Family Service Brochure

ESE 412/512: Collaboration and Partnerships Among Parents and

Professionals in Special Education

Family Service Brochure

For this portion of the collaboration binder you will create a one-page (front and back) trifold brochure to send home to families at the beginning of the year. This will combine everything you learned about the involvement of families in special education. The brochure will contain information on what communication and materials that families can expect from you throughout the year regarding their student’s education. This brochure should be written from the perspective of a teaching working in a classroom you intend to work in.

The family service brochure section of the collaboration binder assignment is worth 20 points and will be evaluated using the following rubric:


The brochure includes sections with information for families on the their role in their students special education, including (a) a statement of rights and responsibilities of families in special education (i.e., those guaranteed by IDEA), (b) information on and a time line of the ETR process (i.e., when the parent can expect prior written notice, an assessment plan, the ETR meeting), (c) information on and a timeline of the IEP process (i.e., when the family can expect, the prior written notice, Pre-IEP packet, the IEP meeting), (d) a description and timeline of IEP progress reports, and (e) information on parents’ right ability to ask for related services.

The brochure also includes a section describing the teacher’s contact information, an invitation to contact the teacher with questions and comments, and a description of at least three ways that a parent could get more involved with the teacher’s classroom (i.e., specific volunteer opportunities).

Along with the brochure, the assignment includes a 1-page narrative that clearly describes how the teacher will use this brochure in their classroom. This should include such information as when and how the teacher will deliver the brochure to families, what the teacher plans to do if parents respond, and what the teacher plans to do if a family doesn’t understand or disagrees with some of the included materials.

Up to two points will be deducted for repeated spelling or grammar errors.

Three points will be deducted for not turning in a draft.