homework check instruc.

Workshop: How to Influence others

After Reading (going over the entire slides) the entire class workshop carefully of me and my group (power-point uploaded the entire presentation with the speaker notes ), You must write approix. A 3-4 page report of the things listed below

appeals. This is exactly what you are doing a report on as if its me.

 ***** the report for ONLY MY PART, AS my group will do theirs. So focus on my parts and read my script carefully (uploaded my speaker notes on a word doc for you to read it easier) to do the best 3-4 page report double spaced exactly what is asked from you in both parts.

** my slides have the script notes for each slide.

Approx. 2 pages for part one

Part One should contain the following:

a) description of needs analysis,

b) training objectives (be sure that some are behavioral),

c) training design blueprint which is a detailed delivery outline with clear reasoning for particular methods used (follow exactly the sample I uploaded it !! (Sample 1,2,3 doc.)

- basically present practice present read those and follow the outline to write my part (remember essay format)

d) Reference list with complete information for journal citations, websites, and/or experts interviewed (you must have a minimum of 3 high quality references for this in-class workshop (check the powerpoint slides again, one with the blog-michael hendrick what it means being vulnerable, another one is forbes article for the 3 appeals and link for this articles reference MLA FORMAT:

1) https://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=https://www.forbes.com/2011/01/03/influence-persuasion-cooperation-leadership-managing-ccl.html&refURL=https://www.google.com/&referrer=https://www.google.com/

2) http://www.european-rhetoric.com/ethos-pathos-logos-modes-persuasion-aristotle/

3) https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2014/11/26/what-it-means-to-be-vulnerable/

  • A) and B) are done by my group (Check below) you need to just do: 1. Enhance one’s ability to influence using emotion, charisma, and vulnerability and 2. Become more confident with using logic, emotion, and cooperative appeals, which are my part of the presentation and what you will work for my part ONLY.


** This too on the slides that are my part

a) Description of needs analysis

In order to better understand the

b) Training objectives (be sure that some are behavioral)

  • Gain understanding of the differences between influence and manipulation

  • Enhance one’s ability to influence using emotion, charisma, and vulnerability

  • Acknowledge positive influencers in your life and how they have affected you as a person

  • Follow the Cialdini technique of pre-suasion through a step-by-step process

  • Make a connection between emotional intelligence and influence

  • Become more confident with using logic, emotion, and cooperative appeals

  • Practice the five simple steps to win people over instantly by Dale Carnegie  

c) Training design blueprint which is a detailed delivery outline with clear reasoning for particular methods used (this part you need to complete for me using the document uploaded for the methods used follow that format for my part of the presentation)- essay format (it’s a report).

Approx. 1-2 pages for this one below


Part Two should include your personal assessment of your training including addressing the following questions:

a) what was most effective about your training workshop and why?

b) what was least effective and why?

c) your analysis of your participants’ evaluation of your training, and

d) your thoughtful recommendations for improvement if you were to conduct this or another workshop a second time.

My part only:

Ahmd: How to Enhance your Ability to Influence 7 minutes

Connect with people emotionally

Be emotionally curious

Observe and use confident body language

Be charismatic

Pose question to the class: Is President Trump or President Obama more charismatic?

Be vulnerable

Psych Central blog post by Michael Hedrick

Scenario: You are trying to persuade your boss to give you a raise using body language, vulnerability, and being charismatic

Ahmad: How to use Logic, Emotion, and Cooperative Appeals 6 minutes

Aristotle: ethos, pathos, logos

Logical appeal

Emotional appeal

Cooperative appeal

Role play using logical appeal