Standard Alignment Activity

Operationalizing the Health Education Standards


Identify and describe a learning activity for your topic.

1. Comprehend concepts

Make a PowerPoint of tobacco. Identifying the statistics and population use also the problems associated with using this product. No more than 10 slides

2. Analyze the influences of…

Watch Television for an hour and record the number of commercials/TV shows that demonstrate using tobacco as being cool or pleasing to other viewers. Write a response in a discussion board and reply to at least two of your peers.

3. Access valid information

Research information on tobacco, Write a research paper using at the minimum if 4 scholarly sources and identify a clear thesis and content on tobacco. Give facts and examples to back up your theory.

4. Interpersonal communication

Conduct a questionnaire on campus or in your community about tobacco if it should be banned from the states or not. Gather your information and present your results to the class in either a power point, paper or some other interesting way top present your data.

5. Demonstrate Decision Making Skills

Since the indoor air act recently passed here in Bowling Green, there has been a lot of talk about the loss of business in restaurants and bars. Students will do a survey with food business owners to see if sales have gotten worse or better since the law was enacted. The information will be put into a report and shared with other business owners to help them decide whether the law is costing them money.

6. Demonstrate Goal Setting Skills

Students will identify a specific goal they have for themselves or a loved one dealing with tobacco and will implement a program in ways to help them achieve their goal.

7. Practice Health Enhancing Behavior

Each person will partner up with someone who uses tobacco and challenge them to a 30 day trial where they don’t do that habit for thirty days. After the thirty days write a paper on the pros and cons of the experiment and see if practicing a behavior for 30 days will it change the habit/behavior.

8. Advocate for Personal Health

Develop a PSA for smoking. Make sure you are very knowledgeable on the subject so that your message is very clear

Group topic: ___Tobacco______________________


Identify and describe a learning activity for your topic.

1. Comprehend concepts

2. Analyze the influences of…

3. Access valid information

4. Interpersonal communication

5. Demonstrate Decision Making Skills

6. Demonstrate Goal Setting Skills

7. Practice Health Enhancing Behavior

8. Advocate for Personal Health