port of Pusan, and for a while it looked as though North Korea would gain firm control of

the entire nation. MacArthur visited the American troops in the Pusan perimeter and told their

commanding general that his men would have to hold on while MacArthur prepared a countermove. If

they were driven off or captured, retaking the peninsula would be an extremely difficult task.

Back in Japan General McArthur and his staff examined their options and came up with a bold proposal,

which he submitted to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for approval. MacArthur’s plan called for an amphibious

001A invasion of South Korea at the port of Inchon, not far below the 38th parallel. It was a daring move, as

the attack would fall well behind North Korean lines. A variety of factors helped make MacArthur’s

surprise move an unqualified success.

First, Inchon was an u nlikely site for an invasion because of its high tidal swings, meaning that the

enemy would not expect a landing there. Second, the geography of South Korea meant that the North

Korean supply lines could be severed with a quick strike inland from Inchon. In addition, Inchon was near

the capital of Seoul and Kimpo airfield, the capture of which would be valuable. The First Marine

Division under the command of Major General Oliver P. Smith and the 7th Infantry Division, commanded

by Major General David G. Barr, conducted the landing, successfully capturing Seoul and Kimpo airfield

in the process. The North Korean army, its supply lines severed, fell back in disarray across the 38th

parallel. The breakout of American and Korean forces from Pusan soon followed.

As American naval air and ground units entered the fray, and as the South Korean Army pulled itself

together, the UN forces pursued the North Korean Army across the border. South Korea was once again

secure. It does not go too far to claim that at that juncture, the Korean War had been won —the invasion

had been repelled. General MacArthur chose to push the North Korean army back toward the Chinese

border, however, feeling that China would not dare to intervene in the conflict. In a meeting with

President Tr uman at Wake Island, he assured his commander -in -chief that Chinese intervention was

unlikely. President Truman was aware that China had threatened to intervene in Korea, communicating

their intent via neutral embassies. Truman felt the Chinese were bluffing. Both he and General

MacArthur were wrong.

In November 1950 on Thanksgiving Day, a huge Chinese army swept across the border and soon drove

the Americans back in the direction from which they had come. Part of that painful withdrawal included

the movement of the First MarineDivision and the Seventh Army Division from the Chosin Reservoir

area, a fighting withdrawal that took place in bitter cold weather. “Frozen Chosin” became an epithet

for the painful process of extricating American troops from what had seemed a virtual death trap. The

gains that had been made at great sacrifice were mostly lost, as the North Korean army once again

crossed into South Korea and recaptured the capital of Seoul.

To bolster his defenses General MacArthur sought permission to attack Chinese forces across the Yalu

River in Chinese territory. He wanted hit the Chinese army in their sanctuary. He believed that attacking

bases from which the Chinese army was being supplied was a key to defeating them in South Korea. The

Truman a dministration, not wishing to escalate the crisis nor provoke a full, all- out war between United

States and Communist China, restricted MacArthur's movements to the territory of North Korea. When

informed that he might bomb the southern half of bridges ove r the Yalu River, MacArthur fumed, “In all

my years of military service I have never learned how to bomb half a bridge!”

Uncomfortable with the Truman administration's policies, General MacArthur openly criticized his

commander -in -chief and sent a letter t o a Republican congressman which was released to the public.

After consultation with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Truman relieved the five -star general of his

command for insubordination.

001B President Truman’s firing of General MacArthur, one of the great heroes of the Second World War, the

man who accepted the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay on behalf of all Allied forces, caused a firestorm

of criticism. When the general returned to the United States, he was fêted in New York with the largest

ticker tape parade ever conducted in that city. He was greeted by enthusiastic admirers as he toured the

country, accepting salutes and parades in his honor in a number of cities. In his farewell address to a

joint session of the United States Congress, he gave a moving speech in which he claimed that, “In war

there can be no substitute for victory.”

See MacArthur’s Farewell Address to Congress . See also William Manchester, American Caesar: Douglas

MacArthur 1880 - 1964(Boston: Little, Brown, 1978), one of several biographies. MacArthur also wrote

his own memoir, Reminiscences . An excellent 1977 film, MacArthur, starring Gregory Peck, was directed

by Joseph Sargent.

