Business Assignment

Extra Credit Opportunity #2 – Data Generation and Chart Creation For this 40 -point extra credit opportunity, you need to create and administer a survey, analyze the data collected and present it in the form of a well -labeled , easy to understand chart. Finally, you need to draft a memo communicating your survey topic , providing a brief summary of the data. Make sure to include, and allude to , the chart in your memo . As well, be sure to attach a copy of your survey questions to the memo and be prepared to show proof of the number of surve y responses . Survey Generation – In order to generate data that you’ll be able to easily chart, create a survey with predominately closed questions. Feel free t o ask an open -ended question or two if you are seeking additional respondent commentary. Make su re you create effective questions as described in Ch. 12. Attach the survey questions to the memo document. Data Collection – You need to collect at least 20 responses to your survey. If you conduct a “paper” survey, you need to bring your raw data (the su rvey paper) to class for me to check off. If you conduct an electronic survey, you need to take a screen shot that shows number of responses received and submit that with your memo document. You cannot create a survey with Facebook (though you may create a survey with an online survey tool and provide the link to folks using various social media platforms). Chart Creation – Once you have a data set of at least 20 survey r esponses, analyze the data to determine what information you wish to share with your audience. Review the common types of charts and their uses , and either a line chart, a pie chart, or a bar chart, whichever is the most appropriate form of chart for your data. Create the chart. Make sure you follow effective formatting guidelines. Report Results – After you have your chart complete, draft a brief memo to me (Kama Simonds) introducing the survey topic and providing a brief summary of the data. Include you r chart in the memo. The chart should fit nicely on a standard 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper (orientation of the paper is up to you) ; you may embed it in the body of the memo or attach it to the memo. Either way, be sure to discuss/reference the chart appropriat ely in the context of your memo . Attach your survey questions to the memo document, too. Your assignment will be graded as follows: Data Generation – 20 points total Chart Creation –20 points total ____ survey contains at least 8 questions (5) ____ survey questions are effective (12 ):  Simple to answer  Non -leading  Exhaustive/unambiguous  Limited to a single idea ____ obtained at least 20 responses to the survey in an effort to generate a modest data set (3) ____ chart contains an appropriate title (6) ____ all elements on the chart are clearly labeled ; info is cited where and when appropriate (8) ____ style /design follows ‘best practices’ for chart design and creation (6) [See formatting guidelines , Table 12.6] ____ Continued issues with memo formatting and/or grammar writing (-5)