Only for Kim Woods 6351 wk 5,6,7

Expectations for Class Discussions and assignments:

In regards to discussion posts I generally follow the guidelines spelled out in Walden's grading rubric in regards to posts (see the grading rubric outlined in the course information section of blackboard). However, if you do not use APA format or references in at least your initial post, I will deduct at least 5 points for that (so please do that).  This is also the same rules for assignments, that they must follow APA style format. Also, in past courses I have been flexible in certain situations regarding delayed or late posts. I do believe that life sometimes gets in the way when we least expect it to. Please know that I would prefer a late post than no post at all.  However, I will not accept posts that are more than a week late.  If you are not able to post by the required date for whatever reason, just please let me know beforehand. As a rule, however, I do deduct points off the posts if they are late so as to be fair to those who post on time.


In addition, I will be following very closely with Walden's Tunitin Policy, which I posted below. Therefore, any paper that is submitted to me with more than 30% of the paper with improperly cited passages (or to many cited passages) I will return the paper to you and ask for you to re-review it and for a re-write if necessary. You will not lose points if the original paper was submitted on-time, but will be given a limited period of time to review/rewrite the paper (2-3 days).


I have provided an outline of what is specifically required for discussion posts and written assignments in this course:

Discussion Posts:

All posts to all discussions require APA citations and references. Each student is to respond to 2 other students’ posts for every discussion throughout the course.  This is the rule for this class; there are discrepancies in this on the Blackboard site. However, going forward,  If you post more than 6 response posts by day 5 you will be eligible for 3 points extra participation credit to make up for any lost points (my class rule).

I will be posting on discussions and I am requiring a response from you so please check throughout the week for when respond to your discussion post (usually by day 5)

All initial posts and response posts are due on the days specified on Blackboard (usually Day Three and Five).  If your post is late for whatever reason please make sure your posts are posted by Day 7.  I am no longer allowed to accept posts after Day 7 as per Walden’s Policy, and any posts. If you know that there is a circumstance that will prevent you for making the post on time or by Day 7, please email me to discuss.

The way a reader (myself and other students) can see that you understand the information, theoretical models, concepts, and words you are discussing is to write about them in your own words as much as possible, tell us what the article authors said by paraphrasing, using your own language. Scholarly does not mean you have to write using multi-syllabic words. Writing a bit like you talk is fine if the reader can understand and if your spelling and grammar are correct.

Read the rubric before and while you write. Let it guide you as to what you write. This is straightforward. In discussion posts you can draft a post in a word document where you have pasted the instructions for each point to be made in the post. You can then write your answer/post right under this instruction and copy and paste the whole thing onto the discussion list. This can help you stay on track.

The idea in discussions is to have as much of a conversation as possible. Notice that the “feedback” rubric score for “excellent” says: RESPONSES  --if you fail to respond at all, the grade for feedback is 0 out of 10 points.  This does not even consider quality of posts, doing nothing causes a loss of 10 points

CITATIONS AND REFERENCES:  Initial posts and the 2 required responses must have citations and references from the professional literature.  Using only the case as a reference/cite is NOT sufficient.  This is a vignette, it is not research that will back up a claim.  Every post should have a claim you are making  (e.g. "I think an eco map is good to use here",  "Strengths based is best here", "Women in violent relationships often attempt to leave 9 times before leaving for good).  You then must have a cite/ref. that backs up this claim, e.g. an article that states eco maps are good to use in situations similar to the case under discussion.


Written Assignments:

Walden University has a strict policy on written assignments, whereas all papers are required to follow APA format.  The only exception is that they no longer require a running head on the papers.  Most of you already adhere to this format and I have not been as strict in my grading when reviewing your papers on this, but going forward (Week 7 and beyond) I will now follow closely to Walden University requirements and the rubric.  The outline for an APA paper is below, and I have attached a sample for your review. 