President Truman replaced General MacArthur with General Matthew Ridgway, another World War II

veteran, and General Ridgway soon began reclaiming some of the ground that had been lost following

the Chinese invasion. But further attempts to push the war back to the Chinese border were not

feasible, and the fighting degenerated into a stalemate around the 38th parallel. In the presidential

election campaign of 1952, General Eisenhower, the Republican candidate, promised that if elected he

would go to Korea and seek a solution to the conflict, a promise he fulfilled. Eventually a cease -fire was

agreed upon and the fighting came to a desultory conclusion. That cease -fire, however, was not quite

the same thing as peace, and tensions along the border between North and South Korea continued for

many years. At the current time, American troops are still stationed in South Korea.

The Aftermath of Korea. During the years since the fighting ended, response to the Korean War has

been mixed. At the time, returning veterans of Korea discovered that their fellow Americans seemed

almost totally ignorant of the war they had just fought. The conclusion of the war— a negotiated truce

rather than a victory —left a sour taste with many Americans, for whom memories of the overwhelming

victo ries of the Allies over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were still relatively fresh. Some immediate

good came from the war, however; the United States Army that started fighting in Korea in 1950 was

undertrained, under -disciplined, and under supplied. Afte r several years of combat in Korea, the United

States Army had been restored to good fighting condition. For all its frustrations, the war had what was

ultimately a successful outcome: South Korea retained its freedom and became a prosperous,

democratic and economically viable nation.

The Korean War provided lessons that might have been well applied to Vietnam. Unfortunately, for a

variety of reasons, the Korean War did not substantially prepare the United States for its next

involvement on the Asian mainla nd. The enemy faced in Korea was not the same as the enemy faced in

Vietnam. One lesson that the West failed to learn from both the Korean and Vietnamese experiences,

however, is that many of the communist leaders both in Korea and in Vietnam were far more

nationalistic than communist. What they sought for their nations rose above mere ideology. One

positive result of both wars, however, was that the United States chose not to use tactical nuclear

weapons in Korea, for which the world may be properly grateful. Had that door been opened, there is

no telling what the outcome might have been.

001C Although no final judgment can be offered even half a century after the end of the Korean fighting, the

opinion of historian Max Hastings has some merit:

If the Korean War was a frustrating, profoundly unsatisfactory experience, more than 35 years later it

still seems a struggle that the West was utterly right to fight. (Max Hastings, The Korean War , New York:

Simon & Schuster, 1987, p. 344.)

As many Americans stationed in Korea have said, the Korean people to this day are grateful to the

Americans who gave their lives in defense of that nation.

McCarthyism: The Cold War at Home. As the Cold War progressed, and as the presence of Soviet spies

operating in the West, including in the United States, became known, many Americans began to see

Communism is an immediate threat to their way of life. With revelations of the spying of Klaus Fuchs,

who had smuggled atomic bomb secrets out of New Mexico, and as Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel

Rosenberg were revealed to be spies, a fear gripped much of America. Thus by 1950 the time was ripe

for a demagogue to seize the issue of anti- Communism and turn it to his own ends. What resulted was

one of the most disgraceful episodes in American politics. That trend had already begun with the

blacklisting of anyone in Hollywood or other areas of the country about whom it could be claimed that

they had th e slightest degree of sympathy for the Communist movement. Hundreds of lives were

disrupted. ( See Guilty by Suspicion starring Robert De Niro, 1991 .)

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, who had served with the Marines in World War II, though he

had seen no combat, was elected to the Senate in 1946. (He later lied about his military record, claiming

to have seen action.) Looking for an issue on which to run for reelection in 1952, McCarthy hit on the

idea of anti- Communism, which he certainly did not have to invent. He launched his “project” with a

speech in February, 1950. The press zeroed in on McCarthy's charges, which sounded serious (though

they were in fact fabricated), and McCarthyism was born.

Taking the already present suspicion and fear of the So viets to new levels, McCarthy went on a frantic

chase after Communist conspirators, who he claimed existed in virtually every corner of American life.

With little or no evidence, he carried out what can only be called a witch hunt, ruining lives and

reputa tions in the process and eventually bringing himself into disgrace.

