Palestine Liberation Organization paper 2



Grantham University

CJ 450 Understanding Terrorism Week 2

David Sims

The death and life of the two –state solution

The author of the articles tries to extrapolate on the chances that exist for Palestine to be declared

As a state. The author quotes the exact words of the president of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu who upon his re-election promised that Palestine would not be a state. The author of the article tries to identify instances where the international community have been involved so as to solve the crisis that has present between Israel and Palestine. One of the country that has been involved actively was the United States, from the author’s account the major contribution that was made in the talks came with the Administration of George Bush. The administration had more influence on Israel and there was a possibility on the status of having the states. This was further strengthened by the singing of crucial instruments that aided in the negotiations.

Most of the Palestine officials believe that the Obama administration made little contribution in the negations. When he came in office he had to do away with some of the arrangements made George Bush. This has further left nothing productive from the talks that were being spearheaded by John Kerry. The author underlines the contribution made by the great leader of Palestine Abbas. The Palestine’s have been appreciative of his efforts because it is from the 10 years that Abbas has been in power he was able to petition to the UN and Palestine was recognized as a state (Tibon, 2015). It was in his active era that Palestine was upgraded non-state observer to a non-member state which is the same position held by Vatican.

The youths of Palestine opposed to the elderly leaders are more of the one state idea, they want to be recognized by Israel as its citizens. They want the freedom enjoyed by the people of Israel be granted to them. This is to allow them to have equal rights and freedom, the failure to be recognized as a state by the veto nations have killed their dream and they would want to transfer the burden to Israel. This is because Israel cannot deny them their wish since their chances of gaining independence have proven to be futile.

Creating the Palestine state

The author of this article revisits his previous works where he had come up with a proper idea that could have been used by the Palestine authority to make Palestine to be a state. This blueprint was to be effected wholly and it would have realized the objectives that Muhammad Abbas and the people of Palestine had. The author had two proposals in his book: reflect on what had happened in the intervening 26 years and come up with about Palestinians and where everyone should go.

The purpose of the article that was initially written by the author was for Palestine to make a unilateral declaration. This in simple terms meant that Palestine should make a declaration that would state they had obtained independence. This was to be used as a novel strategy since the idea of a two-state solution seemed to be falling on deaf ears. The idea was that two-nations could not be achieved through negotiations or through the imposition of greater powers. The plan of the author was that Palestine should first be declared first as a state then negotiations on the occupation of occupied Palestine territory was to follow. The move was made on Nov 15 1998 in Algiers where the Palestine Liberation Organization made a declaration of independence.

The unilateral act was considered as a strategy to advance Palestine liberation organization’s international conference strategy and this further led to bilateral negations. The declaration was not considered to be the only requirement of the unilateral strategy (Creating the Palestinian State, 2014), the proclamation of the state of Palestine was the first step. This was not going to lead the end of the occupation and the creation of statehood. The author had come up with three elements that would be used to ensure that the first strategy was achieved. The first condition was the proclamation, this was not to stop here as it required the bringing into existence of the state. This included the setting up of a provisional government and moving away from the conditions of occupation. This was to ensure that the state gained widespread recognition. Secondly, the state had to now convince the Israeli public that this was a sea of change from the Palestine objectives. The Palestine Liberation Organization had to give an assurance to the Israeli public that they were committed to live in harmony. Lastly, the state was to create both internal and external pressure so as to end occupational presence of Israel. This was to ensure that this was going to be a lasting solution to peace.

There were although important unilateral steps that were to be involved so as to make the whole thing successful. This were announcing that Palestine was at peace with Israel, as part of this they had to send an ambassador to Israel. They were to also enact a constitution, which was to commit Palestine to demilitarization. They had to finally enact a law which was to expressly provide that the state was against terrorism and the law was going to be fully implemented. The Palestine Liberation Movement was unable to implement this thus led to the collapse of the unilateral declaration.

Israeli-Palestine Relations: Points of No Return

The author of this article tries to identify the steps that have been taken by Palestine to achieve the status of the state. The Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestine National Authority have come up with measures that tend to deal with Israeli perpendicularly. This is to the extent of ensuring that the two-state solution is achieved. Palestine has moved to ratify international instruments and they recently ascended to the Rome statute. Its purpose is to submit to the ICC on the settlement in the occupied Palestine.

This strategy that is being employed by Palestine is to attract international diplomacy since it has been 26 years of negations without any solutions forthcomings and with the utterances of President Netanyahu it seems like Palestine will not be recognized as a state any time soon. The Palestine Authority now feels the urge and need to ensure that fundamental freedom and rights are granted to its people (Erekat, 2014). The thought of having to dissolve Palestine Authority so as to join Israel is off the table. This therefore show that the leaders are more focused in giving the people of Palestine a state. The process of decolonization is intense as the pressure keeps pilling of Israel, for instance some countries in Europe and Russia have recognized Palestine as a state.


Creating the Palestinian State, R. (2014). Jerome M. Segal. Palestine- Israel Journal, 72-78.

Erekat, S. (2014). Israelini Palestinian Relations: point of no Return. Palestine- Israel Journal.

Tibon, G. R. (2015). The Death and Life of the two-state solution. Foreign Affairs, 78-87.