In addition, as I mentioned in my introductory post at the beginning of the quarter. following very closely with Walden's Tunitin Policy, which I posted below. Therefore, any paper that is submitted to me with more than 30% of the paper with improperly cited passages (or too many cited passages) I will return the paper to you and ask for you to re-review it and for a re-write if necessary. You will not lose points if the original paper was submitted on-time, but will be given a limited period of time to review/rewrite the paper (2-3 days).


Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.


Dr. Regina


APA Format Outline:  In general, your paper should follow these formatting guidelines:

Margin. Although formerly, the required measurement for margins is 1 ½ inch, now, it is required that margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) should each just measure one (1) inch.

Font Size and Type. Font for text all throughout the paper should be 12-pt., Times New Roman.

Spacing. Double-space for the whole document, including appendices, footnotes, tables and figures. For spacing after punctuation, space once after commas, colons and semicolons within sentences and space twice after punctuation marks that end sentences.

Text Alignment and Indentation. Alignment should be flush left, or aligned to the left creating uneven right margin.

Active Voice. Traditionally, the APA writing format requires writing in an impersonal form. That is, refraining from using pronouns such as ‘I' or ‘We' in your statements. Now, it has changed. Most disciplines require the active voice. An example of this would be, instead of writing “according to the study,” it should be “according to our study.” This way, papers are made to be as active as possible.

Order of Pages and Pagination. The order of pages should follow this format:

Title Page > Abstract > Body > References > Appendices > Footnotes > Tables > Figures

The page number should appear one inch from the right corner of the paper on the first line of each page. The title page will serve as the Page 1 of your paper.

Title Page

The Title Page should contain the title of your paper, your name as its author (including co-authors), your institutional affiliation/s and author note if applicable. In case there's no institutional affiliation, just indicate your city and state or your city and country instead.

As mentioned earlier, your title page will serve as your Page 1. It should be typed centered on the page. If it requires more than one line, please be reminded to double-space between all lines. Your name appears double-spaced as well, below the paper title.

The author note is where information about the author's departmental affiliation is stated, or acknowledgements of assistance or financial support are made, as well as the mailing address for future correspondence.


The Abstract of your paper contains a brief summary of the entirety of your research paper. It usually consists of just 150-250 words, typed in block format. The Abstract begins on a new page, Page 2. All numbers in your Abstract should be typed as digits rather than words, except those that begin a sentence.


The body of your research paper begins on a new page, Page 3. The whole text should be typed flush-left with each paragraph's first line indented 5-7 spaces from the left. Also, avoid hyphenating words at ends of line.

Text Citation and References

Text Citations are important to avoid issues of plagiarism. When documenting source materials, the author/s and date/s of the sources should be cited within the body of the paper. The main principle here is that, all ideas and words of others should be properly and formally acknowledged.

The Reference Section lists all the sources you've previously cited in the body of your research paper. It states the author/s of the source, the material's year of publication, the name or title of the source material, as well as its electronic retrieval information, if these were gathered from the Internet.


The Appendix is where unpublished tests or other descriptions of complex equipment or stimulus materials are presented.


SOCW 6351 week ,5,6,7


  • Popple, P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2015). The policy-based profession: An introduction to social welfare policy analysis for social workers. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

    • Chapter 7, “Aging: Social Security as an Entitlement” (pp. 139-163)

  • NASW. (2009). Social work speaks. Washington, DC: NASW Press.

    • Long-term Care (pp. 223–228)

  • U.S. Social Security Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2013, from


  • Congressional Budget Office. (2010). Social Security policy options. Retrieved from

Discussion 1: Social Security and Social Welfare Programs

For years, many working individuals in the United States have counted on Social Security as their primary retirement income. With the deductions from every paycheck to fund this future benefit, Americans looked forward to a comfortable retirement based on the assumption that these funds were being invested wisely. Is this a factual assumption, or is it another myth of the U.S. social welfare system?

Relying on Social Security as a sole means of support in retirement is uncommon. As society’s work habits and life expectancies change, Social Security has come to mean different things to different people. For those who are unable to save and/or invest on their own, it functions like a forced retirement program that provides a financial safety net for the future. For those who become unable to work, social security often is viewed by others as a public assistance program. For others who are financially secure and prepared for retirement, it is an entitlement program where individuals draw Social Security at retirement in an effort to recoup what they paid into the program by deductions from their wages. How might these perceptions of Social Security relate to the perceptions of public assistance programs that were discussed in last week’s resources?

