professional ethics

Running head: Professional Ethics 4

Professional Ethics

Katherine Irizarry Rosario


Lisa Gerber

March 31,2017

Professional Ethics



Like every profession, they are codes of conducts that we need to follow to ensure the strict principals of the profession. Counseling has several elements that are very important that will help you in a future professional career in this area of psychology.

ACA Code of Ethics

The American Counseling Association is a professional organization that is dedicated to increasing individuals development and the way of living. The ACA code Establish principals of ethics, support the mission and served as an ethical guide.

The ACA code is divided from section A to H and each section gives you a preview of what you are going to find. Section A talk about counseling relationship, here you will find information about primary responsibilities, counseling plans, roles and relationship with clients to mention some of them. Section B talk about confidentiality, privileged, communication, and privacy, this section counselor need to understand that communication and trust wordy is very important in this career. Section C is about professional responsibility, in where you will find information about knowledge of standards, a continuing education that they will need to maintain a reason level of awareness in the profession regarding new scientific information and procedure for the benefit of the clients. Section D is about the relationship with other professionals, this is very important because as professionals we need to ensure the cordiality and good interaction with colleagues influence in the quality of service provided, good relationship and respect is one the major factor to follow to succeed as a professional. Section E is about evaluations, assessment, and interpretation, very important to be properly trained to provide the client’s with a responsible diagnosis to the for the clients. Section F, talk about supervision, training, and teaching, it is very important the healthy relationship that you form with colleagues and the respect of the profession these fundamental things will induce you to have a good foundation for you succeed. Section G, talk about research and publication, for this career, it is important to always be on top of new publication and research that will help you as well to understand and promote new research and contribute to the knowledge in a proper and responsible matter. section H, talk about resolving ethical issues, counselors professional conduct and standards in this profession are very important because you are working with individuals that deserved all the respect and the confidentiality, as well as good interaction and relation with colleagues for the seek of the profession and avoid legal issues.

I work as a teacher assistant in a private school, In my kindergarten class, we have several students that had referred to the support program for testing. I have one student in particular that we have talked about the support program so they can come and observe him, and I realize that the person from that department is not doing her job. she never when to observed the student and talk to the parent and tell them that he was ok but she has other concern. This student has learning disabilities he is always tired, he felt on the floor several constantly, he doesn't pay attention, and hardly can do any PE exercise during class.
