2 questions

SEC 6080 - ICS Risks

Today's exercise will help you to identify Industrial Control Systems that exist in our region and a few of the risks that they pose to our health and well-being if they were compromised.


The information needed for this exercise can be found on the Internet. Consider, where does your water supply come from, your electricity? What chemicals are being transported, stored, or manufactured there?

Exercise: Risks managed with Industrial Control systems

  1. Identify a major manufacturing or infrastructure operation within 10 miles of where you live. This could be a power generation of any type, wastewater treatment or water supplier, major chemical manufacturer, refinery, etc.

What is the address of the plant site?

Who owns and operates the plant site?

  1. Describe why what this plant does is important (critical) to people living nearby.

  2. To score 40 points for this activity, be prepared to report the following information:

The potential impact of an “incident” (loss of operation, chemical release, fire/explosion – you choose) at the site on these populations:





