cohesive paper


HWE Accessories Website: Project Plan, Risk Matrix, and Key Factors

HWE Accessories Website: Project Plan, Risk Matrix, and Key Factors

February 20, 2017

HWE Accessories Website: Project Plan, Risk Matrix, and Key Factors

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This project plan is based on System Development Life Cycle. It is known as process driven or traditional system development method. The technique requires analysts to follow some phases in a sequential manner when developing and implementing an information system. It involves people and is described as an information system development project. There is clear project objectives, stable project requirements, the progress of system is measurable and strict sign-off requirements.

Risk Matrix

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Essential Factors used to determine the success of the website project

Smart Planning

Good and comprehensive planning sets up a project for success from the start. Planning can assist the team members to meet the deadlines and stay organized. Good plan not only keeps the project team focused and on track, but also keeps stakeholders aware of project progress. There many benefits of doing a comprehensive planning among them being it allow realistic time-scale to be created, project resources are managed with minimal wastage, etc.

Open Communication

Keeping open communication within the team is essential and determine the success of the project. When operating under a given timetable, it is crucial that the team remains well-informed of any undertaking going on. Communication should be kept internally within the team as well as externally to the end users of the website. This will allow the developers to create user-friendly websites as well as maintain all functionalities required.

Careful Risk Management

Not always thing goes as planned; sometimes thing rarely happens as per the plan. During the planning process, it is vital to produce a risk log and a risk assessment plan with an action plan for the risks that the project could face along the way. Maintaining things such as backups is an essential role during the development process of the website. Unexpected risk can cause the project to fail or take too long to finish.

Smart People

The right team will ensure the success of the project plans while the wrong team will lead to a failure of any strategy which is proposed. The right team mark a bright start and of the project. All stakeholders; project manager, developers, software engineers, designer and many other should be proficient in their area of profession.

Strong Project Closure

If a project does not have strong and a determinable closure, then it has the potential to continue to consume unplanned resources. The team must be firm and agree with the customer that all critical success factors have been met. The project delivery and testing, as well as release, must be approved and signed off as confirmatory measures. References such as satisfaction surveys are critical methods of documentation which can be used keep valuable information for future use.