McCarthy attacked all branches of government, including the State Department and the U.S. Army, the

latter of which proved more than a match for McCarthy’s recklessness. In a series of televised hearings,

McCarthy and aide Roy Cohn (many called him McCarthy’s hatchet -man) tangled with a tough Army

lawyer named Joseph Welch. Welch put Cohn on the spot over some doctored photographs. When

McCarthy tried to protect his protégé by slandering a lawyer in Welch’s law firm, Welch turned on

McCarthy with a withering indictment. He accused the Senator in front of television cameras of being

shameless and dishonorable, as spectators applauded.

The first Senator to attack McCarthyism on the floor of the Senate was Republican Margaret Chase

Smith of Maine. She called for an end a smear tactics in her “Declaration of Conscience” speech,

although she did not mention McCarthy by name. McCarthy was e ventually censured by the Senate. An

00140013 alcoholic, McCarthy died in 1957, but much of the damage done by the Senator and his aides such as

Roy Cohn could not be repaired. One such casualty was J. Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic

bomb, whose top-secret security clearance was suspended in 1953 because of his alleged leftist

sympathies during the 1930s.

Dwight D. Eisenhower: The General as President

Dwight David Eisenhower was born in Texas in 1890, one of six brothers who grew up in Abilene, Kansas.

He e ntered West Point in 1911 and served in the Army during the 1920s and 30s under such illustrious

officers as George Patton and Douglas MacArthur. Recognized early for his powerful intelligence and

devotion to duty, he held important positions in the years preceding World War II and helped develop

doctrine for armored warfare. When World War II broke out, he was brought to Washington to work for

General George C. Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, serving as Chief of the War Plans Division.

In 1942 General E isenhower went to Europe to take command of American forces for the invasion of

North Africa, Operation Torch, in 1942. He was subsequently named Supreme Commander Allied Forces

Europe and planned and oversaw Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Nor mandy on D-Day, June

6, 1944. As Supreme Commander, he dealt with many challenging personalities, including Winston

Churchill, French General Charles de Gaulle, British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, senior Soviet

Russian officials and his military and civilian superiors in Washington.

A measure of Eisenhower’s character is revealed in a message he prepared in advance of the landings in

Normandy on D -Day:

Our landings in the Cherbourg- Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have

with drawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information

available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any

blame or fault attaches to the attempt, it is mine alone .

Fortunately, the general never had to release that message.

When World War II ended in Europe, General Eisenhower accepted the surrender of German leaders

and took steps to reveal the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. (He accurately predicted that at

some future time people would deny that the events called the Holocaust ever occurred. His quotation

about that prediction is inscribed on the rear wall of the Holocaust Memorial in Washington, DC.)

Following the war, General Eisenhower replaced George C. Marshall as Chief of Staff of the Army. Partly

as a reward for his service, and mostly because of his demonstrated leadership skills, Eisenhower held

several important positions following his retirement from active duty. In 1948 he became president of

New York’s Columbia University, a position which allowed him to be involved in high -level discussions of

American foreign policy. In the process, he made many useful contacts and learned more about the

workings of the American political system. (He once claimed to have been so little involved in politics

that he had never even voted.) Until President Harry Truman decided to run for reelection in 1948, the

00140014 Democrats had been considering Eisenhower for their candidate. In 1952 a movement began among

senior Republicans to nominate General Eisenhower as their candidate for president.

Eisenhower faced a strong challenge from conservative Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, the front runner for

the nomination, who was known as “Mr. Republican.” Following a tough battle a t the Republican

Convention, Eisenhower won the nomination on the first ballot. He selected California Senator Richard

Nixon for vice president. With his grandfatherly image and the slogan “I like Ike,” he comfortably

defeated Democratic candidate Democrat ic Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois with almost 58% of the

popular vote. Eisenhower thus became the first former general to enter the White House since Ulysses

S. Grant.

When Dwight D Eisenhower assumed the presidency on January 20, 1953, twenty y ears of Democratic

Party occupancy of the White House ended. President Eisenhower was the only former general to

occupy that office in the 20th century, and he was extremely well prepared for the position. What

served the former soldier well as he entered office when Cold War tensions threatened was his

experience in dealing with other world leaders during the Second World War. He dealt with future

adversaries such as top generals of the Russian Army, prickly allies like France's Charles de Gaulle, and

powe rful Allied leaders like Winston Churchill. As leader of the largest and most complex military

operation ever undertaken by Americans —the invasion of Europe and conquest of Nazi Germany —he

had management experience of the highest order.