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Then, consider how Social Security is different from public assistance programs. Finally, think about how these differences are important in terms of the general perception of Social Security benefits.

Post by Day 3 an explanation of how Social Security is different from public assistance programs. Then, explain how these differences are important, in terms of the general perception of Social Security benefits.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Discussion 2: Disenfranchisement of the Social Security Program

While Social Security provides a safety net of sorts for millions of people, there are still many groups who are not adequately served by this program. For example, there are disparities in the Social Security benefits women receive in comparison to men.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Also, conduct some Internet research to select a population that you think might be disenfranchised by the Social Security program. Consider how the population you selected might be disenfranchised by the Social Security program.

Post by Day 4 a brief description of the population you selected. Then, explain how that population might be disenfranchised by the Social Security program based on research, statistics, or policy analysis.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Assignment 1: Social Welfare Wiki Assignment, Part 2: Researching the Social Problem

Responding to the social problems that affect the populations you serve as a social worker is only one aspect of the professional responsibility you must undertake. The ability to be proactive by identifying disparities and gaps in policies is just as important. However, in order to be an effective advocate and to fully participate in the policy process, it is important that you be able to connect theory and research to policy-making decisions. Having the knowledge and skills to implement new policies and policy alternatives without creating new disparities is a skill all social workers need to possess.

For this Assignment, review this week’s resources. Reflect on the issue you selected for your Social Problem paper in Week 3. Consider the research evidence on possible causes or explanations for that problem. Then, think about the theoretical explanations and approaches scholars and policy analysts used to discuss this issue and what policies have resulted from these discussions. Consider whether these policies are effective in resolving the problem. Visit the Group Wiki to which you are assigned and review the social issue your group selected. Then, as a group, begin sharing information and resources related to the known explanations or causes of the problem you selected.

You will use the information you gain from your group's collaboration to write a paper later this week. You may want to consult the assignment instructions to ensure that your group wiki addresses all aspects of the problem and includes resources to meet all of the requirements of the paper.

Keep in mind that you stand to get as much out of a wiki as you put into it. You are required to post information on your wiki at least twice a week. You can substitute one of your content-related posts by performing “housekeeping” activities in the wiki, such as reorganizing existing information into new categories or restating content to increase clarity.

Complete your Wiki Assignment by Day 5 of Week 5.

To complete your Wiki, click on Groups on the course navigation menu. Once you have clicked on the link, select your assigned group Wiki (e.g., Group A, Group B, etc.) to access your group's home page. Select Group Wiki under the Group Tools menu to work on your Wiki.

Assignment 2: Application—Social Problem Research

You have already written a paper on a social problem in Week 3. You have researched various information on the problem and collaborated with your group through this week’s wiki. It is now your turn to assimilate the information into a paper. Remember, each group member will write a paper on an individual basis.

For this Assignment, review your group’s wiki for this week and consider what you have learned about the possible causes of the social problem your group selected.

Assignment (2–4 pages, APA format): Your paper should include:

  • A description of the known explanations or causes of the issue you selected in your Social Issues paper in Week 3

  • A description of the theoretical explanations and approaches scholars and policy analysts used to discuss this issue

  • A description of the policies that have resulted from these discussions and an explanation of whether they are effective at resolving the issue

Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Week 6: Mental Health and Managed Care



Psychology professionals historically provided mental health services, but, over time, social work professionals have emerged as the largest service providers in this area. The social work profession brings a unique perspective to mental health and managed care. Its focus on environmental factors and their importance in both the assessment and intervention phases is one example of how the social work profession has influenced mental health care. Despite these influences, gaps in care still exist within the mental health care system. How might you, as a social worker, respond to the challenges these gaps in care present? What gaps might exist in your state’s mental health policies, and what is your ethical responsibility in addressing these gaps?

