Now that you have attended the event, it is time to evaluate the event planning process and the core business practices associated with executing the event. For this assignment, you will submit a 750-1,000 word written evaluation of the event. You will c

Stakeholder Interview

The purpose of this assignment is for you to talk with two event stakeholders such as participants, volunteers, sponsors, or community members to learn about their experiences associated with the sports related event you have selected. You will use the information gained from the interviews as part of your evaluation of the event planning process and execution.

  1. How did you get involved with or interested in this particular event?

Got involved through the organization DFW as a parent and team dad. I help to build up the men side of the volunteers.

  1. What role(s) did you have in the event (participant, volunteer, spectator, sponsor, community member, etc.)?

I am a Volunteer

  1. Did you have a positive experience being part of this event? Explain why.

Though this even has not begun I feel that it should be a great success not only because of what it is sponsoring but also because of the planners that have put a lot into this event.

  1. Do you know the event’s main purpose/objective?

The main purpose is to not only have some great basketball but also inform and or introduce the community to a diseases called Lupus that is called the NINJA disease because it attacks but you can never pin point it.

  1. Do you think the event achieved its main purpose/objective? Explain why.

I believe that it will not only because of the great basketball being played but in most cases there is someone you know that is suffering from this disease and we want to do whatever we can to help them fight.

  1. In your opinion, was the event well planned and executed? Support your opinion with specific reasons, facts and examples.

From looking at the planners schedule and blueprint of this event I think it should be done rather smoothly. Even if there is a potential for something to go wrong they seem to be prepared.

  1. Did you use any form or social media/technology as part of your involvement in the event including getting general information, registration, event schedules, and post-event information?

The use of social media should bring a great number to this tournament as well as a great support in raising money and awareness of the disease.

  1. How would you describe the effectiveness of the use of social media and overall promotion for this event? Was the event information easy to find and clearly presented with a consistent message?

Just as I said in the answer above, there was a great deal of work inviolved in getting the word out using the internet to get the word out.

  1. What is your opinion of the event location/venue? Was is adequate for the event?

I think using the local University is a great idea. It helps them to even get some eyes on their program and their campus. As they get to play on a top-notch sport facility.

  1. Did you encounter any difficulties or frustrations during your event experience (i.e. getting information, registration process, logistical issues, during the event itself, post-event)?

I don’t expect any issues but I will be working the gate so it may become a little chaotic at times but I think that with strategic planning we will be ready for anything.

  1. To your knowledge, were there specific partners or sponsors associated with the event, and do you believe that partnership/sponsorship was evident to participants? Why?

Yes partners are the University of Houston Women’s Basketball and also the Lupus Foundation

  1. What was the best part/aspect/quality of the event?

I am hoping that it is not just the competitive atmosphere but also the gathering of people to fight this disease because I family member that is affected by this disease.

  1. Compared to other similar events you’ve been involved with, how would you rank this one on a scale form 1-10?

I can compare the preparation to others that I have worked and it is a lot of work in trying to get this to work and I hope that this event can happen like it has been planned on paper.

  1. Would you be involved with this event again? Why?

I definitely want to be involve in more of these events even with just working in the planning.

  1. What could the event coordinator do differently to improve the event in the future?

In the planning, I think he could get more volunteers to help in getting more sponsors. Also, I think that for the future they may won’t to try and invite more teams. I think that we could work on getting teams from Louisiana. Those AAU fans travel with their teams and would bring even more revenue as well coverage.