Assignment wk2

For this week’s written assignment, you’ll complete an annotated bibliography. This

might be a new term for some of you, so I’ll explain. A bibliography is a list of reference

works used in a research paper. An annotation is a note about each work. Therefore your

annotated bibliography for this course will contain the list of works you intend to use for

your literary analysis paper and a note about each.

This might sound simple, and it is! However, there are still certain expectations placed

upon y ou for this assignment. First of all, you need to understand the differences

between a primary and a secondary source. For your literary analysis paper, your

primary source is the story, poe m, or drama that you’ll write about. Secondary sources

are the articles you find where another scholar writes about the primary text. In the

sample essay, the primary source is Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and the secondary

sources are the two articles that are used in the paper to support the analysis.

For your annota ted bibliography, you’ll include an entry for your primary source AND

two secondary sources. Be sure that your sources are scholarly – see the information in

the course material on how to use the Ashford Library for research. More is not better, so

two s ources should be plenty. Don’t forget to adhere to APA formatting for the

assignment. We’ve included a template and a sample annotated bibliography to help you

understand exactly what is expected of you in this assignment.

Good luck with your research.