• What is “God”?

God is supernatural being that is considered to be all powerful. It is a central theme in most religions around the world particularly Islam and Christianity. Most traditional religions also believed in the existence of a supernatural being that created the world as we know it today. He is said to be the one who created human beings and the world we live. Therefore, ‘God’ can be said to be an all-powerful being that is not human. Creation is based on the work of ‘God’ and everything we know or do not know as the human race was created by ‘God.’ Therefore, the beginning of the world and the end (religious) is ‘God.’

  • Give an argument believers might advance for the existence of God.

Believers of God state that God exists simply because there is nothing substantial or plausible enough to explain the existence of the world and the galaxies. Even science does not fully explain how the world came to be. All theories ever formulated have weaknesses in that they use already existing tings to try and explain how the world was created. The question remains how those things mentioned in the theories came to be. In this regard, believers hold that there must be an all-powerful being that created everything we see today. This is why even science cannot explain some things as it not within our capability to understand everything.

  • Give an argument nonbelievers might advance for the nonexistence of God.

Nonbelievers of God question existence of an all-powerful deity that is not visible by the human eye. Since, ‘God’ has never been seen by any human being then it leads to scientific scepticism as well as defying logic. People want to believe in what they can see. Spiritual factors are usually brushed by the scientific community which has a huge influence on the world. Since science cannot explain ‘God’ it becomes easier to dispel the existence of ‘God. This way, they can look for reason in the existence of other things on earth. Therefore, nonbelievers cite the lack of tangible evidence as a reason why God is not existent.

  • What are “faith” and “reason”? How are they related?

Faith is the belief in something intangible to lead one’s life. Reason is the reliance on logic and tangible facts to make decisions. These two terms are the exact opposite of each other when it comes to spiritual matters. Believers of God have faith’ while nonbelievers rely on logic. This implies that believers have belief in God an intangible and never-seen-before being that is powerful than anything they can possibly imagine. Nonbelievers rely on logic and since the there is no evidence on the existence of God to be studied, then they dismiss the existent of God. Therefore reason and faith act on opposite direction on people; believers and nonbelievers.

  • What are "science" and "religion"? How are they related?

Science is the methods used to look for facts and data to make logical conclusions about issues. Religion is a set of beliefs that make people have faith in a certain being. Both of these terms act in opposite direction because science tries to disprove the ‘theory’ that God exists. Science has tries to explain the origin of earth and the solar system to no avail. However, anything without adequate evidence to support is dismissed by science and this includes religion. Therefore, science ‘fights’ religion on many issues and religion ‘fights’ back.