Can you do it

Case Proposal Title

AA3303 Information Technology Administration

Information Technology Hardware or Software Solution Case Proposal

Spring 2017

Prepared By:

Your Complete Name

Semester and Date


Spring 2017 1

Prepared By: 1

Your Complete Name 1

Semester and Date 1


1.ORGANIZATIONal profile AND operational environment 1

1Organization stakeholders PROFILE (Job requirements, skill level, training and support needs) 2

2current information technology systems network description (operating systems, Internet access and connections) 3

3INSTALLED hardware and software base (Itemize the hardware devices and software applications currently in use) 4


4problem, opportunity identification AND DESCRIPTION 6

5operational SELECTION REQUIREMENTS (description and itemized list) – You MAY HAVE MORE THAN 3 REQUIREMENTS 7

1REQUIREMENT RANKED BY PRIORITY (Mission Critical, Desirable, Nice to Have) 8

2REQUIREMENT RANKED BY PRIORITY (Mission Critical, Desirable, Nice to Have) 9

3REQUIREMENT RANKED BY PRIORITY (Mission Critical, Desirable, Nice to Have) 10

6HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE SELECTION REQUIREMENTS (See hardware or software selection criteria) 11



3.PROposed SOLUTION PROFILE AND application 14

7purpose of the SOLUTION (show how the solution supports administrative functions) 15

8specifications (List the features, functions and specifications of the SOLUTION (SHOW HOW THE FEATURES, FUNCTIONS, CAPABILITIES MATCH REQUIREMENTS). 16


10pricing (purchase cost, implementation and post implementation costs) 18

11training and support provided with associated costs (training and support supplied and explanation of delivery method) 19

12implementation time frame schedule (tasks or steps to implementation, time required for task or step and responsible party performing the task or step) 20

13justification (SHOW how the proposed solution is the most cost effective solution for the organization and situation) 21

14Conformity to organizational technology strategies and standards (business operations and standards explained in job tasks and performance terminology) 22

15Technical impact of project SOLUTION (compaitibility with existing infrastructure) 23

16maturity, scalability and proven track record (reliability and ability to scale and permit upgrades (reliability, Scale, Ability to upgrade, expand over next two years) 24

17 scope and limitations PARAMETERS (identify the parameters in the utilization of the solution in terms of appropriate situations and tasks) 25

4.EVLUATION of solution effectiveness 27

18rationale and justification (show how the solution is the most appropriate course of action to resolve the problem and improve adminstrative functions) 29

19evaluation criteria (identify situations where the solution will i mprove administrative functions) 30

20evaluation measures (describe measures designed to show the proposed solution is the most appropriate information technology solution for the situation) 31

5.references (APA Style CITATIONS) 32

  1. ORGANIZATIONal profile AND operational environment

Identify the organization and describe the organization’s business environment, stakeholders, business and operational needs. Discuss the role of information technology in addressing and resolving the organization’s business needs and stakeholder’s job task, training, skill level and support requirements.

Use the Evaluation of Hardware and Software Solutions Handout as a guide and checklist for the content and approach required to complete each section and subsection of the Case Proposal Template.

    1. Organization stakeholders PROFILE (Job requirements, skill level, training and support needs)
    2. current information technology systems network description (operating systems, Internet access and connections)
    3. INSTALLED hardware and software base (Itemize the hardware devices and software applications currently in use)


Describe the organizational problem, opportunity and operational requirements within the context of the organizational problem, purpose, operational requirements.

The operational requirements constitute the selection criteria for the proposed hardware or software solution.

This section should define the operational selection requirements, hardware or software selection requirements (conformity, compatibility requirements, maturity, stability and proven track record),

Use the Evaluation of Hardware and Software Solutions Handout as a guide and checklist for the content and approach required to complete each section and subsection of the Case Proposal Template.

Take Note of the Requirements Priority and Hardware or Software Selection Requirements Criteria.

    1. problem, opportunity identification AND DESCRIPTION
    2. operational SELECTION REQUIREMENTS (description and itemized list) – You MAY HAVE MORE THAN 3 REQUIREMENTS
      1. REQUIREMENT RANKED BY PRIORITY (Mission Critical, Desirable, Nice to Have)
      2. REQUIREMENT RANKED BY PRIORITY (Mission Critical, Desirable, Nice to Have)
      3. REQUIREMENT RANKED BY PRIORITY (Mission Critical, Desirable, Nice to Have)
    3. HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE SELECTION REQUIREMENTS (See hardware or software selection criteria)

  1. PROposed SOLUTION PROFILE AND application

Describe the proposed solution. This section explains how the solution matches the operational, conformity, compatibility and other selection requirements by discussing the solution’s specifications, components, and how the solution will integrate and operate with the current infrastructure and systems.

This section should address the “goodness” of fit between the operational, conformity, compatibility, technology parameters and limitations requirements as well as the capabilities and applications of the proposed solution.

As a result, this section should explain and demonstrate how the proposed solution will resolve the administrative problem and/or improve operations while meeting stakeholder needs.

Use the Evaluation of Hardware and Software Solutions Handout as a guide and checklist for the content and approach required to complete each section and subsection of the Case Proposal Template.

    1. purpose of the SOLUTION (show how the solution supports administrative functions)
    2. specifications (List the features, functions and specifications of the SOLUTION (SHOW HOW THE FEATURES, FUNCTIONS, CAPABILITIES MATCH REQUIREMENTS).
    4. pricing (purchase cost, implementation and post implementation costs)
    5. training and support provided with associated costs (training and support supplied and explanation of delivery method)
    6. implementation time frame schedule (tasks or steps to implementation, time required for task or step and responsible party performing the task or step)
    7. justification (SHOW how the proposed solution is the most cost effective solution for the organization and situation)
    8. Conformity to organizational technology strategies and standards (business operations and standards explained in job tasks and performance terminology)
    9. Technical impact of project SOLUTION (compaitibility with existing infrastructure)
    10. maturity, scalability and proven track record (reliability and ability to scale and permit upgrades (reliability, Scale, Ability to upgrade, expand over next two years)
    11. scope and limitations PARAMETERS (identify the parameters in the utilization of the solution in terms of appropriate situations and tasks)


  1. EVLUATION of solution effectiveness

Describe and discuss the criteria and measures used to judge the effectiveness of the information technology solution.

This section should address the overall effectiveness of the solution and the measures that determine the solution’s level of effectiveness.

Use the Evaluation of Hardware and Software Solutions Handout as a guide and checklist for the content and approach required to complete each section and subsection of the Case Proposal Template.

    1. rationale and justification (show how the solution is the most appropriate course of action to resolve the problem and improve adminstrative functions)
    2. evaluation criteria (identify situations where the solution will i mprove administrative functions)
    3. evaluation measures (describe measures designed to show the proposed solution is the most appropriate information technology solution for the situation)
  1. references (APA Style CITATIONS)