President Eisenhowe r and the Cold War. President Eisenhower's most significant challenges came in

the area of foreign -policy. Tensions had begun to arise between the Soviet Union and the West even

before World War II was over. The Soviets had recently developed a powerful nuclear arsenal, and the

death of Joseph Stalin in 1953 heightened the uncertainty of relations with the communist world. Thus,

by the time Eisenhower took office in January 1953, the Cold War, which had been underway for

practically a decade, had reached a dangerous level. Anti -Soviet feelings ran deep; the McCarthy era was

in full swing. Americans, enjoying products that had sprung from the technologies and events during

World War II and dealing with civil rights issues, were not completely focused on foreign affairs.

Those who have examined the political career of General Eisenhower (as he preferred to be called even

after becoming president) have generally agreed that he was a shrewd observer of the world scene. Yet

he was sometimes naïve in his understand ing of American political practice. He seemed to some to be

working too hard to appease his political opponents, lacking the experience of having dealt with a “loyal

opposition.” At the same time, he guided American foreign affairs in a cautious, measured fashion.

No American politician could ignore the threat posed by the Soviet Union, especially as the nuclear arms

race had begun to produce weapons of stupefying power, thousands of times more powerful than the

bombs which had destroyed Hiroshima and Nagas aki. Assisting in the formulation of Eisenhower's

foreign policy was Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who took a stern view of the Soviets. Dulles’s

brother, Allen Dulles, was Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) and contributed to the administrati on's

harsh view of the Soviets.


The first nuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb, is exploded in a test on a

Pacific Ocean atoll on November 1, 1952. Three days later, General

Dwight Eisenhower was elected President of the United States over

Governor Adlai Stevenson.

Like all postwar presidents, including his predecessor, Harry Truman, President Eisenhower felt that the

greatest threat to America came from an expansive, monolithic communism centered in the Soviet

Union. He stated in his first inaugural address that, “F orces of good and evil are massed and armed and

opposed as rarely before in history. Freedom is pitted against slavery, lightness against dark,” those

being reasons why he named John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State. The Eisenhower- Dulles foreign

policy was, at least in its rhetoric, harsher than that of President Truman; Dulles coined the phrase

“massive retaliation,” which was to be used if the Soviets became aggressors.

Eisenhower was comfort able allowing Secretary Dulles to heat up the rhetoric of the Cold War while he

himself worked more quietly behind the scenes to reduce international tension. The new president was

far more clever than his critics at the time realized. An avid golfer, Eise nhower had a putting green

installed on the south lawn of the White House, and a popular ditty had the president “putting along” as

the world around him seethed. In fact, the president was deeply engaged in monitoring foreign affairs

and was well aware of how dangerous the world had become.

When the Hungarians revolted against their Soviet oppressors in 1956, there were calls for the United

States to intervene to help the freedom fighters. Even if Eisenhower had been tempted to act, however,

getting aid to landlocked Hungary would have been a monumental undertaking. The Soviets quickly

repressed the revolt in any case. Yet the episode led some to believe that the United States under

President Eisenhower was slow to respond to calls from assistance by those b eleaguered by

international communism.

In 1954 when the French Army found itself in a critical situation in Indochina, President Eisenhower

declined to support the French at Dien Bien Phu with military assistance. He did, however, offer military

and econom ic aid to South Vietnam. He defended his action by describing what became known as the

Domino theory —that if one nation fell to communism, other nations would certainly follow.

An additional crisis erupted in the Middle East in 1956. In 1955 the Soviet Union had begun arms

shipments to Egypt. In response, Israel strengthened its defenses and requested arms from the United

States, a request that president Eisenhower rejected, fearing a Middle East arms race. When United

States canceled a loan offer of $56 million to Egypt for construction of the Aswan Dam, Egyptian leader

Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had grown closer to the Soviet Union, took action to nationalize the Suez

canal and extract tolls from users. Israel responded by advancing troops toward the Suez Canal, and

Britain and France began airstrikes against Egypt. British and French leaders called for assistance from

00140016 the United States, but president Eisenhower refused on the grounds that he did not support the use of

force in the settlement of international conflicts.

