APA format

Discussion board with 300 words along with references!!

Describe your personal beliefs about aging with respect to physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains. Which aspects of aging do you view positively? Which aspects do you view negatively? What influences your belief system? If you identify a negative stereotype related to aging or older adults, identify one activity you could engage in to increase your understanding of this stage in the life span.

Note: Express your honest beliefs in this assignment; however, keep in mind that respectful language and terminology must be used at all times.

Writing assignment

Assignment 2: Life Expectancy Questionnaire and Death and Dying—Customs and Beliefs

The first part of the assignment includes an informal assessment of your personal protective and risk factors associated with aging. This type of assessment could also be useful for your future client populations. In addition, you will look at how the response to death and dying varies widely among individuals and cultural groups. This second part of the assignment provides additional awareness and insight into these beliefs and practices.

Part A


My life expectancy is 75 years old from the self-assessment test!!

Write a 3-page response paper to your self-assessment. Address the following questions:

  • What is your reaction to your estimated life expectancy?

  • What lifestyle factors positively and negatively contributed to your estimate?

  • How do your personal cultural variables contribute to your estimate?

In addition, specify any modifications you plan to make in response to your estimated life expectancy.

Part B


Conduct research to find cultures different from your own in terms of beliefs and practices related to death and dying.

In a 3-page paper, describe your personal cultural beliefs and practices related to death and dying. Choose a culture different from your own and describe the beliefs and practices related to death and dying in that culture. In addition, describe how these beliefs and practices differ from your own. Include two or three peer-reviewed journal articles to support your opinion.