Submit your evaluation report of treatment programs for violent and non-violent offenders and victims. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback

PSY 624 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a n evaluation report of treatment programs for violent and non -violent offenders and victims . Forensic psychologists are often called upon to provi de expert testimony in the court system in determining the mental states of witnesses, victims, or the accused. They also suggest appropriate treatment for victims and offenders. This role requires appropriately addressing the p sychological issues surround ing victimology and correctional psychology. While victimology emphasizes the identification and empirically based treatment of t rauma -related victims, such as survivors of child, domestic, or sexual abuse, correctional psychology focuses on identifying an d treating violent ( e.g., those with assault or other violent crime charges) and non -violent offenders ( e.g., those with substance abuse charges), including offenders that may also have been victims of trauma. In addition to accurately assessing and meetin g the needs of victims and offenders, the forensic psychologist’s suggestions must also take into consideration legal require ments, including Supreme Court and lower court decisions, and ethical constraints specific to the court system. In the final proje ct for this course, you will be asked to evaluate treatment programs that address the needs of victims and offenders within the legal system for their efficacy, legal admissibility, and feasibility, as well as their compliance with ethical guidelines and f ederal laws. Finally, you will include an aftercare plan for each target population. The project is divided in to three milestones , which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. T hese milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven . The final submission will occur in Module Nine. In this assignment , you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:  Evaluate evidence -based treatment programs for o ffenders and trauma -related victims for their efficacy, admissibility, and feasibility  Evaluate treatment strategies for offenders and trauma -related victims for their compliance with the ethical guidelines of a professional psychology organization  Assess the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases and federal laws in promoting the psychological well -being of offenders and trauma -related victims within the legal system  Create appropriate aftercare plans for offenders and trauma -related victims based on critical examination of services provided by state, local, federal, and professional agencies Prompt The final project for this course is the evaluation of treatment programs addressing three different populations: non -violent offenders ( e.g., drug -related charge s), violent offenders ( e.g. , assault), and trauma victims (, victims of abuse, assault, rape, etc.) for the purpose of informing family or criminal cour t decisions (e.g., family reunification, jail diversion) for each of the target populations. In this pro ject, you will summarize forensic psychology treatment literature from the last five years for each of the populations . B ased on your literature review, you will evaluate treatment programs for their efficacy, legal admissibility, and feasibility, as well as their compliance with ethical guidelines and federal laws. Finally, you will include an aftercare plan for each target pop ulation. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Lit erature Review : Summarize forensic psychological trea tment literature from the last five years for each of the target populations. What are the most common psychological concerns among each population? Are these concerns specific to populations within the legal system, or d o they share common concerns with o ther populations? Which treatments have been particularly effective in meeting the needs of each of the target populations? A re there treatments that have been effective in the general population that might benefit the target populations, but are not admis sible or feasible given the constraints of the legal system? a) Non -violent offenders b) Violent offenders c) Trauma victims II. Legal and Ethical Considerations a) Compare and contrast ethical concerns related to the treatment of each of the target populations. For example, what ethical concerns do psychologists face in treating each of the target populations within the constraints of the legal system? Are there special c onsiderations in addressing victims versus those who are inca rcerated, or violent versus non -violent offenders? Are there certain ethical principles that apply to all three populations? Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples and guidelines from a professional psychology organization. b) Discuss how the specific ethical guidelines of a professional psychology organization may have informed the treatment strategies for each of the three populations. Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples. c) Compare and contra st federal laws related to the treatment of each of the target populations. How do these laws inform or constrain care options? Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples. d) Assess the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases on the de velopment and implementation of treatment programs for each of the target populations. How do these cases inform or constrain care options? Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples. 1. Non -violent offenders 2. Violent offenders 3. Trauma victims III. After care Plan : Now that you ha ve had a chance to evaluate various treatment plans for their efficacy and feasibility, recommend appropriate aftercare plans for each of the target populations. In other words, discuss where the subject will be going and what the subject will be doing upon discharge, release, or completion of care. Be sure to justify your recommendations with specific research. a) Non -violent offenders b) Violent offenders c) Trauma vict ims Milestones Milestone One : Draft of Lit erature Review In Module Three , you will submit a draft of the literature review (Section I) , including all critical elements as listed above . The literature review will be four to five pages. In the literature review, you will summarize forensic psychological treatment literature in the last five years for each of the targ et populations (non -violent offenders, violent offenders, and trauma victims). An article that addresses all target populations wou ld be ideal, but it may be difficult to find. Focus on the major treatment areas for the target populations and how the treatments address the needs. There is a lot to cover in these t opics, so finding articles that cover one or two populations or areas wi ll allow for a more comprehensive approach. This draft should be as detailed as possible in order to allow the instructor to provide significant feedback. Please make sure to use peer -reviewed and academic sources for the literature review. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two : Draft of Legal and Ethical Considerations In Module Five , you will submit a three - to four -page draft of the legal and ethical considerations (Section II) , including all critical elements as l isted above . . In this section, you will compare and contrast ethical concerns related to the treatment of each of the target populations. You will utilize information that you have researched and read for Milestone One. Focus on the critical elements prov ided above and concisely integrate these elements into your draft. This will incorporate the Supreme Court and federal laws that you have examined and di scussed in the course thus far. This draft should be as detailed as possible in order to allow the inst ructor to provide significant feedback that you can use to improve your final submission. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three : Draft of After care Plan In Module Seven , you will submit a three - to four -page draft of the after care plan (Section III) , including all critical elements as listed above . In this section , you will use what you have learned throughout the course and recommend an appropriate afte rcare plan for each of the target populations. You may conduct an d include research on services in your area that you can recommend for your client. The development of an aftercare plan can often make or break an offender’s success upon release from prison or a program. Setting up your client with the best possible afte rcare program is vital. Knowing the resources, having the connections, and knowing the procedures for getting an individual involved in programs is important. As with the previous two milestones, research is a vital component of your everyday job. You must know where to look for the most recent research on a topic, and you must be aware of the laws and/or resources pertaining to your clients in order to prepare the most effective aftercare plan possible. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Thre e Rubric . Final Submission : Evaluation Report In Module Nine , you will submit the evaluation report of treatment programs for violent and non -violent offenders and victims. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical element s of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric . Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading 1 Draft of Literature Review Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric 2 Draft of Legal and Ethical Considerations Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric 3 Draft of Aftercare Plan Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Final Submission: Evaluation Report Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your evaluation report must be 10 –13 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12 -point T imes New Ro man font, and one -inch margins. Include at least six references cited in APA format. Instructor Feedback : This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions . Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Literature Re view: Non - V iolent Meets “Proficient” criteria , and there is a clear student voice woven throughout Accurately summarizes forensic psychological treatment literature on non -violent offenders from the last five years Summarizes forensic psychol ogical treatment literature on non -violent offenders, but with gaps in accuracy or literature that is older than five years Does not summarize forensic psychological treatment literature 8 Literature Review: V iolent Meets “Proficient” criteri a, and there is a clear student voice woven throughout Accurately summarizes forensic psychological treatment literature on violent offenders from the last five years Summarizes forensic psychological treatment literature on violent offenders, but with gap s in accuracy or literature that is older than five years Does not summarize forensic psychological treatment literature 8 Literature Review: V ictims Meets “Proficient” criteria , and there is a clear student voice woven throughout Accurately summarizes forensic psychological treatment literature on trauma victims from the last five years Summarizes forensic psychological treatment literature on trauma victims, but with gaps in accuracy or literature that is older than five years Does not summa rize forensic psychological treatment literature 8 Legal and Ethical Considerations: Ethical Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws well -informed, nuanced connections between claims, examples, and ethical practice Accurately compares and contr asts ethical concerns related to the treatment of each of the target populations and substantiates claims with specific examples and existing ethical guidelines Compares and contrasts ethical guidelines related to the treatment of the target populations, b ut with gaps in accuracy or detail, or does not substantiate claims with specific examples and existing ethical guidelines Does not compare and contrast ethical concerns 8 Legal and Ethical Considerations: Ethical Guidelines Meets “Proficient ” criteria , and discussion is well informed and integrates relevant theories and research Comprehensively discusses specific ethical guidelines of a professional psychology organization that may have informed the treatment strategies for each population an d substantiates claims with specific examples Discusses ethical guidelines that may have informed treatment strategies, but guidelines are not associated with a professional psychology organization, or discussion lacks detail or does not substantiate claim s with specific examples Does not discuss ethical guidelines that may have informed treatment strategies 8 Legal and Ethical Considerations: Federal Laws Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws well -informed, novel connections between claims an d examples Accurately compares and contrasts federal laws related to the treatment of each of the target populations and substantiates claims with specific examples Compares and contrasts federal laws related to the treatment of the target populations, but with gaps in accuracy or detail, or does not substantiate claims with specific examples Does not compare and contrast federal laws 8 Supreme Court Cases: Non -V iolent Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws well -informed, novel connections betw een claims and examples Accurately assesses the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases on treatment programs for non - violent offenders and substantiates claims with specific examples Assesses the impact of U.S.