Fearing that the Soviets would come to dominate the Middle East, Eisenhower and his Secretary of State

Dulles requested a resolution from Congress authorizing the president to extend economic and military

aid to Middle Eastern nations. He based his request on the following principle:

We have shown, so that none can doubt, our dedication to the principle that force shall not be used

internationally for any aggressive purpose and that the integrity and independence of the nations of the

Middle East should be inviolate. Seldom in history has a nation's dedication to principle been tested as

severely as ours during recent weeks. …

Let me refer again to the requested authority to employ the armed forces of the United States to assist

to defend the terr itorial integrity and the political independence of any nation in the area against

Communist armed aggression. Such authority would not be exercised except at the desire of the nation

attacked. Beyond this it is my profound hope that this authority would n ever have to be exercised at all.

( Dwight D. Eisenhower, Message to Congress, January 5, 1957. )

Congress responded by granting the president the authority to use force to protect nations threatened

by communism. This policy became known as the “Eisenhower Doctrine.” While deploring the use of

force, Eisenhower recognized that the threat of force could be a deterrent to its use. In response to a

request from the President of Lebanon, President Eisenhower sent 5,000 Marines into that country to

protect Lebanon’s territorial integrity. They remained there for three months.

Although criticized in some quarters for his inaction in the Suez Crisis, Eisenhower was as aware as

anyone on the planet of the horrors that could be unleashed by another widespread war, now made an

even more terrifying prospect because of the spread of nuclear weapons. With new and more powerful

hydrogen bombs being built, the Eisenhower administration followed a policy designed to use the threat

of nuclear war only as a deterrent to the Sov iet Union in case vital United States interests should be

threatened. Eisenhower also rejected any possible use of atomic or nuclear weapons in defense of

French Indochina or Taiwan. In retrospect, Eisenhower's cautious policy has been deemed wise and

prudent, given the volatility of international relations in the 1950s. The rhetoric of “massive retaliation”

was strong, but a first use of nuclear weapons probably never entered President Eisenhower’s

consciousness; like General MacArthur, he abhorred the use of atomic or nuclear weapons. His recent

biographer, Jim Newton describes Eisenhower in these words:

Shrewd and patient, moderate and confident, Ike guided America through some of the most

treacherous moments of the Cold War. He was urged to take advantag e of America’s military advantage

in those early years —to finish the Korean War with nuclear weapons, to repel Chinese aggression

against Taiwan, to repulse the Soviets in Berlin, to rescue the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu. …

Eisenhower was not complac ent, nor was he reckless or unhinged. (See Jim Newton, Eisenhower: The

White House Years (New York: Doubleday, 2011.)

00140017 Dwight Eisenhower might be considered a great American for things he did not do as well as for those

he did. Later in his life he reflected: “The United States never lost a soldier or a foot of ground in my

administration. We kept the peace. People ask how it happened—by God, it didn't just happen, I'll tell

you that.”

Sputnik: The Space Race Begins. In the years following World War II blustering Soviet propaganda had

provided ammunition for comedians who suggested that the Russians were all talk and no action. When

they exploded their first nuclear device in 1949, however, the jokes quickly fell flat. When the Soviet

Union launched the first Earth satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, the reaction among many Americans was close

to panic. Fears of the military use of space ran rampant, and the United States was placed on a crash

course to match the Soviet achiev ement. The American educational system came under severe criticism

suggesting that “Ivan” was far better educated than “Johnny,” especially in math, science and


With the knowledge that the missiles used by the Soviets to launch satellites into space could also be

used to rain warheads on the United States, Eisenhower authorized surveillance flights by U- 2 aircraft

over the Soviet Union. The high flying spy planes were thought to be invulnerable to anti -air missiles,

but in 1959 a U -2 aircraft ( left) piloted by Major Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet

Union. The administration initially issued denials, but when pictures of the U.S. airman and the downed

aircraft were shown on Soviet television, it was clear that the story was real. When President

Eisenhower refused to issue an apology, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev canceled a scheduled summit

meeting with the president, which further heightened tensions. Despite President Eisenhower’s caution,

the world was still a dangerous plac e.

Shortly before his departure from the White House, President Eisenhower, following the example first

set by George Washington, delivered a farewell address to the nation on radio and television, in which

he cautioned the American people of the forces that threatened to take over the direction of American

foreign policy. The speech has become known as his “ Military-Industrial Complex Speech.” In the

course of his remarks he said:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unw arranted influence, whether

sought or unsought, by the military -industrial complex. … We must never let the weight of this

combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. …

Today … the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has

experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a

government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. … The prospect of

domination of the nation's sc holars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of

money is ever present -- and is gravely to be regarded.

Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society’s future,

we —you and I, and our governme nt— must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our

own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material

00140018 assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want

democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.…

Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn

how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose. Because this need is

so sharp and apparent, I confess that I lay down my official responsibilities in this field with a definite

sense of disappointment. As one who has witnessed the horror and the lingering sadness o f war, as one

who knows that another war could utterly destroy this civilization which has been so slowly and

painfully built over thousands of years, I wish I could say tonight that a lasting peace is in sight.…

( Full text of President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address .)

The Kennedy Years

An observer of the administration of John F. Kennedy once noted, “You are the staff officers of World

War II, come of age.” The observer went on to comment that the Kennedy staffers had seen many things

handled poorly during that earlier conflict, and they were determined to do things right. History has yet

to conclude decisively whether or not that noble ideal was reached.

Joseph P. Kennedy, a wealthy businessman and movie tycoon, was determined that one of his sons

would become the first Irish- Catholic president of the United States. When his son, Joseph P. Kennedy

Jr., was killed in a bombing mission during World War II, the mantle passed to his next oldest son, John

Fitzgerald Kennedy. Young Jack Kennedy, who had commanded a PT boat during the war, ran

successfully for Congress in 1946 and was elected to the Senate in 1952. He married Jacqueline Bouvier

in 1953 and was runner -up for the vice presidential nomination in 1956. The publicity gained from that

experience enabled him to gain the Democratic nomin ation in 1960. He defeated Vice President Richard

Nixon in a very close election.

President Kennedy’s inaugural address set the tone for his foreign policy; people looking back on it have

often noted how much it seemed to foretell coming events, especially in its military imagery. Consider

his words:

Let the word go forth … that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans —born in this

century, tempered by war, disciplined by a cold and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage —and

unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always

been committed …

Let every nation know, whether it wish us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet

any hardship, support any friend or oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and success of liberty.

To those peoples in the huts and villages o f half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery,

we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required— not because

the Communists are doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If the free society

cannot help the many who are poor, it can never save the few who are rich.

00140019 Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in

the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its

own house.

As a combat veteran of World War II, Kennedy viewed himself and his administration as Cold Warriors.

His father had been ambassador to Great Britain during the years leading up to World War II, and

Kennedy's oldest brother, Joe, was killed in that conflict. The rhetoric of JFK’s inaugural address was

filled with military imagery. He saw himself as a fighter, and many Americans were prepared to follow

his lead.

Once Kennedy was in office, however, it soon became apparent that his counterpart in the Soviet Union,

Premier Nikita Khrushchev, saw him as young, inexperienced and perhaps naïve. Kennedy set out to

prove him wrong. It is believed that his first face -to -face confrontation with Khrushchev in Vienna is

w hat led him to increase American support for the anti- communist Diem government in Vietnam. No

doubt it also led him to play hardball with the Russians during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. He

reorganized the Joint Chiefs of Staff to find generals who w ould share his view of the world; indeed, a

number of them were far more hard- line than the president.

The Bay of Pigs. As the McKinley administration was preparing to go to war with Spain in 1898, the anti-

imperialist movement in the United States was growing in influence. One result was the Teller

Amendment, attached to a key piece of war legislation, which stated that the United States was not

going to war for the purpose of annexing Cuba. Although the U.S. did intervene very heavily in that

nation follo wing its independence from Spain, America stuck by its pledge and Cuba remained


During the 1950s Cuba was ruled by the dictator Fulgencio Batista. One wry observer noted that “Batista

may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.” The comment meant that whatever his flaws,

Batista was staunchly anti- Communist. The revolution led by Fidel Castro began in 1953 and ended by

driving out the Batista regime in 1959. Shortly after Castro took power, it became apparent that his

sympathies lay with Communism and that he intended to rule Cuba with an iron hand. Many of Batista's

government officials and soldiers were executed, and religious and other civil institutions were clamped

down severely.

The idea of a communist nation 90 miles off the coast of Florida did not sit well with most Americans.

During the early years of the Castro regime the Eisenhower administration and the CIA began catering to

a group of so -called Cuban patriots, “freedom fighters,” who were determined to invade Cuba. Their

goal was to reverse the Castro revolution and end his control of the country. A small army of freedom

fighters was trained in Guatemala with American support. The rebels came to believe that they could

depend on full American assistance and cooperation, if not an outright declaration of war on the Castro

government, once the operation began.

