Week 5: Student Response to Discussion

Week 5 Critical Thinkers

Jimmel Winkfield

3/22/2017 1:41:50 PM

  • Present and explain at least two areas of your life that can be benefitted by using logic and critical thought

Achieving my potential in my career. Making responsible investment/purchases.

My career as an aircraft mechanic is one full of opportunities. As I become more mature in this field, opportunities for advancement will continue to present themselves. Many mistakes in life have been made by those who do not think about these sorts of decisions in a logical manner which brings me to my second area of benefit. I currently own two homes and would like to continue to buy rent and sell real estate in the future. This aspect of my life takes massive amounts of critical thought and logic to be successful in these endeavors. Emotion in these two areas of my life can be my demise if I let them steer me in the wrong direction.

  • Provide at least one specific example each of how logic and critical thought can be applied to those areas of life

Where my work is concerned, an example of logic and critical thought in action can be seen in a promotion offer. So, most people might think a promotion should almost always be taken but it all depends on my endgame. My current position is comfortable and my pay is excellent for the work I do. I have a good balance of work and home life with my wife and four children. A promotion means more responsibility which translates to more hours in the office and less time at home. Yes, I could expect a higher standard of living but the tradeoffs should be taken into consideration.

When it comes to investing in my future an example of critical thinking can be seen in the decisions I make with my properties. Moving to a new area, there are many variables that go into choosing a place to live. Now I am able to use the standard form of logic to decide whether a certain property is worth the investment to buy, rent, or buy and rent out.

  • Conclude by discussing in more general terms how the further application of these skills can provide you will more success and fulfillment in that area of life.

I feel that having these skills and abilities when it comes to logic will further satisfy me in my work life. Knowing how to evaluate both sides of the decision will give me greater insights as to which opportunities to take and which ones to pass on. Investing in my future will be much less stressful knowing I have made the right decision based in the information I am given.

Jimmel Winkfield