

PTSD Research Outline



26 February 2017

PTSD Research Outline

  1. Introduction

  1. The topic of Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) is important and appropriate for research because it clarifies the means through which people can prepare to avoid becoming stress victims after attaining a psychological shock.

  2. The paper based on this topic will be guided by the thesis statement that, “The Unique factors of PTSD.”

  3. Terms that are important to explain in the review among others include trauma, stress, shock and social psychology.

  4. The explanations and provision of the review will be based upon four major areas. These include:

  1. Social Psychology

  2. Contemporary issues in psychology

  3. Crisis and emergency intervention

  4. Psychopathology

  1. Each of the areas relates significantly to the theme of the paper as follows.

  1. Social Psychology will help in studying an individual’s relationship with others, and means through which the individuals can reduce stress.

  2. Contemporary issues in psychology explain about the many issues of psychology that arise regularly

  3. Crisis and emergency intervention explain the means through which emergency can be managed.

  4. Psychopathology help in understanding the behaviors of individuals.

  1. Literature Review

  1. Many literal sources exist which provide information concerning PTSDs. The majority of these sources are research studies that have been carried out by other scholars. Examples include:

  1. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) study article, authored by Michele Spoont.

  2. Psychological treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), authored by Jonathan Bisson and Martin Andrew.

  3. Pharmacotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), authored by Dan J Stein, Jonathan C Ipser, Soraya Seedat, Carli Sager and Taryn Amos.

  1. Each of these studies have both similarities and differences. Different research studies are focused and address different research areas within the study. The difference in research purpose and scope causes the difference in the research study findings (Stein, Ipser, Seedat, Sager, & Amos, 2006).

  2. Facts concerning a topic cannot change, and thus all facts that the researchers identify about the PTSD condition consists of the similarities of the study.

  3. Conclusion; All literal sources explain that individuals in different situations attain the PTSD disorder while others do not. The aspect of people attaining the disorder is not only caused by the factors of people attaining a physical or psychological shock, although in many occasions this aspect is the trigger of the disorder occurrence.

  1. Discussion

  1. The first main understanding from the literature of others is the fact that PTSD disorder is never attained by an individual without any form of trauma occurring in the life of that individual.

  2. People’s capability to resist trauma is the determiner of whether an individual will attain the PTSD disorder after attaining a physical or psychological shock or whether they will not.

  3. The determiner factors include both internal capabilities of an individual or life experiences that the individual has passed through.

  4. The literature review of the many literal sources provided a significant understanding of the disorder and how it is obtained.

  5. I also attained the understanding of the many ways through which I can help individuals suffering from the disorder recover from the shock and stress brought by the disorder

  1. Conclusion

  1. Explanation of the significant difference between individuals suffering from the disorder and those who manage to resists it.

  2. Pointing out the many ways through which people can manage to resist and recover from the disorder after thy have attained it.

  3. Reflecting on the thesis and explaining how the paper has managed to provide an explanation on its establishment.


Andrew, M. & Bisson, J. (2013). Psychological treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Cochrane Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Group. Retrieved from http://yw6vq3kb9d.search.serialssolutions.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/

Spoont, M. (2015). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) study article: JAMA Patient Page. Retrieved from http://jamanetwork.com.ezproxy.pc.maricopa.edu/journals/jama/fullarticle/2422544

Stein, D., Ipser, J., Seedat, S., Sager, C. & Amos, T. (2006). Pharmacotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Group. Retrieved from http://yw6vq3kb9d.search.serialssolutions.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/