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Business Model

4 Mar 2017

Bus/ 475 Week 2

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

Strategic Plan Part 1 4

Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis 6

Strategic Plan Part 3 7

Conclusion 8

References 9

Business Model

Business models are done with the aim of generating profit in the company as well as being able to view the missions and visions of the organization with the goal of offering the best services to the customers that will use the services and the products. In this research task, it will try to view the way in which an organization can be able to form a business model and be able to make it a success through the answering of the various questions (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).

Executive Summary

In the company that I am working on, it deals with the way in which people can consult as in the various ways that are involved in the logistics, supply chain and the entire procurement process. Clients can approach the company and ask for the best ways that they can ensure they will achieve the smooth, transparent and timely procurement of different supplies. By the use of this, our company can advance on the best suppliers and the buyers that offer the best quality of goods and services. By the utilization of the company, customers can meet with the sellers and the vice versa of the process. By the use of the best ways, it ensures that the organization can achieve success. The previous customers can refer new clients to the use of our services in the achievement of an honest and transparent supply chain process. In the recent day, a business model has been adopted that promises to ensure that the organization can achieve greater success. The way in this is the in cooperation with the logistics process and the launch of the online feedback and online transaction of the business. By the use of this way, it will make the organization one of its kind and be above the other companies that offer the same services. By this way, it will ensure the proper utilization of the limited resources.

Strategic Plan Part 1

In the already existing business process, its vision is to make sure that there are the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the supply chain business. The mission of the existing division is to ensure that it can achieve the vision 2020 of an efficient supply chain process that guarantees a new stand that offers the entity supply chain services. The value proportion is to ensure that the services provided will attract more client to the organization to make the services and the goods that are offered to be in the right quantity, quality and delivered at the best time possible. By the use of this way, the company will be able to be in line with the vision of the transparency and effectiveness of the supply chain process (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).

In the new division, will be customer focused as it will be able to consult directly with the clients who will state the best way toward the reaching of the objective of the organization. The mission of the new division will go in line with the other task of the already existing company. The mission statement of the division will be goods and services offering through the efficient use of logistics, technology and proper feedback to the company to achieve customer satisfaction.

In the new division that has been developed, it will entirely be customer based in the way of the operations. In this new division, it will ensure that the client can note the observation of his or her goods in transit through the use of the vehicle routing and vehicle scheduling. In the utilization of this way, the customer will receive an up to date occurrence of the transport through the use of the mobile phone that can be done by the utilization of the phone messages or the use of the company’s website. In this way, the use of the internet will allow the user to have a user identity that will ensure it is the right person that will receive the information of the update of the movement of the goods from one place to another. Our services will be differentiated from the rest through the use of a transparent way, the offering of the after services such as transportation to the premises of the customer which will be at the door of the client. The other way that it will be differentiated is through the use of the user identification that will be able to track the loyal set of customers (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).

The use of the model will be able to meet the competitive advantage over the other companies in the way in which other companies do not apply the use of vehicle routing and scheduling. The other organization only deliver the goods and services to the customers without informing them of the place that the goods are in the transit process. By the use of the method that the model has viewed, it will ensure that the organization will be in a better position as compared to the other organization (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).

Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis

The vision of the new model it is to ensure that the organization can be a one store center that offers all the services to the customer with delivery within the shortest-term period. The business model of the new design will ensure that the organization will deliver the supply of the goods and services not only with the use of the road transport but also the use of the air travel. In the utilization of this way, it will ensure that the organization will also be based on the international standards. By the utilization of the SWOT analysis, the company will be able to identify the strength of the use of the model. One of the external environment, the strength is that the organization can use the best strategy in the advertisement of the new model (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012).

The other strength is that the organization is already developed; hence it will require minimal time in the determination of the new customer base. The internal strength is that the departments are willing to work in unison with the idea of the best strategy that will ensure the success of the way. The inner weakness of the use of the model is that it may take a long time to employ the new ideas of the company. The external weakness is that it may take a lot of efforts in the hope to make the clients emulate the new project by the organization. The external opportunity that the company can use is the going to the area that has not had the excellent coverage of the supply chain and procurement people. By the utilization of this way, it will attract new customers. The internal opportunity will be the use of the already customer that can be the new clients to the new model by informing them of the new products ((Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012).

The external threats that the firm may experience in the model is the other companies that deal in the same merchandise emulating the same services we offer. The internal threat may be that the first process may take a lot of finances to implement it.

The vision, mission and the value of the new division align to the existing visions, mission and value in the thought that the use of the ways will ensure that the supply chain process will be smooth. By the utilization of the way, the organization will be able to deliver the best services to the clients. They will also appreciate customer loyalty through the utilization of the best way that hopes to inform the clients of the new products at the right time. The new model will align to the existing in the way that it will also reduce the lead time in the delivery of the goods and the services (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012).

The vision, mission and value guide strategies direction of the division by the ensuring that all the rules on the use of transparency mission of the organization. The trust of the organization will improve the way that the organization conducts its practices (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012).

Strategic Plan Part 3

The assumptions that will be made is that the same customers that were in the first organization will be the same ones that will use new services. The risk that will be observed is the idea that all the processes that are done in the original process may not yield the high levels of profit. This process is because the process may not attract many users at the initial stages. The management plan is to use the surplus funds to ensure that the primary business can usually work (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).

The objective of the new model will be to ensure that the firm is the leader in the supply chain process, consultation and the offering of the best quality services and goods to the users in the market.

In the balanced scorecard, it will try to view the amount of cash that the division can get after a period. It will also display the feedback of the customers after the period.

The stakeholders will have the impact of the growth of their revenue in the success of the process in the pilot stages. The communication will be to inform all the current clients of the new services through the use of the mobile sets and the delivery of the same message by the utilization of the newsletter (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).


By the utilization of the best strategies, it will ensure that the organization will be able to achieve success in the process. The use of the best communication will make sure that the clients will be up to date with the new products that the organization offer. The use of the organization will ensure that the public confidence in the procurement process will be restored for good (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).


Dolgui, A. & Proth, J. (2010). Supply chain engineering (1st Ed.). London: Springer.

Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012). Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119.

Sodhi, M. & Tang, C. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Risk (1st Ed.). Boston, MA: Springer US.