This week, you explore the gaps in care within the mental health care system and develop suggestions for how to address the challenges the system faces in providing care. You also examine the specific mental health policies for your state and analyze the ethical responsibilities of social workers in mental health care.


Students will:

  • Identify gaps in care for the mental health care system

  • Analyze the influence of environmental stressors on mental health treatment

  • Develop strategies for addressing challenges in mental health care

  • Analyze policies on emerging issues in mental health care

  • Develop strategies for ensuring clients/populations receive necessary mental health services

  • Analyze the ethical responsibilities of social workers as it relates to mental health care conflicts in host settings

  • Analyze specific state mental health commitment standards and services


  • Popple, P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2015). The policy-based profession: An introduction to social welfare policy analysis for social workers. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

    • Chapter 8, “Mental Health and Substance Abuse (pp. 164-193)

  • World Health Organization. (2004). Mental health policy and service guidance package: Mental health policy, plans and programmes. Retrieved from

  • Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore: MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

    • Part 1, "The Parker Family" (pp. 6–8)


  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Sessions: Parker family (Episode 5 of 42) [Video file]. Retrieved from


  • Mental Health America. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2013, from

Discussion 1: Mental Health Care

Mental health care is a primary concern to social workers, who are the main providers of care to populations with mental health diagnoses. The system that provides services to individuals with mental health issues is often criticized for being reactive and only responding when individuals are in crisis. Crisis response is not designed to provide on-going care and is frequently very expensive, especially if hospitalization is involved.

Critics suggest a comprehensive plan, which involves preventive services, as well as a continuum of care. However, there are few, if any, effective and efficient program models. Social work expertise and input are vital to implementing effective services. Targeting services to individuals with a diagnosis of mental illness is one strategy. Another approach includes providing an array of services that are also preventative in nature. How might these suggestions address potential policy gaps in caring for individuals such as the family members in the Parker Family case?

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources, including the Parker Family video. Then consider the specific challenges or gaps in caring for individuals with a chronic mental illness might present for the mental health system based on the Parker case. Finally, think about how environmental stressors, such as poverty, can aggravate mental illness and make treatment more challenging.

Post by Day 3 an explanation of the specific challenges or gaps in the mental health care system for the care of individuals with chronic mental illnesses. Base your response on the Parker case. Then, describe how environmental stressors, such as poverty, can aggravate mental illness and make treatment more challenging.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Discussion 2: Emerging Issues in Mental Health Care

Like so many areas of practice in social work, mental health is dynamic and ever-evolving. Research continues to provide new information about how the brain functions, the role of genetics in mental health, and evidence to support new possibilities for treatment. Keeping up with these developments might seem impossible. However, being aware of and responsive to these developments and incorporating them into both your practice and social policy is essential to changing the lives of individuals and families who live with a mental health diagnosis and the impact it brings to their daily lives.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Search the Walden Library and other reputable online sources for emerging issues in the mental health care arena. Think about the issues that are being addressed by social policy and those that are in need of policy advocacy and why that might be the case. Then, consider what social workers can do to ensure that clients/populations receive necessary mental health services. Also, think about the ethical responsibility related to mental health care social workers must uphold in host settings when they encounter conflicts in administration and home values. Finally, search your state government sites for the mental health commitment standards in your state and reflect on the mental health services covered under your state’s Medicaid program.

By Day 4, post an explanation of those emerging issues in the mental health care arena that the policymakers address and those that are in need of policy advocacy and why. Then, explain what strategies social workers might use to ensure that clients/populations receive necessary mental health services. Finally, explain the mental health commitment standards and mental health services in your state. In your explanation, refer to the services covered under your state’s Medicaid program.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Week 7: Child Welfare Policy



When laypeople think of the terms “child welfare” and “social work,” they may make only one assumption: that social workers remove children from their homes. Few people outside of the social work profession understand that social workers play a much bigger role in the context of child welfare and families.

