3 pages due tuesday morning

Assignment Rubric Performance Indicators Objective/Criteria Failed to Submit/Incorrect Inadequate Needs Improvement Excellent Content (0 points) Assignment was not correctly done. (1 points) Answer lacks development/explanation/ support. (1 points) Answers need more development/explanation/ support. (2 points) Answers are well supported with explanations and sources. Overall Writing (0 points) (0 points) Multitude of grammatical errors, sentence structure, use of contractions and informal language; highly difficult to and understand. (1 points) Style flows smoothly but contains a few errors in terms of spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Minimal errors in use of informal language. (1 points) Well written in terms of spelling, grammar, sentence structure, use of formal language, and the writing style is engaging and flows smoothly. Citations (0 points) (0 points) Did not follow APA citations and cited very insufficiently. / Failed to provide citations. (1 points) Minimal errors but overall followed APA style with proper citation structure in -text. Errors in correctly citing every source of information that was not derived on own. (1 points) Followed APA style with proper citation structure in-text. Correctly cite d every source of information that was not derived on own. Submission (0 points) Failed to Submit Assignment (0 points) Assignment was submitted well after the deadline. (0 points) Assignment was not submitted before the deadline. (1 point s) Assignment submitted prior to deadline. out of 5