
Title:Revealing the gene diversity of Streptomyces genomes isolated from plants (Bio informatics)


  1. Approx. ¾ of a page of Background / Intro to explain what your research project is about, to explain the problem your research will address, and/or to explain the background and reasons for doing the research you are planning to do.

Background: 2 pages 500– 800 words write about actinobacteria, bio informatics genome like sequence Streptomyces genome of bacteria, gene sequence analysis program , EN16,EN23 and EN27 from wheat actrionbacteria strains, LuP30 and Luo47b from Lucerne strains, Streptomyces genome.

  1. Approx half a page for your hypotheses and experimental aims

  1. Approx one page for a brief, high level summary of the experiments you propose to do. You wont know all the details of exactly how many uL of this reagent or exactly how long the incubation for that reaction should be, but you will have an idea of the aims of the experiments and the main methods you are planning to use.

Remember with reference in background