Organizational Plan - McKinsey 7-S Assessment/Model

Five-Star Cleaning Services: Marketing Plan 6

CLC Capstone: Five-Star Cleaning Services

Jessica Cisneros

Nicholas Gaudet

Cory Nicholson

Rebekah Reno


March 12, 2017

Target Market

The target customer of Five-Star Cleaning Services is between 35-55 years of age, owns or rents high-end property, and prioritizes high standards for the look, feel, and cleanliness of their home. Ideally, this customer has a household income of $70,000+ and is looking for between 2-5 house cleanings per month. Our market also knows that while our service comes at a price, investing in a cleaner, safer living environment is worth the additional expense. For the customer who pays in full upfront for our services, we offer discounted rates, but also have weekly payment plans in place for those who prefer to pay as they go. The ideal customer, understands that transforming the cleanliness of their home is an investment in their quality of life and a step towards protecting their future. Our clients are looking for a one-step solution to expediting their cleaning goals, and know that our hospitable staff and all natural, eco-friendly cleaning agents are the methods to achieve them. Our target market’s end goal is to maintain a safe, clean living environment they can call home—and rest assured is kind to both their families and our world.

Market Size

The upper-class family is defined as people or couples who earn over $126,000 a year. Around 21.1% of American families are in this category (The Tipping Point. 2015). That comes out to be around 51.2 million families in America. According to research by the US national center for health science at least 1 in 3 people have allergies, asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis caused by synthetic chemicals in household cleaners (Non-Toxic Home, n.d.). That means that of the 51.2 million families 17.06 million families across America need our services and likely don’t use a cleaning service because of the fear of using chemical based or toxic cleaners.

SWOT Analysis

We have our own patented blend of cleaning products. We have highly trained and insured housekeepers. We have strategies in place to keep abreast of any changes in the external environment that would affect our business, and a creative team to create and implement new techniques and strategies.

We have a very narrow target market. We have high overhead costs because we create and package our cleaning products ourselves, as well as pay for the labor of both the factory workers and the housekeepers. Our prices are high as a result.

Our biggest competitor does not have much of a presence in the western half of the United States (Green Cleaning, n.d.). We have the option to eventually sell our cleaning products in stores to open up our market potential. We also have the option to expand internationally.

There are other cleaning companies already established who also offer eco-friendly products, and some at a lower cost to include the middle-class market. If the economy falters, we may lose a portion of our current customers and/or potential customers. Being a luxury service, our company will not survive if the economy completely crashes.

4 Ps of Marketing

Product/ Services

The main service that is offered by Five-Star Cleaning Services Company is home-cleaning services. In this respect, the organization provides abroad range of packages under the domestic category. Examples include cleaning homes and washing services such as laundry. The organization’s goal is to provide excellent services that meet consumer needs.


Five-Star Company’s pricing strategy is dependent upon the magnitude of services that are offered. For instance, houses that have a standard surface area of 400 square meters are priced at $200. Pricing also depends on the number of items that are cleaned and the nature of complexity of the services to be provided. This also depends on the number of hours.


Distribution strategies affect the geographical influence of a firm (Jacobson, 2013). The services that Five-Star offers will be limited to the national levels. This means that markets that are beyond the country’s national frontiers are still not covered. However, the organization plans to expand its reach so that it can target international markets.


In order to ensure that the organization’s services attract as many clients as possible, various promotional strategies will be employed. For instance, advertisements will be used at different channels such as social media, television, and print media platforms such as newspapers and magazines. Discounts and special offers will also be provided to lock in loyal customers.


Green Cleaning | Home Cleaning Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Jacobson, M. D. (2013). The marketing Plan: How to prepare and implement it. Journal of Consumer Marketing.

Non-toxic Home Cleaning & Care: Natural, Green, Eco-Friendly Solutions | (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class. (2015). Retrieved from