History Assignment

HTY /SSC 110HM Assignment 1 This assignment contains four parts. Carefully read the instructions and place your responses to all four parts on one Word document. 1. Click the Pearson Materials link under Course Home , and then, click “Native American Peoples , c. 1500 .”  Pre -work o Investigate: What is the difference between a physical and a political map? o Locate this physical map of the United States and examine it carefully, making note of the mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, and deserts.

http://www.freeworldmaps.net/northamerica/united -states/map.html  Look at the map “Native American Peoples , c. 1500. ” o Click on the map to enlarge it until it fills your screen . o Study the map legend carefully, noting Culture Areas, Trade Goods, and Trade Routes. o According to the map legend, which of the cultural groups would have engaged in agriculture? o Did most trade routes run North/South or East/ West? What is the most plausibl e explanation for this? o On the eve of European contact, Native American tribes spread across the North American continent and encompassed a range of different cultures, languages, and religious beliefs. Trade goods exchanged among these diverse groups furn ished avenues of communication across the continent. According to this map, which geographic features presented barriers to trade? W hich geographic features would have facilitated trade? o View the NBC Learn videos “A Look at American Indian Religions” and “ Iroquois Confederacy” (links to these are found in the module) . Explain why maps and geography are important. 2. View artist rendering of the opening scene of the film Last of the Mohicans and read the dialogue asso ciated with the scene (see AVP S lide 19 titled, Spiritual Nature of the Hunt ). Explain how Chingachgook’s treatment of the deer he killed illustrates this module’s discussion of Native American spirituality? 3. Click the Pearson Materials link under Course Home , and then, click on “Pima Creation S tory .” After reading the story, w rite your culture’s creation story. Compare and contrast the Pima creation story with your own. Are there more similarities or more differences? What do you think is most outlandish or unlikely about the Pima creation story? What would a Pima find most outlandish o r unlikely about your culture’s creat ion story? 4. Compare and contrast the Native American r ites of passage discussed in this module with the rites of passage present in our society today. What does understanding these differences teach us a bout the importa nce of the SLU c ore value of respect? Submit Assignment 1 to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT .