18 Page Literature Review of Just in Time SYtems (See Attached Outline and Rubics)


Just In Time Systems Outline

Tyrell Grant

BUSI 610

Just in Time Systems

  1. Title Page

  2. Abstract

  3. Outline

  4. Introduction

  1. History of Just in Time Systems

  2. Major Elements used in Just in Time Systems

    1. Just in Time Methods of Manufacturing

      1. Reducing Inventory

      2. Pull Production System

      3. Resources

      4. Effective Plant Designs

      5. Disadvantages and Advantages

    2. Total Quality Management

      1. Advantages

      2. Disadvantages

    3. Personnel Management

      1. Role of Managers

      2. Role of Employees

      3. Role of Product Suppliers

  3. Integration of Just in Time Systems

    1. Production Systems

    2. Inventory Systems

    3. Health Care Management

    4. Information Technology Used

    5. Organizational and Operational Strategies

      1. Toyota

      2. Lockheed Martin

      3. Apple

    6. Future uses of Just in Time Systems

      1. Management Technology

      2. Training and Education of Just in Time Systems

  4. Just In Time Systems Vs Other Methods

    1. Traditional Systems

      1. General Work Force

      2. General Design Concepts

      3. Inventories of Materials

      4. Suppliers

      5. Planning and Control

      6. Quality Assurance and Control

    2. Global Outsourcing

    3. Information Technology

  5. Conclusion and Recommendations and Suggestions

  6. References