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Financial, strategic objectives

The company will have financial growth of more than $5 million in the next ten years to come this will be attained by the increase I production and the reach of many opportunity markets.

Financial growth will have to increase revenue by 10% annually we will have to maximize our profit by selling as many grocers as possible which will lead us here.

Financial efficiency, this will have to decrees in expenses by 5%, by the use of modern technology and adapt to the modern method of business will help us cut expenses hence maximizing the profit.

Still, on financial efficiency, the profit ought to rise by 10% annually, we will have to have many customers as possible, still, minimize the loss by making sure the storage is at its best hence grocers being fresh and outgoing (Powers, Marian, & E, 2010).

Customer strategic objectives

In current customers:

The company has to increase the sale to existing customers; the current customers may be in need to have more than being produced hence in future the company ought to increase the productivity hence increase in sales.

Increase the customer retention, as a company it has to retain its existing customer and still increase in a number of the customers being rented; this will be achieved by the increase in productions of groceries. Still, we have to produce more competitive and better groceries than our competitor. This will help retain our primary customers as we will be producing the best product in the market

The goal of achieving and maintaining the primary client services, as an organization we have to come up with ideas which will help us achieve in attaining this aim, we need to be offering home deliveries, this will assist the company grows as many customers will just order their like through the internet hence being competitive. Still maintaining our shop's hygiene and health standard as a customer service will help our company grow and maintain our customers.

Expanding our market globally, this will be done by the use of improving our internet market. We will have to have a contact line which can be contacted and order your product from any place of the earth; we need to employ IT expert who will help in improving and maintaining our sites always on to our global customers. In this site, we will also be doing advertisement and introduction or new product in a market (Kotler, 2013).

Internal strategic objection

Product management we have to achieve our product meet the standard of excellence guidelines; this will be improved on how we outline or even pack our products when in the market. We need to come up with new ideas which will beat the competitive companies to being the best.

Operations management we have to be on best at this goal; we have to be strategized at more locatable places where we will set our market, we need to have a vast room which will enable the company hold as many products as possible. He location also need to be suitable for a majority or all customers, the place or location need to be reachable hence suiting it among best means of transport, the internet also need to be good and the place being suitable climate.

Technology management- we need to be able to communicate not only with the use of verbal directly, as a company we need to be able to reach by the use of modern technology. Like the utilization of the fast internet when our customer needs to order our product online. We need to be in sites our company being advertised which will end up giving us more customers globally.

Marketing management- we have to be the best to our competitive companies by having the best advertisement and promotional plans. We can come up with free delivery for our esteem customers which will help market our products. We will also do community services which will help our company name a positive talk in our community; this can be done by offering free education to groceries farmers and still sponsoring some activities like games within the community.

Channel management we will have to create the better relationship with our distributors. We will need a faster of distribution to our customers, like getting better means of transportation. Still, how our suppliers will relate with our customers will matter, every worker will have a uniform which will create that bonding with our customers. We will have a free toll number which complaints can be passed to our management.

Learning strategic objectives

Employees satisfaction- in time to come we have to make sure all our staff is fully satisfied on how they are treated or prayed in the company, we have to come up with evaluation of how we will be paying the best payment to each of our employees. Still, we need to have an active human resource that will be fair to everyone. The working area still will be conducive and stress-free for our employee who will in reverse produce the best. By increase in our market, we will b able to raise the maximum profit hence giving the best salary for our employees.

Employee retention we will have to retain our employees for long as they will have experience. Hence we will have to employ professionals. And still, make sure they are working under the stress-free environment which makes them comfortable and no urge for transfer.

The level of organizational capability we will be needed in providing the best to our customers; this will have to be training our employees to develop leadership capacity and potential of our team. This will help on how to handle customers and each other within the organization.

The culture of the organization we will develop the certain culture which will assist the growth of our company; we will come up with certain celebration and awards to the top performance, this will bring competition to the employees who will be reciprocated to best production within the organization.

Technology innovations- as an organization we will have to be hand to hand in technology innovations, thus we will be out through various internet platforms and employment or specialized IT expert who will always be keeping up with technology changes. Still, we will have to have easily manipulated technology as technology changes day by day, then making sure we have technology which is flexible for a long time (Hoang, 2007).

Developing a communication strategy

The purposes: the communication strategy will help the organization in-

Being effective when imposing the strategies

It will help attain our goal in an organized manner without guessing

It will assist us in engaging positively with the stallholders

It will help in having formulae on how to prosper in our organization

It will also help people understand our primary objectives without difficulties

Audience-: our main audience will be based internally and externally they are our staffs, the public, and also politicians to stay in safe side by political factors.

Still, our stalk holder and future investors and customers will be our major audience. Here we will have a hierarchy on how importance our audiences are.

Channels will be used in communication:

First, we will use certain criteria in communication; it will start with the first in a hierarchy.

The common channel will be the use of verbal talking; this channel is the best as it allows the person in showing the stress and sincerity like when communication to donors or future investors.

Still, there will be use memes which will be going round the staff member; this channel is the beast as it can be written once and forwarded to all the expected audience (Nieuwenhuizen & Erasmus, 2007).


Hoang, P. (2007). Business and Management.

Kotler, P. D. (2013). Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy. NSW,Australia: Pearson Australia.

Nieuwenhuizen, C., & Erasmus, B. (2007). Business Management for Entrepreneurs. Cape Town: Juta.

Powers, Marian, & E, B. (2010). Principle of Financial and Managerial Accounting. pp 19-22.