aTTN: Lady Taylor PhD (Leading Organizational Change)


Daniel Ortiz

Strategic Change: Global Creative Organization

LDR 531

Farooq Khan

University of Phoenix

March 8, 2017

Strategic Change: Global Creative Organization

The leaders in most global organizations have to deal with growing complexities in the industry and the market, uncertainties, workplace diversity, and highly volatile markets. The changes taking place in the market may affect the performance of their businesses as well as their competitiveness in the global market. As the business conditions continue to change rapidly, the leaders should be in a position to adjust accordingly and match this pace as a way of maintaining the performance of the organizations. As a global and creative organization, a firm should be able to nurture and develop such creative leaders who are capable of navigating the complexity of the market and maintain the firm's competitive advantage. As such, a leader of a creative organization should be in a position to establish the right direction, pace, and a meaningful work environment that supports the growth of individuals and the entire organization (Anderson et al, 2015). The leader should be able to facilitate the engagement of all the stakeholders and ensure that they assume responsibility in as much as they are held accountable for the performance of the firm. Also, one should lead effectively through maintenance of relationships, systems, and processes that facilitate the execution, focus, attainment, and maintenance of the desired results. This essay explores Apple Inc., as a creative organization that has been able to attain considerable success in the global market through effective and creative leadership strategies.

Apple Inc. has grown to become a global leader in the technology industry. Apple has successfully operated in the market through the application of creative and innovative strategies, which has enabled them to counter competitive pressures and attract customers from across the world. As a successful business organization, it is important to understand the value of creative leadership as well as innovation as a way to the attainment of greater competitiveness in the market. Apple Inc. is an appropriate example of the impact of effective leadership that is based on creativity and innovation can transform the future of an organization (Anderson et al, 2015).

Over the years, creativity and enabled the company to develop and improve the quality of their products continuously, thus being able to serve the rapidly evolving needs of their global customers. Through effective creative leadership, by individuals such as Steve Jobs, Apple has been able to move to higher levels of performance and maintain this competitive advantage in the market by innovating and renovating their products to suit the market dynamics. Creative leadership is able to focus on the enhancement of change within an organization, facilitate the implementation and technical execution of ideas, and ensure that the resources within an organization are used in the most effective manner to improve the productivity of the firm. As a result, it becomes possible to improve the operational systems and enhance the quality of products and services offered by the company to their customers (Anderson et al, 2015).

Given its current level of growth and performance in the global market, Apple Inc., qualifies to be a creative organization as it meets the desired criteria. A creative organization is based on various premises, which must be met to ensure that the firm is able to uphold high standards of performance despite the changes in the market environment (Mitchell, 2014). The success in creating a healthy and performance-oriented organization is centered on various conditions and components that found within the different organs of the entire organization. These components include leadership, communication, performance, delivery, measurement, and accountability. The leadership within an organization ensures that the identity of the firm is clearly defined through the provision of a particular direction and the strategies that should be followed in attaining the objectives of the firm (Beck & Cowan, 2014).

The leadership within Apple has always focused on the alignment of its vision, mission, values, strategy, and approach to be a competitive firm in the entire industry. This ensures that they are able to obtain sustainable results and a competitive edge in the global market. In addition, the processes, practices, and activities within an organization are properly aligned with the organizational structure to ensure that the company is able to meet its stipulated vision (Beck & Cowan, 2014). Clearly, from the example of Apple Inc., effective leadership helps in the development of a culture in leadership and the overall organizational culture of innovation and creativity. Communication is another vital element of a creative organization as it ensures that the activities and efforts of the people within the organization are properly coordinated for the attainment of the desired objectives. In addition, communication facilitates authenticity, provides focus, eliminates uncertainties and excuses, facilitates experiential learning, and leverages individual leadership capabilities at different levels of the organization. Apple has always upheld effective communication channels across the entire firm, which has enhanced contribution by individuals towards creativity and innovation of new and better products to suffice the market demands. This has been made possible through acknowledging and rewarding creative talents within the organization and the availability of a team of leaders who are willing to inspire the development of ideas and nurture them (Mitchell, 2014).

The organizational culture at Apple Inc. emphasizes on accountability in performance, which ensures that people understand what is expected of them. The leaders in the organization have adopted a leadership process that enhances the attainment of organizational objectives in a manner that facilitates accountable behavior, learning, and sustainable performance in all their departments. The processes within the company are also efficient and capable of responding to internal demands of the firm in as much as they are adaptable to the global environment (Mitchell, 2014). The operations of the company are focused on prioritization of duties while using effective techniques, facilitating the alignment of initiatives and strategic operations as well as improvement of operations to pursue a higher standard of performance. Thus, the organization is able to build adequate capacity and capabilities for the future market trends, which is attained by hiring the best talents and facilitating increased learning while within the organization as a way of improving individual productivity and organizational performance. These performance standards should be measurable using appropriate metrics, which enables the company to control quality, ensure consistency in organizational behavior, and ensure that results and productivity are predictable (Anderson et al, 2015).

Creative organizations are better positioned to withstand the shocks in the market. These market variations are brought about by the dynamic and rapid rate of growth and change in consumer preferences as well as technological evolution. Effective and creative leadership is key to the development of creative organizations. Apple Inc. is an example of a creative organization, which has flourished in the technology industry due to its ability to harness the opportunities available in the market and the capabilities of its workforce. Clearly, the leadership at Apple Inc. has played a vital role towards the development of an organization, which has dominated the global tech market through the provision of high-end products to their customers (Anderson et al, 2015). From the analysis, it is evident that for an organization to become creative, it must be willing to take the lead, anticipate competition, assume risks, and take advantage of the market and technological changes. Thus, the leaders within the firm have the role of ensuring that the company’s strategic objectives are developed in alignment with the strategies and resources of the firm.


Anderson, R. J., Anderson, B., Adams, W. A., & Adams, B. (2015). Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results. John Wiley & Sons.

Beck, D. E., & Cowan, C. (2014). Spiral Dynamics: Mastering values, leadership and change. John Wiley & Sons.

Mitchell, W. (2014). Why Apple’s product magic continues to amaze–skills of the world’s# 1 value chain integrator. Strategy & Leadership, 42(6), 17-28.