Intro to Islam & Middle East

HIS 283/Study Guide for Test # 4: Chapters 15 & 16

Ch.15: The Middle East in the Age of Nasser: The Egyptian Base

Multiple Choice:

1. What subject of new legislation became a hallmark of the Nasser era?

2. Which of the following is not true regarding the Nasser regime’s approach to education reform?

3. Which of the following was a result of Nasser’s Agrarian Reform Law of 1952?

4. What major achievement transformed Nasser into a heroic national figure?

5. Which group overthrew the Egyptian regime of King Faruq on July 23, 1952?

6. Envisioned as a step along the road to Arab unity, the creation of the United Arab Republic in 1958 was a total union between which two countries?

7. Which of these was not a result of the Suez Crisis?

8. Which global powers condemned the retaliatory military action against Egypt, after Nasser’s nationalization of the Suez Canal?

9. How did Nasser’s Egypt assert its leadership of the Pan-Arab movement? This question has to do with things Nasser did.

True or False:

1. What kind of relationship did the Free Officers have with the Muslim Brotherhood?

2. What was the outcome of the Suez Crisis of 1956? How did it impact Nasser?

3. Was the Nasser regime an expression of resurgence of Arabism or Islamism?

4. Members of the Free Officers in Egypt all came from which social class?

Ch. 16: The Middle East in the Age of Nasser: The Radicalization of Arab Politics

1. Which of the following is not true of the 1967 War? (this question has to do with which country started the war).

2. Which of the following is not true about the origins of the Ba‘th Party? (What did this party support?

Who founded it? What was its position towards the monarchy?)

4. From the end of World War II to the 1960s, which city was viewed as a glittering metropolis that served as an economic and cultural bridge between the West and the Middle East?

4. As part of their Hashemite strategy to use Arab nationalism following WWI, the British appointed Sharif Husayn's two sons, Faysal II and Abdullah, as kings of which two countries?

5. This question is about the Iraqi revolution, who led it, how it impacted British and Western influence in Iraq, and what it led to.

6. The Kurds in Iraq are concentrated in this part of Iraq.

7. Territorial losses of the June War of 1967 include…….(there is mention here of territories lost as a result of this war).

8. The blocking of the Straights of Tiran was a major cause in starting which war?

9. When the Hashemite monarchy was overturned in Iraq, an important pillar of the Western alliance system was felled. Who overthrew the Hashemite monarchy?

10. Which of the following is true of the Kurds in 1950s Iraq? (This question has to do with the Kurds’ position towards Pan-Arabism and their autonomy.

True or False:

1. In 1970, how did Nasser die?

2. To restore Egypt’s air force and armor to prewar levels after 1967, Egypt became completely dependent on this country for its military survival.

3. What was the hope of Arab nationalists—such as those within Syria’s Ba‘thist Party—in terms of how they view the future of Arab countries?