Supreme Court cases on treatment programs for non - violent offenders, but with gaps in accuracy or detail, or does not substantiate claims with specific examples Does not assess the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases 8 Supreme Court Cases: V iolent Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws well -informed, novel connections between claims and examples Accurately assesses the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases on treatment programs for violent offenders and substantiates claims with specific examples Assesses the impact of U.S.

Supreme Court cases on treatment programs for violent offenders, but with gaps in accuracy or detail, or does not substantiate claims with specific examples Does not assess the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases 8 Supreme Court Cases: V ictims Meets “Proficient” cr iteria and draws well -informed, novel connections between claims and examples Accurately assesses the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases on treatment programs for trauma victims and substantiates claims with specific examples Assesses the impact of U.S.

Supreme Court cases on treatment programs for trauma victims, but with gaps in accuracy or detail, or does not substantiate claims with specific examples Does not assess the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases 8 After care Plan: Non - V iolent Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry -specific language to exhibit expertise Recommends appropriate aftercare plans for non -violent offenders and justifies recommendations with research Recommends aftercare plans that are not appropriate for non - violent offenders, or does not justify recommendations with research Does not recommend aftercare plans 8 After care Plan: V iolent Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry -specific language to exhibit expertise Recommends appropriate aftercare p lans for violent offenders and justifies recommendations with research Recommends aftercare plans that are not appropriate for violent offenders, or does not justify recommendations with research Does not recommend aftercare plans 8 After care Plan: V ictim s Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry -specific language to exhibit expertise Recommends appropriate aftercare plans for trauma victims and justifies recommendations with research Recommends aftercare plans that are not appropriate fo r trauma victims, or does not justify recommendations with research Does not recommend aftercare plans 8 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professi onal and easy -to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 4 Earned Total 100%