Module 1 Assignment 2


In this module, we explored some of the differences between interrogations and interviews. Whereas forensic psychology professionals frequently conduct interviews, we explored the more limited role a forensic psychology professional may have in an interrogation. Specifically, we examined the ethical issues from the perspective of the APA's ethics code as well as the APA's resolution regarding a forensic psychology professional's role in interrogations.

We also had the opportunity to look at the types of interrogations and interviews, a topic we will return to later in this course. Although as forensic psychology professionals we generally anticipate that our clients will be honest and forthcoming, we recognize that this may not always be the case in a forensic setting. We discussed the possibility of deception and malingering in forensic assessments. Finally, we looked at the issue of false confessions and what factors contribute to false confessions as well as ways to reduce the likelihood of a false confession.