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How to enhance your Ability to Influence 7 minutes

Connect With People Emotionally

When a person can influence others to feel happy, then it is easy to have control over them. To achieve this, it is important to make people around them comfortable by engaging them in conversations. Ask them how their day was? What is intriguing to them? People generally like being around positive individuals and those that make them happy.

Be Emotionally Curious

Learn how to get others to talk about their feelings since it shows one is concerned and helps to build a connection between them. This can be achieved by asking open-ended questions and letting the other individual to speak up.

Observe and use Confident Body Language -Body language - look around the room what do you notice about confident body language

Look around the room what do you notice about confident body language?

Body confidence sets an individual apart from others within a room, and many people are inclined to pay more attention to them. This can be achieved by maintaining eye contact, holding the head high, facing the listeners and speaking audibly.

Be Charismatic

Charismatic people have the ability to make people feel good about themselves, which makes it easy to influence them. Examples of such individuals include Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy, both of whom still have millions of followers. Another great example would be Martin Luther King. He is also considered charismatic because of his fearless fight against racism despite him being persecuted by authorities. This followership makes people display some level of loyalty to those charismatic leaders.

Discussion Question

Between President Donald Trump and Barack Obama, who is more charismatic? Why?

  • Be Vulnerable (

This is a blog post by Michael Hedrick, a New York Times blogger. He wrote a blog on Psych Central (which is is an Independent mental health social network) on what it means to be vulnerable. I would like you guys to read that whenever you have free time its a great blog post. Its basically about that you can’t truly form a relationship with at least some degree of vulnerability. You have to open up at some point or another. 

What I find mostly important to take into account when reading this blog is, I think what it takes to be truly vulnerable with someone comes down to two things, shared struggle (You are always there for each other) and continuous exposure (conversations keeps building up-leading to discussing personal things)

One should relate to the audience weaknesses by giving examples from their personal life, which shows that all people are equal and face challenges. This makes an individual more relatable to their audiences.

How to use Logic, Emotion, and Cooperative Appeals 6 minutes

People can be influenced in three basic ways through logic, emotional or cooperative appeals. Various famous leaders have applied these appeals in the past to get people following them. One of those great leaders is the great Greek Philosopher Aristotle. Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, into three categories--Ethos, Pathos, Logos.

Logical Appeal

The power to communicate an idea to people. This involves convincing the audience about an idea by using facts and evidence. Instead of simply stating an argument, one presents it in a manner that is sensible to their audience. An example telling someone how Cigarettes are bad for your health and how it can lead to numerous health complications. Some of these include lung, nose and mouth cancer, tooth decay, loss of the senses of taste and smell, brain damage and higher chances of getting strokes.

Emotional Appeal

This involves presenting an argument to the audience by using facts that have an influence on their emotions. This helps to inspire confidence and enthusiasm within the audience. An example is the negative impact of war whereby it separates families. As such, there are chances that children might grow up without a parent when they are lost in the course of active duty.

Cooperative Appeal

Involves unifying the entire organization to ensure that all members are working towards the attainment of a similar goals. In this way, everybody considers themselves as an important link in the entire firm. An example is during a team meeting when a manager does not give specific targets to the team, but informs them that the entire company works like a chain. As such, any disruption affects the entire operations. All employees are therefore important and contribute directly to the achievement of organizational targets.