Before that plan was executed President Eisenhower left office and was replaced by the young John F.

Kennedy. Kennedy assumed office in January, 1961, and by April of t hat year the invasion plan was

ready to be put into action. Those who have since examined the plan and the resources provided quickly

0014001A saw that it was bound for disaster and never had any real chance of success. Nevertheless, President

Kennedy, as the youngest man ever elected president, did not want to appear weak in the conduct of

foreign policy, and he let the plan proceed.

]The idea was to land a small force at the Bay of Pigs in southern Cuba, with the expectation that

patriotic citizens would join the invasion force and eventually overthrow Castro's government. The

success of a C.I.A. inspired coup to overthrow a leftist regime in Guatemala in 1954 had led the C.I.A. to

believe a similar plan would succeed in Cuba. Although planning for the operation was ill- conceived, it

took on a momentum of its own. The C.I.A. foolishly believed that American involvement could be kept

secret. The area chosen for the landing was one in which Castro had strong support among the people.

The military, feeling it was a C.I .A. operation and thus none of its business, kept its objections to the plan

to itself. President Kennedy erroneously believed that since President Eisenhower, a career soldier,

approved of the plan, it must be sound, when in fact Eisenhower had been only marginally involved in

the planning process.

The invasion was a dismal failure, and within a matter of hours the entire invasion force was either killed

or captured. Bitter recriminations followed, as the rebels claimed that America had not provided the

pr omised support. The fact is that the Kennedy administration had no intention of backing an all -out

invasion of Cuba. When things turned bad for the invaders, Kennedy cancelled further air support in

hopes of concealing American involvement. It was too late for that, however. Far many reasons, the plot

was doomed to failure from the beginning.

Because Kennedy had only been in office for a few months when the Bay of Pigs fiasco took place, he

was able to publicly accept full responsibility for the operation, understanding full well that any critic

must know that it had been in the works for months before Kennedy took office. His personal charisma

earned him high marks for candor even as he delivered the bad news. His defenders were able to say

that he did not want to reverse a policy begun by General Eisenhower, and thus he allowed the

operation, about which he himself was skeptical, to go forward.

The Bay of Pigs had a significant impact on the future of the Kennedy administration foreign policy.

Soviet Premie r Khrushchev saw it as a sign of Kennedy's inexperience and naivety. Thus when Kennedy

and Khrushchev met later in Vienna, Khrushchev was rough with Kennedy and blustered about how the

Soviet Union would eventually crush the United States. Kennedy returned from Vienna shaken but

determined not to be pushed around by the Soviets. Two months later Khrushchev sealed off the border

between East and West Berlin and built a wall to prevent East Germans from escaping into West Berlin.

Vice President Johnson was se nt to Germany to reassure the German people, but the Cold War had

escalated once again.

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962

President Kennedy was at heart a Cold Warrior. He had been critical of the Eisenhower administration’s

foreign policy and was prepared to take a hard line with communism. Upon returning from his Vienna

meeting with Khrushchev in 1961, he acknowledged that his Soviet counterpart “beat the hell out of

me.” He vowed to get tough with the Soviets in order to demonstrate that he (and the U.S.) could not be

0014001B pushed around. He decided that the time was suitable for a stand, and that Vietnam would be the place.

Thus he began the buildup of the American advisory cadre in Vietnam that was to lead to America’s

much greater involvement during the Johnson years. (See Vietnam section.)

A greater threat than Vietnam soon emerged, however. The United States had continued to keep a close

eye on Cuba following the Bay of Pigs, using spy planes to fly over the island and photograph any

suspected military activ ity. Then, in October 1962, American reconnaissance flights revealed that the

Soviets were building nuclear weapons bases in Cuba, a violation of the Monroe Doctrine and a serious

threat to American security. Additional aerial reconnaissance photos confirmed that preparations were

underway to install missile launchers on the island of Cuba with the potential to launch nuclear tipped

weapons at the U.S.

The Cuban missile crisis was the closest the world ever came to all- out nuclear war. Following the first

sightings of the missiles being placed by Soviets, additional Russian vessels were seen heading towards

Cuba carrying more missile components. Thus began what became known as “the 13 days,” a period of

extremely high tension in which the Kennedy administration tried to find a way to get the missiles out of

Cuba without starting World War III. Kennedy and his advisers had to walk a very tight line in order to

achieve that end.

