W7000 Advanced Academic Study & Writing Week 3

Information Literacy and Database Search Activity 6

Information Literacy and Database Search

Argosy University

The Purpose of the Assignment

The sole purpose of this paper is to analyze the topic of gender pay equality in an in-depth manner, per the evaluation of four scholarly sources that relate to the issue.

The Mapping Statement

In this paper, there will be a discussion of the issue of gender pay equality, per the relevant four scholarly sources found in the Argosy University library. The four educational journals that will be used herein were selected after a search made in the university library and an identification of elements with the important key-words that best fit the topic, which is concerned with gender pay equality.

The Changing Face of Employment Relations: Equality and Diversity

According to this article, the authors have purposefully explored the notions and realities of equal pay, which has been discussed, evaluated, and analyzed for over 50 years. Through this period, women have gradually taken prominence in the work sector, and business arena and therefore, their numbers have increased in the workforce labor. Nevertheless, according to the author, despite their numbers growing, there have been little or no change at all, in how they are paid and it does not reflect in their pay grade system. Therefore, the authors evaluate and consider the issue of equal pay since that given period and both the legal and voluntary responses to the levels of inequalities that still exist in the workforce labor market.

Participatory Modeling to Support Gender Equality: The Importance of Including Stakeholders

According to the authors in this article, they highlight evaluating the unsuccessfulness interventions made towards ensuring that equal pay exists within the workforce market. The article also delves into the views and perceptions of stakeholders concerning the issues of equal pay, from its causes to the solutions that should be awarded the topic. Through the paper, the authors ably evaluate the reasons behind the problematic issue of gender inequality, the problems of its wrongful definition and the policies that should be instituted to ensure that gender equality in organizations reign. Besides, the authors examine an intervention named the participatory modeling as a method of supporting stakeholders in their bid to ensure gender inequalities in organizations ends.

"Modernizing" Away Gender Pay Inequality? Some Evidence from the Local Government Sector on Using Job Evaluation

The purpose of the authors of this paper is to focus on using job evaluation as a means of ensuring gender pay equality not only increases but also takes practical roots. The authors make use of different research methods in collecting their needed data, and through this, they analyze results that help them determine the effectiveness of using job evaluation as a means of achieving the objectives laid out of gender pay equality. The research, therefore, has its research implications as well as limitations. The paper nevertheless, provides an argument concerning the need to reduce gender pay inequality.

Pay of Women and Men: Situation and Tendencies

Consequently, the authors in this article present the circumstances and tendencies of men and women’s pay through the gender equality prism. The authors begin by analyzing the issue of sex pay gap, from its causes and to the best recommendations on ways, that gender pay gap can be reduced. Through the paper, the authors also analyze different sectors in which gender segregation occurs, and they analyze labor market, the weaknesses of companies, gender stereotypes, as well as other factors that realize gender pay inequality.


Bleijenbergh, I., & Van Engen, M. (2015). Participatory modeling to support gender equality: The importance of including stakeholders. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 34(5), 422-438.

Moore, S., & Tailby, S. (2015). The changing face of employment relations: equality and diversity. Employee Relations, 37(6), 705-719.

Raguckiene, L., & Staponiene, V. (2016). Pay of Women and Men: Situation and Tendencies. Viesoji Politika ir Administravimas, 15(3).

Wright, A. (2011). “Modernising” away gender pay inequality? Some evidence from the local government sector on using job evaluation. Employee Relations, 33(2), 159-178.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Stated a minimum of one relational research question and used the key words from the variables in the research question.

Discussed additional key words obtained from the thesaurus related to your variables in your research questions

Named two databases and explained clearly your reason for choosing the two databases and described what you learned from one database tutorial

Explained Boolean connectors, and discussed with a specific example related to your research topic and question, the use and application of Boolean connectors in information searches

Examined the Proquest Digital Dissertations and Theses related to your research topic and question and clearly explained the results.

In the final paragraph, identified four journal empirical research articles related to your research topic and question. Introduced each source in the author (date) format, and explained briefly (not more than 2-3 sentences/article) their relevance to the proposed research questions. Included the type of article selected (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method).

Created a Reference page and listed the four articles in accurate and complete APA format. (Include titles of articles only on the reference page, not in the text).

Displayed accurate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA Style.




Very well written. As you write, include quotes or supporting references. Only those items that are cited are included in a references list. Use the rubric to guide your writing. While the writing prompt may have some information in it, the grading rubric will have all the specific components that will be graded. Great use of headings.

If you want to update this assignment, please use this file and make revisions and resubmit. Let me know what questions you may have.