4 pages on (regulation of acid bases balance) All the requirements are attached below

IBN SINA NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR MEDICAL STUDIES Department of Physiology: Physiology II Assignment I Clinical Pharmacy Program: Level 4 (2016 – 2017: Semester II) 1. Write a small assignmen t (not less than 4 pages) on the given topics: 2. The assignment should cover the following points:  Suitable diagrams.  Details of the topics  Flow charts if any.  Mechanisms in details. 3. Source of information could be books, scientific journal, internet websites 4. The assignment should have topics in the following order : Title 1: Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and factors affecting it Title 2: Counter current mechanism of urine formation Functional Anatomy  Funct ional anatomy of the renal system.  Structure of the nephron.  Structure of the filtration membrane. Functional anatomy  Functional anatomy of the renal system.  Structure of the nephron. Physiology  Defin ition of GFR with normal values and values in different stages of renal failure.  Determinants of GFR.  Factors affecting GFR. Physiology  Role of different nephron regions in urine formation.  Counter current mechanism of urine formation.  Formation of dilute and concentrated urine. Application  Factors decreasing the GFR rate.  Kidney specific factors increasing renal vulnerability to nephrotoxi ns. Appl ication  Common therapeutic agents causing nephrotoxicity.  Tubulopathies . References References Title 3 : Diuretics Title 2: Regulation of acid base balance Functional Anatomy  Funct ional anatomy of the renal system.  Structure of the nephron. Functional anatomy  Structure of the nephron. Physiology  Renal tubule transport m echanisms.  Mechanism of action of diuretics. (Thiazide, loop, osmotic, potassium sparing and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors) Physiology  Important renal buffers  Secretion of H+ ions & reabsorption of HCO3 - ions by the kidney.  Renal correction of acid base imbalance. Application  Clinical application s of diuretics. Appl ication  Clinical causes of acid base disorders.  Drug induc ed acid base balance. References References 5. The cover page should have the topic name, name of the student, academic number and name of the supervisor. ( A sample cover page is provided which can be used as same or can be modified but without changing the information needed) 6. The paper should be submitte d as:  Computer generated (Typed on computer) on A4 sheet with page border.  Font face : Calibri  Text Alignment : Justify  Font Size : 12  Line Spacing: Multiple at 1.15 7. A rubric for evaluating the assignment is attached. The assignment will be evaluated by tw o examiners based on the rubrics and the average of the points is considered as final scores. Point to mark conversion is provided for the student’s reference. Copies of rubrics should be attached to the submitted assignment. 8. Suggested references : Basic C lini cal P harmacology by Ring & Dale, Comprehe nsive P harmacy by Goddmann and Gilmann, Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton & Hall. 9. Students can contact the coordinator and Prof. Al Meselhy (Pharmacology) for any advice and suggestions. LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION: 19 th March 2017 ** Assignments will not be accepted after the last date of submission at any case.