Policies in any domain vary widely based on various factors, including culture. The domain of child welfare is no exception. Do you think the same set of policies could be equally applicable and effective in Southeast Asia and Western Europe? It seems unlikely. There are still, however, some factors that affect the welfare of a child the same way no matter where the child is from. A strong and resilient family unit is one such factor, as it is very important for the healthy growth of a child, no matter what geographical region or culture he or she belongs to. Social workers support children, and they work to ensure that families have the knowledge, resources, and support to nurture the child’s development. They consider the various determining factors for child welfare and help shape policies that affect the daily lives of children and their families.

This week, you examine the influence of culture on child welfare policies. You also analyze the responsibilities of social workers in supporting accessibility to child welfare services. In addition, you analyze the role of family preservation in child welfare, evaluate research findings on the effect of foster care on children, and identify gaps in the state foster care system. Finally, you evaluate child welfare approaches for their appropriateness and effectiveness.


Students will:

  • Analyze influences of culture on child welfare policies

  • Analyze responsibilities of social workers in supporting accessibility to child welfare services

  • Analyze the role of family preservation in child welfare

  • Evaluate whether research supports the assumption that foster care is harmful for children

  • Identify gaps in state foster care system

  • Compare benefits and shortfalls of permanency planning

  • Compare benefits and shortfalls of family preservation

  • Evaluate child welfare approaches


  • Popple, P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2015). The policy-based profession: An introduction to social welfare policy analysis for social workers. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

    • Chapter 10, “Child Welfare: Family Preservation Policy” (pp. 212-242)

  • Edwards, H. R., Bryant, D. U., & Bent-Goodley, T. B. (2011). Participation and influence in federal child welfare policymaking. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 5(2/3), 145–166.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

  • Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore: MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

    • Part 1, "The Hernandez Family" (pp.3–5)


  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Sessions: Hernandez family (Episode 3 of 42) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Discussion 1: Cultural Influences of Social Policy

Cultures, regardless of where they are or how long ago they existed, share a few common characteristics. Among these characteristics is a structure to care for their children and to socialize them in the culture. Children are taught, both directly and indirectly, the values of the culture, their role in the culture, and the expectations the culture has for them. Children absorb the rules, dynamics, and values, which they will later pass these on to subsequent generations.

As a social worker, you will deal with families from different cultural backgrounds. Understanding the cultural background of the families you work with will help you to effectively intervene and advocate for policies that support their needs. How prepared are you to identify and advocate for social policies that are just and support families from all cultures?

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources, including the Hernandez Family video case. Consider how cultural considerations might affect child welfare policy. Then, think about what your responsibilities, as a social worker, might be in supporting the Hernandez family in addressing their child welfare needs through the accessibility of services. 

Post by Day 3 an explanation of how cultural considerations might affect child welfare policy. Then, explain what your responsibilities, as a social worker, might be in supporting the Hernandez family in addressing their child welfare needs through the accessibility of services.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Discussion 2: Child Welfare and Family Preservation

An essential aspect of social work practice is the support and preservation of the family unit. Building and empowering strong, resilient families is a focus of social work practice within organizations and communities.

Social work research is an integral aspect of working with families. The research component of social work is essential to providing effective policies, programs, and services to support and empower families.

As a social worker, you need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills required for effectively working with families for child welfare. You also need to interpret and evaluate research findings involving family and child welfare.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Consider the role of family preservation in child welfare, the research regarding family preservation, and the assumptions about foster care. Think about whether you agree with the research, and whether there are any gaps in your state foster care system that might contribute to the assumptions. Reflect on the benefits and shortfalls of permanency planning and family preservation and which approach you prefer.

Post by Day 4 an explanation of the role of family preservation in child welfare. Then, explain whether research supports the assumption that foster care is harmful for children, as presented by the cornerstone argument for family preservation. Be sure to include whether you agree with this assumption and why you agree or disagree. Subsequently, identify the gaps in your state foster care system that contribute to the idea that foster care is harmful to children. Then, compare the benefits and shortfalls of permanency planning and family preservation. Finally, provide a description of whether you prefer the permanency or the family preservation approach as a child welfare social worker and why you prefer it.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.