instructions posted check..

Presentation in class workshop (The main topic is how to influence others) total of approx.. 12 minutes (including the two activities for each part)

You must write a script of examples of each bullet point you see below as I will be presenting that to class and I need it to be clear and with examples (total of 7 minutes including the activity which takes 2 minutes) Be more specific as those are just bullet points and I need to present that to the class (as a workshop teaching the class)

* powerpoint check uploaded (change it to a professional powerpoint with add notes which are the scripts which I will present to the class)

How to Enhance your Ability to Influence 5 minutes

- Connect With People Emotionally

    • Getting people happy is one of the easiest way of influencing people into

    • something.

    • People are intrigued and influenced when their dopamine pumps. Dopamine is the reward part of the brain that stimulates pleasure thus making people fuzzy.

    • Human emotions are easily moved when they are happy.

    • Telling stories or starting conversation are some of the handy methods to get people started.

- Be emotionally curious

    • Attain a certain level of curiosity in other’s matters.

    • Make the people feel that you are concerned with their feelings.

    • Asking open ended kind of questions is the best way to learn people’s feelings since people tend to open up.

    • A genuine concern get the followers attention and build confidence in them

  • Observe and use Confident Body Language -Body language - look around the room what do you notice about confident body language

    • Be confident among the people you are trying to influence.

    • Hold your head high, and set the shoulders back when talking and face your listeners to let them observe your confidence.

    • People gain confidence when they observe a certain level of confidence in other people.

    • Let the body language communicate your feelings too.

- Be Charismatic

  • The power to influence without applying logic

  • Being a person of charms.

  • Making people feel good about themselves through talking good things about them.

- Be Vulnerable

    • To influence other people you have to be open to them first. Give them an account of something you went through that taught you several things.

    • It is good to accept weaknesses and flaws people are perceived as strong when they are able to express their dark side.

    • Let the people relate their stories to yours through comparison and contrasting.

** add a video here or discussion questions I can ask the class related to maybe something with Asking open ended kind of questions is the best way to learn people’s feelings since people tend to open up. Something related to that (2 minutes long activity)

How to use Logic, Emotion, and Cooperative Appeals 7 minutes

Link of article:

You must write a script of examples of each bullet point you see below as I will be presenting that to class and I need it to be clear and with examples (total of 7 minutes including the activity which takes 2 minutes) Be more specific as those are just bullet points and I need to present that to the class (as a workshop teaching the class)

** do not forget to add the activity (Check below for **)

People can be influenced in three ways, through the mind, through the heart and

through hands. People can follow a person’s idea or a feeling or an example.

- Logical Appeal:

  • Connect with peoples’ mind. Let your thoughts and their thoughts link up.

  • Be able to communicate an idea in the best possible way.

  • Be able to understand how people reason and tap into their intellect capacities

  • communicate both individual and organizational benefits that people will gain by following your ideas.

- Emotional Appeal:

    • To influence people, you have to feel exactly what they feel.

    • When your emotions and other people emotions fail to connect the possibility of

    • influencing those people is minimal.

    • Communicate with emotions to the team and be clear to what you want.

    • Be enthusiastic and stir confidence to people in order to inspire them

- Cooperative Appeal:

    • Cooperative appeal is being a team member and creating a physical bond between

    • you and the people who are working with you to attain organizational goals.

    • Being a team player to act as a catalyst to the team and make them work hard.

    • Building alliances and collaborations to form the best team possible.

**find an activity in which class gets into groups of 5 people and 1 person discusses a situation at hand in which they are trying to convince another person (for example, convincing a friend to go out on Saturday or convincing your parents to help fund a summer vacation) and write dialogue which showcases either a logical, emotional or cooperative appeal