Robert Kennedy's book, Thirteen Days , is a detailed analysis of the missile crisis . Robert F. Kennedy was

JFK's brother, Attorney General and closest adviser. President Kennedy had to confront not only

Khrushchev and his plan to turn Cuba into a missile base for the Soviets; he also had to deal with his

military leaders, who were generally in favor of bold, aggressive action. In order to foster a full

discussion of all possible options, the president convened an Executive Committee of the National

Security Council, known as EXCOMM, consisting of top military and civilian advisors, includ ing the

president’s brother. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and some civilians supported the bombing of missile sites in

Cuba followed up by an all- out military invasion. Less aggressive options were also heatedly discussed.

As the EXCOMM huddled in Washington trying to work out a plan to deal with the situation, Marines

and army units were placed on high alert and began preparation for an invasion of Cuba. The American

naval base at Guantánamo Bay was braced for action, and Marines were flown from the First Marine

Division site in Camp Pendleton, California, to the East Coast to be positioned for further action. The

101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions were also placed on high alert. As military preparations went on,

Kennedy struggled to keep the media from over -re porting the situation and causing panic in the streets.

He also addressed the nation directly via television.

Continued flights by U -2 spy planes tracked the progress of the installations, and low -level flights were

authorized to get a close -up view of the missile sites. As tensions mounted, the debate extended to the

United Nations, where Ambassador Adlai Stevens on confronted the Soviet ambassador with pictures of

the missile installations (left). Stevenson demonstrated for the world that America’s claims were not

lies, as the Soviet minister had charged. The United States Navy placed what was called a “quarantine ”

around the island of Cuba (the term blockade was not used since it is a term indicating that a state of

war exists), and Soviet ships were ordered not to advance any farther with their missile cargos.

0014001C As tension mounted, Soviet Premier Khrushchev sent a message offering a means to end the standoff

through negotiation. Careful analysis of the message revealed that it was drafted personally by

Khrushchev, who was obviously under considerable stress. The following day a much harsher message

was received, apparently the result of internal bickering in the Kremlin. The president decided to

respond to Khrushchev’s first message, ignoring the more threatening follow up. By using means of

communication outside normal diplomatic channels and tense negotiations between Robert Kennedy

and the Soviet ambassador in Washington, the Americans were able to convince the Soviets to cease

development of the missile sites.

The deal that was finally struck involved a concession by the United States that some obsolete missiles

i n Turkey would eventually be removed (supposedly they were going to be removed anyway.) In

addition the United States promised not to invade Cuba. When the crisis was over, the world breathed a

little easier, and the most frightening moments of the Cold Wa r had passed. Tensions remained; the

confrontation had shaken the world. As Secretary of State Dean Rusk later put it, "We were eyeball to

eyeball and the other guy blinked." Not long afterward a “hot line” was established between

Washington and Moscow to facilitate communications in case of a future crisis.

See Robert F. Kennedy, Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis (New York: Norton, 1973)

and the film of the same name based on the book starring Bruce Greenwood and Kevin Costner. See

also Graham Allison, Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (2nd ed. New York:

Longman, 1999.)

The Kennedy Legacy. The question still discussed about President Kennedy’s foreign policy —one for

which there is no satisfactory answer— is: “What would Kennedy have done in Vietnam if he had not

been assassinated?” Some believe that he was prepared to end what he saw as a misguided venture;

however, advisers close to the Kennedy administration have indicated that if his intent was to begin a

full withdrawal from Vietnam, they had seen little evidence that he would carry it further. True, he had

drawn down the number of advisers in Vietnam slightly during the last months of his presidency, but

some believe that that was just preparation for the election of 1964. We can only speculate about the

later course of events if Kennedy had not been shot.

In the end, Kennedy followed the path of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower as a leader determined to

prevent the further spread of Communism in the world by all reasonable means. He had campaigned on

the issue of a missile gap between United States and the Soviet Union, and even his plan to place a man

on the moon in the decade of the 1960s was, to a large extent, aimed at defeating the Russians in space.

The milit ary implications were obvious. It was during Kennedy's administration that the most dangerous

point in the Cold War was reached: the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.