public adminstration n

Agency’s Public Personnel Administration 11

Evaluation of Agency’s Public Personnel Administration

Name: LaShanda Lewis

Date: 31 January 2017


Assignment 2: Assessment of Agency’s Populace Personnel Organization, Part 2

Table of Contents

Revision of the Previous Assignment 4

Organizational Design 4

Worldwide Linkages and Personnel Management 5

Personnel Employment and Hiring Exercises 6

Workforce Skills Training 7

Enrolling and Training Suggestions 8

References 10

Revision of the Previous Assignment

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the principal agency of the US government, which is accountable for defending the wellness and wellbeing of people in the USA. It adopts effective HRM policies and strategies to motivate its employees and solve the issues related to professionalism and motivation of employees. It has immense opportunities to serve the people by ensuring the effective health service with high quality to develop healthy, safe and supportive environment.

Organizational Design

The organizational design of DHHS’ human resource management includes the office of secretary, operating divisions and regional offices that are further classified into different relevant functional departments. Therefore, it can be stated that DHHS’ HR management adopt a matrix structure in human relationship to the whole system, in which the reporting relationships are determined as a grid or matrix rather than hierarchy (Schaeffer, Schultz & Salerno, 2009).

It has a combination of functional departments with project organization. In this, functional department like secretary, office divisions and regional offices have a vertical chain of command, while project organization, authority flows horizontally for performing a particular task like research & quality, food and drug administration, etc. (HHS, 2014).

The main strengths of this organizational design are effective utilization of resources, better coordination across functional departments, efficient information flow, better employee relationship, and fast and effective decision making that helps the agency to implement the strategic initiatives successfully. Apart from this, in this design, staff members work autonomously that enhances the motivation level of the members and enjoy the work to serve the people (Kortmann, 2012).

But at the same time, this organizational design also has some weaknesses related to overlapping of working structure, turf battles, difficulty in determining accountability, internal complexity and expensive to maintain and internal conflict that can reduce the working efficiency and organizational effectiveness significantly (Lengnick-Hall,, 2009).

Worldwide Linkages and Personnel Management

DHHS has a global linkage by making effective personal management to ensure the health care protection and serve the people at international level. It provides a broad portfolio of explore and conclusion support initiatives associated with the environmental health and the health consequences of climate change to its staff members to work for the global population. In 2011, it has launched a global health strategy with primary domestic responsibilities (Bliss, 2014). This policy is followed by its personnel to accomplish various objectives related to its international engagement and develop a strong relationship among world-wide and local health conditions.

In training and development programs, employees of DHHHS are acknowledged to increase the wellness and well being of all United States Americans and collaborate with other countries and global organizations to improve the health of the global community. Its global linkage is related to personnel management because of its commitment and training perspectives in the area of illness, police work, food and drug safety, introductory research, and health finesse that shows a linkage between global and local health challenges (Global, 2014).

All the departmental people are selected and trained for overall evolution and implementation of world-wide health policy and plans. In addition, it has also a perspective of the agency’s manager of world-wide affairs in its structure to link its services with global health issues (, 2014).

Personnel Employment and Hiring Exercises

The major elements of DHHS’s human resource system’s aims and exercises concerning the recruitment and employing of a specified workforce are volunteerism, diversity and leadership with innovation among the candidates. It conducts competitive examining before selecting a candidate that includes a written test, an evaluation of the individual's education and experience and assessment of other required attributes as per position. DHHS is looking for the people who are willing and capable to accept the huge responsibilities for achieving its mission and strategic objectives (HHS, 2014). This agency adopts both internal hiring options by filling a vacant position within the organization with current federal employees and external hiring options by filling vacant position from outside the current federal workforce.

Apart from this, the DHHS recruits and hires the qualified workforce from various social and educational surroundings into a range of different fields like health professionals, scientists, biologists, researchers, computer engineers, budget analysts, economists, managers and clerical specializers, and medical scientist (HHS, 2014). With the help of this diverse workforce, the agency is capable to access a wide range of services to fulfill its objectives of ensuring quality of healthcare to the global people and improve the satisfaction for millions of individuals. Apart from this, another component of HR system’s goals and practices regarding recruitment is leadership with innovation because it looks for leaders and innovators, who can provide the innovative services and inspire others to put an effective impact on the public health at domestic and international level (Fernandez, Cho & Perry, 2010).

Workforce Skills Training

DHHS’s approach to educating and plans allowed for for new and current employees for the growth of knowledge, accomplishments and overall competencies is an off-the-job training method. In this training approach, the agency is looking for the motivated students, graduates and health professionals, who are interested to participate in these training programs. It offers training in a wide range of topics and areas to achieve the mission of protection of public health effectively. For this, DHHS takes the training services from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Indian Health Service (IHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Student Opportunities (HHS, 2014).

All these agencies are effective to provide better training to the participants through their experts and professionals, who have a depth expertise in their fields and share effective knowledge and experience with the participants to develop their skills and knowledge. In addition, this approach is also time saving approach because due to recovering a short span of time. But at the same time, this training approach has weaknesses related to a reduction in employee efficacy, dependability, on training agencies, high cost and the absence of actual work environments that can reduce the effectiveness of these training sessions (Saks, Haccoun & Belcourt, 2010). In addition, it is also not effective to develop capabilities among the participants to handle real challenges and issues at the workplace.

Enrolling and Training Suggestions

DHHS could go for improve in the fields of enrolling and educating a specified workforce by adopting effective HRM practices. It needs to adopt an effective advertising method to attract and hire highly qualified employees, especially for hard-to-fill positions. For making effective hiring advertising, it could use effective internet and print adverting tools. There are various internet options such as profession-specific niche web sites and posting boards that would be effective to provide all needed information regarding vacant positions to the applicants and job seekers across geographical boundaries to maintain diversified and talented workforce (NCDHHS, 2014). In addition, print options like professional journals and newspaper ads could be effective for the agency to advertise the job positions to capture the audience of specific professional and more access to the applicants.

On the other hand, for improving areas of training, DHHS could use on-the-job training approach along with off-the-line training through coaching, job rotation, mentoring, Job Instructional Technique (JIT), apprenticeship programs and understudy like assistant work to generally new and inexperienced employees (Yankeelov,, 2009). It would be cost effective and suitable with organizational objectives, to serve the people effectively to improve their health and wellbeing with better coordination of working environment with learning and immediate supervision.


Bliss, K. (2014) Global Health within a Domestic Agency. Retrieved from:

Fernandez, S., Cho, Y. J., & Perry, J. L. (2010). Exploring the link between integrated leadership and public sector performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(2), 308-323.

Global (2014). Retrieved from:

HHS (2014) Retrieved from:

HHS (2014) Retrieved from:

HHS (2014) Retrieved from:

Kortmann, S. (2012) The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Ambidexterity: A Comparison between Manufacturing and Service Firms. UK: Springer Science & Business Media.

Lengnick-Hall, M. L., Lengnick-Hall, C. A., Andrade, L. S., & Drake, B. (2009). Strategic human resource management: The evolution of the field. Human Resource Management Review, 19(2), 64-85.

NCDHHS (2014) Retrieved from:

Saks, A. M., Haccoun, R. R., & Belcourt, M. (2010) Managing performance through training and development. USA: Cengage Learning.

Schaeffer, L.D., Schultz, A.M. & Salerno, J.A. (2009). HHS in the 21st Century:: Charting a New Course for a Healthier America. USA: National Academies Press.

Yankeelov, P. A., Barbee, A. P., Sullivan, D., & Antle, B. F. (2009). Individual and organizational factors in job retention in Kentucky's child welfare agency. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(5), 547-554.